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This is the World Wide Wed Home of 1956 CARIOCA YEARBOOK!  Below is the 1956 Senior Class Picture.

senior56.gif (158621 bytes)

Names of the above people will be added just as soon as I figure out who they all are.  Check back for additional photos from the 1956 Carioca.  We'll be adding more photos all of the time!!!

Check for EA Alumni from the Class of 1956 spread all around the world.  Start scanning your YEARBOOKS and old photos.  Send us the pictures to be included here!  Send your scanned images to   Make sure to tell us what year the photos are from, and please include the names of all persons depicted in the photographs!  'Ta bom?   Then visit the rest of the known EA Web!!!

Link to EA "Matar Saudade" Page

Alumni | Alumni Homepages |Alumni Letters | Alumni Registration | Barulho | Mr. Becht | Big 4 | Bulletin Board | Cabral | Carioca | Chat | Ms. Collares | Dr. Brown | EA Artifacts | EA Info | EA Time Line | EA Web | Guestbook | Guestbook Archives | News | Photos | Reunion | Rio "Live" | Saudade | School Song | Mrs. Stanton | Top10 | HomepageTop of  Page