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Star In The East Lodge No. 55

Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania

Star In The East Lodge No. 55
Past Masters Council

Year Name
1926Lafayette L. Gould*
1930George Robinsin*
1938Warren Barner*
1943Charles W. Porter*
1944-1945William S. Carter*
1946Linwood Price*
1948Emmanuel Johnson*
1949Joseph W.H. Cooper*
1950James W. Kelley*
1952William J. Byrd*
1954Floyd Shivers*
1955Charles H. Dade, Sr.*
1956-1958Jack B. Johnson*
1959Warren E. Baylor*
1960Artis T. Ray, Jr.
1961Robert E. Peterson*
1962Thomas Carr, Jr.
1963Monroe Bundick*
1964John A. Merriweather*
1965John Miller
1966Phelmon E. Johnson*
1967James E.P. Barnes*
1968Hubert J. Little*
1969Donald U. Dade
1970Charles W. Davis*
1971-1972Joseph R. Harris
1973Austin J. Thompson*
1974Wilfong Wilson
1977Fletcher H. Townsend*
1978Charles L. Dinkins
1979James Trawick
1980Wendell S. Reynolds
1981Donald Harris
1982Charles Harper
1983David O'Neill
1984Thomas Mosley
1985Leroy Chamblee
1986Howard W. Jennings
1987George Ravenell*
1988John T. Chapman
1989Robert J. Hunter
1990John T. Chapman
1991Leroy S. Scurry
1992Robert H. Sharp
1993Fred L. Watson
1994Leonard Tanzymore
1995Robert J. Dixon
1996Ronald A. Tyree
1997James R. Wilson, II
1998Andrew C. Davis, Jr.
1999L. Ali Ford
2000Leon C. King
2001, 2002James M. Bradford
2003Perry L. Copes, Sr.
Demitted 1954John H. Baker*
* Deceased

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