Want to know where I got my graphics and backgrounds? This is where I divulge all:

  1. The parchment background was scanned in by my friend Ted Kern, and he nicely allowed me to use it.
  2. The Celtic Alphabet letters are available free for noncommercial use from the Celtic Illuminated Alphabet page.
  3. The star background on my Sci-Fi & Fantasy books page? See at http://www.nyanna.com/art/. Nyanna was super nice and picked the best gif for tiling for me.
  4. The Children's & YA Collection background is from Francy's Fantasy Friends, a part of Windy's Design Studio.
  5. supplied the beautiful bubble border on my MUD page and the incredible frog prince background on my folk and fairy tale page.
  6. The clipart of Demeter on the about Eleusinian page comes from Mythology Clipart, and the Eleusinian logo next to it was rendered by Cooltext.
  7. Pretty much everything else I created with a few pieces of paper, a pack of crayons, a scanner, and some low-end photo suite software.
  8. And finally... I urge everyone creating websites to go to the Dublin Core Metadata Template site to help create proper metadata for your site. Cataloging the Net may be impossible, but we each should make an effort. (Hey, I'm lazy and even I filled out the short version for my main page.)

Eleusinian76 (MP)
Last updated: February 19, 2002
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