I'm an alcoholic, a drug addict and a sex addict and
                                    my name is Dave.   This is my testimony.

                                      I was born and raised in a Irish/Italian Roman
                              Catholic family.  I went through the normal  rites of
                              passage for a Roman Catholic Boy.  First communion,
                              first confession , Confirmation.  I served as an Altar
                              Boy at St. Pius the Tenth Church in Ft. Lauderdale.
                              I was raised knowing that there was a God, but it
                              the traditional (at that time) Roman Catholic view of God.
                              That God was ...up there....up in the sky, that he was distant and
                              untouchable. That he was always watching me and if I sinned, I'd better
                              run to confession and atone for my sin, pronto!
                              I wasn't very much into going to church at that time, partially
                              because Mass was such a boring thing.  It felt more like I was
                              going through the motions, (that I didn't understand at all)
                              {Roman Catholic mass is/was VERY Coreographed You stood only
                              certain times, you sat only at certain times, and you knelt only
                              at certain times.} I thought the music was boring, and the only
                              time you could ever look at someone else, much less smile was in
                              The Sign of Peace where you shook hands with the people in the
                              pew in front of you and with the people in the pew behind you.
                              You didn't dare leave your pew and shake hands with anyone else.
                              To me, going to Mass was doing a duty , as in, Ok- let's
                              do this and get it over with ASAP ! :)  So much so, in fact, that
                              I would look in the bulletin to find out which Priest was preaching,
                              not because I like the way they preached, but because I kept a tally
                              of Priests in my mind, and I knew that some of them went through
                              Mass very quickly.  Far as I was concerned, the quicker the better.
                                    Then I attended my first Charismatic Conference.  W O W !!
                              Mass could actually be fun ?!    Christian songs could actually be
                              exciting ?!  Holy Cow !!  I decided real fast that I liked these
                              Charismatics.  However, I didn't like the fact that they liked to
                              hold hands.  At that time, I was very introverted and inhibited.
                              I did not liked to be touched at all.  I certainly wasn't going to
                              hold anyone's hand, nor was I going to raise my hands in the
                              air like they did.
                                    I accepted Christ at that Conference. However, because I would not
                              allow any human being to get close to me, I would not allow God to
                              come close to me either.  I realize this may sound strange since,
                              hey, God is God and he can do anything he wants.  I only
                              realized when I was in the Salvation army that when I let people get
                              close to me, I allow God to get close to me as well.  I can't fully
                              explain it, but I know it to be true from my experiences.
                                    As you might expect, because of this, God remained only
                              head knowledge for me.    At this time I was either 12 or 13.
                              I was, at that time, lonley, introverted, inhibited, akward, and
                              feeling very cut off from my fellow human beings.  I began to
                              search for an answer, not realizing that that little piece of God's
                              awareness was active within me yelling out LET ME IN!  LET ME IN!.
                              I tried meditation, Yoga, The Silva Mind Control Method, Self-
                              Hypnosis. I began to become interested in Extra Sensory Perception,
                              I felt that I was a psychic and began to research psychic
                              phenomenon.  I tried Astral projection, Astral listening/seeing,
                              I was actually somewhat successful at Clairvoyance.  I would
                              hold an object in my hand and I could tell you something about
                              whomever last touched or wore this object. Generally the object's
                              owner.  Now, just so you know, I don't believe that I was ever
                              psychic, but rather that I was picking up on unspoken cues, body
                              language and other such non-psychic things.
                                        All the while, I was still with the Church (in body only).
                              I held my first position of Ministry in the Church at that time.
                              That of Music Minister of the Youth Mass over at St. John the Baptist
                                        I also, around that time, had my first drink.   Alcoholism
                              , so far, has been in three generations of my family (myself included)
                              so when I took that first drink, there was no question as to whether or
                              not I would be an alcoholic. I was, period.   In fact, even before
                              I took a drink, I had all the physical and emotional characteristics
                              of an Alcoholic.  Essentially, I was an alcoholic before I had
                              my first alcoholic drink.  Because of this, Alcohol would become both
                              salvation and damnation to me.   Salvation because it relieved my
                              inibitions and allowed me to actually loosen up somewhat and
                              have fun.  But damnation because it would gradually ravage my
                              brain and cause nothing but trouble and destruction for me. It would
                              lead me to the gates of insanity.  This is no joke !
                                        The first thing to happen as a result of drinking was that
                              I lost my position as Music Minister of the Youth mass.  I was
                              up late into the evening Saturday night, drinking, and when Sunday
                              rolled around, I decided that I was too tired to go to Mass and that
                              they'd have to "live without me".  I received a call that afternoon
                              informing me that I was no longer the Music Minister and that
                              I was also not to even play piano for them ever again.
                                        I used this as an excuse to further study Psychic Pheonena
                              (the Occult.)  I began to study Witchcraft and for a short time
                              I was a practicing Wiccan (Witch).
                              I abandoned Wicca and all the other trapping of the Occult because
                              I wasn't getting anything out of it. Despite all the books I read, and
                              all the letters those book writers said they got about how well their
                              systems worked, it never worked for me.    (No suprise, since Satan is
                              the father of lies and he'd do anything to get me or anyone else
                              into his clutches! )
                                         I was now 16 and I decided that maybe I should try the church
                              again.  My family joined a Charismatic Church out in Pompano.
                              San Isidro (San Isidro is a somewhat Anglicised spelling of
                              San Ysidro The patron saint of Farmworkers, which is what this
                              church was supposed to be, a church for migrant farm workers,
                              except that there  were no migrant farmworkers in Pompano !  :)  )
                              I immediately joined the Youth Group, both as a participant and as their
                              sometimes Piano Player / Singer and later as their overhead
                              projecter operator.
                                        At that time, I had been drinking for two years and was
                              in a state that psychologists describe as Alcoholic Insanity.  I was,
                              in a word, wierd.  No one wanted anything to do with me,
                              for good reason too!.  I was not allowed into any positions of
                              responsibility, I was also not allowed to give any teachings to
                              the Youth Group. (Again, with good reason! )  (Think, "The lights
                              are on, but no-one's home."  That would describe how I was then!)
                                        I experiemented with dope,  and decided I didn't like that too
                              much. It was too uncontrolable for me. ( Did I also mention that I was
                              a control freak too !  :)  )
                                        I also experimented with solvents, (gasoline, ether, nail polish
                              remover, paint thinner, certain paints, Amyl "Rush" Nitrite {I think
                              that's it's real name} even Rubber Cement.  I consider it a miracle
                              that I have a brain left, much less a useable one, after inhaling
                              all of those various solvents.     I also became addicted to
                                        Strangely enough, I still remained with the church,
                              again, in body only.  I got involved with the taping ministry. (Taping
                              the mass)  I liked it.  I was the only one in the booth and I ran
                              the whole show back there !
                                        I had been working, on-and-off for a while at that time.
                              You can probably imagine why I worked on and off and not steadily and
                              continously.  I was unreliable, I went to lunch and would drink beer
                              and come back to work somewhat inebriated.   I refused to listen
                              to my supervisors, I didn't get along with my co-workers.
                              My brain was so ravaged by Alcohol and drug abuse at this point,
                              that reality ceased to exist, as you and I know reality, that is.
                              I belived that I was always right, and that "you" were always
                              wrong. (Whomever, "you" happened to be, co-worker, customer,
                              or supervisor.)  I believed that my supervisors fired me because
                              they were afraid to "do the right thing" and I would, and that would
                              upset their "nice, calm view of the way things should be" and in order
                              to "set everything right again" they would fire me and that would
                              "solve their problem".  Of course, this wasn't even close to the
                              truth at all!   I began to "buck the system" on purpose. I had
                              a "it's me verses them " mentality.   {And I wondered why I could
                              never win!  :)  }
                                        Despite  these things, I never seemed to be out of work for
                              too long.  I had become very good at conning companies into
                              hiring me.  I found that few of them ever checked references, and
                              fewer still would call former employers. I would skew my applications
                              to make me look good.  Also, about this time, I met my first friend.
                              We were "casual friends" to be sure, because neither I nor
                              she were capable of anything else.   She and I were both addicts,
                              to different substances to be sure, but we were still addicts,
                              two hurting people, drawn together because we shared a common
                              hurt.   She, sadly, committed suicide 1 1/2 years after we
                              first became aquainted.   I felt like part of me died with her.
                                          I became a daily drinker at that time, and I began to
                              casually contemplate suicide.    I began to think of how
                              I would do it.  I was too afraid of guns to use a gun, I was
                              too afraid of heights to jump from a building.  I knew
                              what happened in an overdose as I had accidently overdosed
                              on a combination of Thorazine, Vodka and Aspirin.
                              (Alcohol and Aspirin, in case you don't know, are a bad
                              combination by themselves, and can possibly kill you.  Thorazine,
                              which is a tranquilizer given to the criminaly insane, is extremly
                              potenet and that mixed with alcohol can kill you also. So imagine
                              the three of them together!  I felt the effects of this for three
                              days !)   {I got the Thorazine from a "drug buddy" at school. He found
                              the pills and gave me two of them, he said one would "make me high"
                              so like an idiot I took two of them! - DUH !}
                                            At this point, my addictions were in full swing.  I wouldn't
                              take a sober breath for a long time ! I was either doing a drug,
                              drinking or watching porno movies in the bookstore booths.
                              (At the time, I thought I was straight - believe it or not - so
                              I wasn't looking for glory holes or anything else that
                              involved contact with another human being.)   My addicitions were
                              now at the point where they were causing me physical harm.
                              I was smoking (cigarettes) untill I was short of breath. I was
                              drinking untill the room spun and I was watching movies untill I was
                              physically injuring myself doing this. (I'll spare the details
                              on this one - I think you get the idea of this !   :)  )
                                            At this point I was driving. I was collecting tickets
                              for speeding, regularly. I crashed one car. (It was my fault)
                              I blew the engine on another car. (I didn't put oil in it ) I
                              blew the engine on a third car. (Same reason.)  My driving
                              career came to a halt when I lost my license for a month
                              mandatory and I decided like an idiot to drive anyway.
                              I figured if I obeyed the traffic laws and didn't speed
                              the cops wouldn't catch me. Guess what? I did, and they still
                              caught me anyway.  I was taken to the Broward County Jail,
                              just below the courthouse, I was held downstairs in intake
                              and let go on to appear in court at a later date.
                              I haven't driven a car since. (I lost my license for a year
                              mandatory for that stunt!).   I crashed my bank account
                              three times. I couldn't hold on to money at all. It would
                              all go to booze, smokes and porn.
                                        I began to drink and drive. (Something I swore I would
                              never, ever do!) I was never caught for this. I briefly entertained
                              the idea that I should committ myself to a mental institution. I thought
                              I was insane. (I actually was - but wouldn't realize how much
                              so until years later !)
                                        About this time, the rest of my family found recovery
                              through therapy.  They all went away to 28 day programs
                              either for substance abuse or co-dependancy. (Co-dependancy is the
                              other side of substance abuse.  It's the person who covers up for
                              the drug abuser.  "Oh he can't come to work today, he's ''sick '' "
                              When he's actually hung-over..etc..)  As they would come back,
                              they would come to me and tell me "Dave, your'e an alcoholic"
                              I didn't want to hear that.  I wanted to be able to drink
                              without guilt.  One of my family traits is that we're all
                              stubborn.  So they kept telling me that I was an alcoholic and
                              I kept on denying it.  At first, I would ignore them, or
                              not pay attention to them when they said that to me.
                              Eventually, however, it began to bother me.
                              I decided that I was going to have to prove them wrong.
                              At that time I had a ritual. I'd get off work at 10 p.m.  and somewhere
                              between work and home, I'd pick up a bottle of whiskey or beer
                              whatever I was in the mood for, and bring it home and drink it.
                              I decided one night that I wasn't going to buy that bottle and
                              I'd prove them wrong.  Guess what, even though I didn't want to
                              buy the booze, I did  anyway.  Even though I didn't want
                              to drink it, I did anyway.    I distinctly remember that
                              before I drank that beer, I looked up into the night sky and
                              said "My name is Dave and I'm an alcoholic."
                                      Two weeks later I attended my first meeting of Alcoholics
                              Anonoymous.   I'll bet you think that from here on
                              my life began to go uphill, don't you ?    Nope !
                              I just stopped drinking.     My personality and my
                              insanity were still very much intact and operating.
                                        About 11 months later, I started going to therapy, both
                              individual and group therapy. One month later (A year, almost
                              to the day I stopped drinking) I was diagnosed with Hodgkin's
                              Disease (The so - called "Young People's Cancer").   Most
                              people say that Cancer is a curse.  To me, in retrospect,
                              Cancer was God's way of sending me an urgent message.   The message was
                              that by my insanity and self-hatred (which was almost consuming at that
                              point) I was killing myself off !   (I got my chemotherapy treatments
                              in my Doctor's office, rather than in the hospital, so I got to
                              see a lot of cancer patients. I was also in a support group for cancer
                              patients, and I got to see still more of them too. They all had the
                              same thing in common with me, they hated themselves!)
                                          God worked through the cancer to teach me to reach out
                              for help. (He had to force me though - which wasn't easy as I had
                              a very high threshold for mental pain) He taught me that things
                              I couldn't conquer myself, I could walk through with the
                              support of others.  (And a whole lot of his grace, mercy and
                              power !)  For instance, at one point, I was very terrified of
                              my chemotherapy, but I didn't want anyone to know about it.
                              So I kept the terror at bay.   I pretended it didn't exist. Which
                              might have worked, except that I was getting treatments at
                              least twice a month, so at least twice a month, I was trying to
                              absorb more and more terror.  I kid you not, the effort involved
                              keeping it at bay , would make me physically exhausted.
                              I would wake up , after a good, eight hours of sleep, and I'd be
                              exhausted right away from holding that terror back.
                              I only got relief after I reached out in group therapy
                              and let them know how terrified I really was about chemotherapy.
                              (When I reached out to them, God was able to reach back
                              to me and take the terror from me.  Hey ! I wasn't kidding when I
                              said I was a control freak ! :)   )
                                        However, moments like that were few and far between.
                              I was still "bucking the system" , I was still believeing
                              that I was right and "you" were wrong. I still didn't get along
                              with the people in group therapy, nor with my therapist.
                              In short, I was still insane and far away from God.
                                          I moved to an effieciency in Wilton Manors, was allowed to
                              leave my group therapy.  Remeber when I said I couldn't hold on to
                              money ?  Well, I still couldn't. Even though  I wasn't drinking, I
                              still had all the characteristics from before (The old man and not
                              the new creature).   I bounced a rent check and was trying
                              to pay it back in installments.  I got too far behind and
                              my landlady informed me that she would be kicking me out, but that
                              if I "moved" out before she served my eviction notice that it would
                              be better for me.
                                        At that time, I had no job, no money and I faced the
                              prospect of loosing my place.  I could have gone back to my
                              parents, but I refused to do that.  I tried to get into
                              St. Francis House, but they wouldn't take me.  I tried to
                              get into Frank's Place (for Alcoholics) but I didn't have the
                              money.  I didn't know what to do, and time was running out.
                              I knew I had to leave within two days, and I also knew that
                              I wanted to drink again.  I was almost three years sober
                              and I wanted to drink again.    I hit my knees in my efficiency
                              and for the first time, prayed a simple, honest prayer.
                              "Help me."   When I stood up, I knew I wasn't going to drink,
                              I also knew I'd find a place to stay, I wouldn't have to
                             sleep on the street or something.   That place turned out to
                              be the Salvation Army.    Here's where my life turns around !!!
                                        I, who wouldn't listen to anyone, started to listen really hard
                              when they told me I had to do what they said, or they'd kick
                              me out.  They told me that my first two nights would be free, but
                              after that, I would have to have a job.  Well, by nine a.m. the
                              first morning of my stay at the Salvation Army, I had already found
                              a job and was at work. (And it wasn't day labor either!  :) )
                              Granted it was mowing lawns and pulling tires off lots, but hey,
                              I couldn't afford to turn down work!).
                                        I got into their work program and I was told that people
                              in the work program had to wash dishes after suppertime.  That's just
                              what I did.  I made sure they didn't have to come looking for me, either.
                                        I began to pray, on my knees, every night.  (Prior to that,
                              I had prayed sitting down, and just barely, once a week, if that !)
                              I began to get self-esteem, little by little. (I had none before
                              that).  I began to believe that I was worthy of love and acceptance.
                              (I didn't believe that.)  I was physically threatened over there,
                              but God used that for his  glory.  When that happened, I had people
                              stick up for me, some even cursed the guy who threatened me.  One
                              guy made sure I was alright, even asking if the gentleman had stolen
                              my money, which he hadn't.  Prior to this, I spoke to no one.
                                      After this incident, and after everyone had seen me cry (I hated
                              to let anyone see me cry) I began to open up and speak to these
                              people. Once I began to let them get closer to me, it opened the door
                              to let God get closer to me.  {Yes, I know that sounds strange, but like
                              I said before, it's true.}
                                        I began to believe in me, and when I could do that, then
                              I could begin to believe in God.   I was finally letting Jesus
                              enter my heart and start the change in me.  I realize that sounds
                              strange, since I mentioned that at 12 or 13, I got saved at
                              a Charismatic Conference.  I really belive that at that time
                              I did get saved.  The bible tells me that to be saved
                              I must belive.  I must believe that Jesus Christ is the son of
                              God, that he came to earth, lived as a man, human in every way,
                              except that he was without sin, that he gave himself up to die
                              in our place so that we could go directly before God, and that
                              we could have a place in God's kingdom and that Jesus was the only
                              way  to get to that Kindgom.  I belived that when I
                              accepted him into my heart.  The problem was that as a brand new
                              Christian, I wasn't able to get involved with good bible-based programs
                              and people.  Add to that that I, myself, made pretty poor choices
                              about who I wanted to hang out with, and what kind of things
                              I wanted to read (not the Bible, nor Bible-based books or magazines! )
                              The message of God got choked out (but not killed) because of that.
                              I don't belive that when I left the church, that when I got
                              involved with drinking and drugs and the occult that I somehow
                              lost my salvation.  I don't belive that we do loose our salvation.
                                      I belive that we can abandon God, much like the Ancient Hewbrews did
                              when they made the Golden Calf in the desert and worshipped it.
                              I believe that we can walk away from God. But, as far as our
                              salvation goes, we can't un-save ourselves.  I AM NOT saying
                              that I could possibly, accept Christ and then go out and
                              do whatever I wanted and be assured that I would have a home in
                              heaven.  I am saying that once I asked Jesus into my heart, I
                              was saved.  Now, because of my choices and because of my
                              addicitions, I walked away from God and walked in the path
                              of darkness, and I was walking down the path to hell.  Not because
                              I became "un-saved" but because I gave up my salvation and all the
                              gifts and promises that come with it, for a quick high.
                              It was only when I landed into the Salvation Army that I began
                              to walk in the ways of God, and as such, I began to recieve
                              the gifts and promises of God. I had not "re-saved" myself
                                    He taught me what a miracle  was in there too!   I had a check from a
                              different employer whenI was there, she wrote me this check on a holiday,
                              when the banks  where closed. The Check Cashing Store was closed, the
                              liqour  store next to the Salvation Army wouldn't cash it. The one down
                              the street wouln't cash it. It was getting close to curfew time,
                              and if you tried to get back in after curfew, they wouldn't let you.
                              I had to have this money to get back in that night. I knew
                              I could make only one more stop. I prayed to God to help me cash
                              this check if it was his will.  I also told him that if the check
                              didn't get cashed I wouldn't be mad and that I'd sleep in the bushes
                              next to the Salvation Army rather than go home.
                              The man at my last stop (another liqour store) said no to me
                              at first. I looked at him and without whining or pleading
                              said to him "I'm in the Salvation Army, this is my rent for the
                              night." Turned out he knew who I was, even though I didn't
                              recognize him. He asked me how much of it I needed. I told him.
                              He said he'd give it to me, but I needed to do something for
                              him. He asked that I would call my sister to let her know I
                              was doing alright.  I told him I would.  He gave me the money
                              and I raced back to the Salvation Army. I got back
                              just two minutes before curfew!  No joke!
                                         I eventually would leave the Salvation Army, I did move
                              back with my parents but I paid them rent this time!   I got
                              better jobs and held them longer.  I continued to remain sober
                              in A.A. (I celebrated 3 years of Sobriety as well as my
                              26th birthday in the Salvation Army!)  I went back into therapy,
                              this time, I took it seriously. I attended individual therapy, while
                              paying back my former therapist what I owed him!  I found a great
                              roomate and I met my best friend! (She still is !) I still hadn't
                              gotten back to the church. I was hostile, to the church, and
                              I didn't like to hear the word "JESUS".  When I prayed I said
                              "GOD" but that was as far as I would go.  Eventually, JESUS
                              softened my heart and called me back into the church.
                                        First though, he helped me discover that I was gay!
                             (At 29 years old!).  This was, perhaps, the hardest thing
                             I had ever had to deal with.  As a Roman Catholic, I had been
                             taught that being gay was a sin. I had been shown bible passages
                             which seemed to back that up.  I struggled with this for
                             many years.  On the one hand, the bible seemed to be
                             telling me that homosexuality was absolutely forbiden and
                             that anyone who did it was going to go to hell, on the other
                             hand, both my therapists were gay, so was my sponsor (a sponsor
                             is a guide who helps you work a good honest 12 step program
                             like Alcoholics Anonymous). I couldn't see them going to hell
                             just because they were gay.  They were honest, truthful,
                             they manifested what Jesus spoke about in
                             Matthew 6:22 "The lamp of the body is the eye.  If therefore your
                             eye is good, your whole body will be full of light." In short,
                             they were good people. I absoulutely refused to believe that they
                             were going to go to hell just because they were gay.
                                        I toyed with the idea of just ignoring the Bible, but
                             yet, in my recovery, I had met too many people and had seen too
                             many situations that were described in the bible, in some cases
                             word for word, as being good and right. I couldn't ignore the bible.
                             Besides that, as a  Christian, I believed that the bible was the
                             inspired word of God.  Yes, men wrote it, but God was the force
                             behind that writing.  He was the director.  He created a document that
                             had many different writers, took over a thousand years to write, and
                             yet, never once, did it contradict itself. In some cases, events in the
                             bible were foretold generations before they even happened!   No, I
                             couldn't ignore the bible, nor would I.
                                        I was arguing with a friend of mine (who became a Jehova's Wittness)
                             about homosexuality, and somewhere within the course of that argument
                             it dawned on me that sin was always a chosen action or idea.   I went
                             back and looked, and sure enough, all the sins that were described in
                             the bible were choices.  That was my first clue that somehow, someway,
                             what they told me in the Roman Catholic church about homosexuality
                             was wrong. Homosexuality wasn't a sin.   Sin was a choice and
                             homosexuality (for that matter , heterosexuality ) wasn't.
                                     Even though I had no other proof than that, I began to believe
                             that being gay was NOT a sin!
                                     When I started going back to church, I looked at M.C.C. Sunshine
                             Cathedral first, I went to the Easter P.M. Mass, I didn't like it.
                              I liked James's piano playing though !
                                        About Mid- May 95 I decided to check out a church I had read about
                             in the Community Center bulletin. The Body of Christ Church.  I went, and
                             people stuck their hands out to me and welcomed me in.  I liked that.
                             Then I saw the Pastors.  A gay Pastor, I would have expected,
                             but a straight couple !   That blew me away, and at the same
                             time was very healing to me.   I needed to hear a straight
                             preacher say that being gay was okay.  And I did !
                                         I don't think I can ever convey how healing that was to me.
                             (Although I've tried - quite a few times !  :)  )
                                         I started out playing keyboard here. Growing in God's
                              love.  When the church moved, and they called for Deacons,
                              I felt God call me to serve as  a Deacon. Not because I
                              was annointed, or special. But I felt called to serve, just
                              to serve.  Not to glorify me, but to glorify GOD.  To show
                              them that if God could use me, despite all I've done and
                              gone through that he certainly can use them.  That
                              no matter what they themselves have done, they can never
                              call themselves "Crap" or "Garbage" like I used to call
                              myself, it just isn't true.  God made them in his image,
                              and he dosen't make junk!
                                        I attended the Bible and Homosexuality seminar and there
                              I learned that what I believed was right. Homosexuality was not
                              a sin!  That all the passages of scripture that had been thrust
                              infront of me had been taken out of context, twisted and
                              reconstructed, in some cases, to justify homophobia in the church!
                              I could now back up my belief that people wouldn't go to
                              hell just because they were gay ! Being gay wasn't a sin, and
                              now I could prove it!  I could now proudly declare myself gay
                              and Christian, and really believe that it was okay that I was
                              both.  More than that, I could prove it!  Being gay was okay!
                              It was not a sin, it was not an abberation, but it was part of
                              who I am. It didn't come between God and I, being gay didn't
                              cause me to sin, nor were we perverting the message of JESUS
                              in anyway to make it seem that it was okay to be Gay.
                                        I now fully accept myself as a Gay man and as a Christian,
                              I am a Deacon of the Body of Christ Church and run an E-Ministry
                              on the Web where I am openly gay. I get the odd occasional
                              flame e-mail, but I answer that calmly and gently and explain
                              in simple terms that homosexuality is not a sin, and I am not
                              a sinner because I am a homosexual!
                                        In closing, I will quote the apostle Paul, he was describing
                              himself, but he could have been easily describing me when
                              he said :
                                               " This is a faithful saying and worthy of
                                                acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the
                                                world to save sinners, of whom I am chief.
                                                However, for this reason, I obtained mercy
                                                that in me first Jesus Christ might show
                                                all longsuffering, as a pattern to those
                                                who are going to believe on Him for
                                                everlasting life.  Now to the King eternal
                                                immortal, invisible to God who alone is
                                                wise, be honor and glory forever and ever.
                                                AMEN!"  {1 Timothy 1:15-17 NKJV }