Going on Vacation



Going on Vacation

Most cats are extremely sensitive towards pieces of luggage and the activity of packing a suitcase. They can sense an upcoming vacation days in advance and get nervous; I swear, they know the difference between travel brochures and other catalogues! When the packing starts, they circle around us and the suitcase anxiously, following so close it is a miracle one does not end up with broken legs. For a cat it must be terrible to see belongings vanish in a big bag, not knowing how long we will be gone (and believe me, they know what packing means). BR> Do cats feel the fear of being left behind, not knowing if their human will return? I cannot doubt that after I have seen them watching something as terrifying as a move. Huddled together for comfort, with the expression of quiet desperation on their faces, their eyes follow each piece of furniture as it is carried out the door. You can see it in their eyes, the question of whether or not they will be taken along. It is best to put out their travel cases first, with something familiar in it like a favorite blanket.
Looking at the four little faces turned up to me with shiny eyes before they go scramble off to claim their respective carriers makes me feel like SUCH an unworthy parent. After all, I should have done this earlier! You may have notices, as much as they usually hate the carrier, setting them out indicates that they, too, will be going with us, and they crawl into it as soon as the doors are opened. Of course, just a little vacation is not THAT bad, but how are they to know you're coming back?
Since they take it so hard to be left, we often travel by car so we can take them with us. Contrary to common believe, my cats do NOT prefer to stay at the familiar house. They don't care a whisker where they are, as long as they can come with me, and they all accepted the leash once they figured out it is not punishment, but the freedom to come along.
Now, not every cat enjoys to travel in a car, or in a kitty carrier, and they will no doubt let you know so. But Minou, my Siamese, loves car rides. She insists on sitting in the driver's lab, with her forepaws on the wheel, so she can see out and grin at the cars we pass. That is not always very comfy (for the driver, that is), for she puts her little paws securely on my thighs, preferably claws out for support, but who has ever heard a Siamese's bone shattering screams knows they sit exactly where they want to. The voices of orientals are so high pitched and penetrating, I can hear her three houses down the road, sitting inside of the car, with the music playing. Go figure.
Long distance car rides with a multiple cat family can be a pain though, and some DO prefer to stay at home, as long as they like the sitter and are well cared for. If they don't, they have their own little ways to let you know and leave subtle signs which speak for themselves. A new carpet might be part of the negotiation to get back in their good graces upon returning. Once upset, they can destroy a house in an amazingly short time. They are involved in the packing the second the luggage comes from the attic. You may start once you get the cat off the suitcases. And don't worry, spider webs come off cat fur relatively easy (the spiders are already inside the cat anyway). By the time the first suitcase is ready, I usually start a headcount every so often, just to be sure they are all home, none escaped and is locked out or inside of a suitcase or cabinet by accident. There is nothing more annoying than having one cat out for a walk while you're missing your plane to Bora Bora. Of course, most cats stay very close during the last two days before the departure, and never mind the sprayed ankle you got from tripping over them.
The catsitter should start coming around at least a week prior to make believe she is part of the family. If the cats already know and like the sitter, consider yourself blessed. If not, you better give them as much time as possible to get used to each other while you are still there to smooth out the bumps. Besides, there are a few instructions to talk about. It's really quite simple, actually: Nicky gets dry food, but no more than two cups per day, make sure he doesn't help himself to the girl's portion. The Siamese gets either an egg-yolk, some chicken, tuna, y'know, whatever you can bring along, she despises cat food, just share your dinner. Be careful she does eat, she's an old lady, and a little finicky, so she just might decide not to touch anything (add a piece of melted butter). If she diets more than one day, cook her some liver, medium rare. The other two girls get a can to share each day, and some extra vittles every other day.
And don't forget, additional litter and canned food are in the basement. It is enough to last you a month, but if you do run out for whatever reasons, DO NOT CHANGE BRANDS!!. They will not use it out of spite!
They should be brushed at least five minutes each day, don't worry, they love it (despite the fact that they really do enjoy being brushed, at least the tom grows twice his size at soon as the sitter appears with brush in hand, and the growl he sends her way could knock a cougar out of it's socks!) Don't worry dear, he'll get used to it. He really does not mean it, it's all show. There, see? It doesn't hardly bleed. Small scratch only, that. No, the Siamese is not dying, she always starts wheezing and sneezing like that when she wants attention, don't mind her. Unless she does not stop when you pick her up, then it's for real, and you have to call the vet immediately. You will hear the difference when it's serious. Will you?!? The numbers to the vet's office, car phone, home phone and hospital are on the fridge. So are all the other numbers of our stations. If anything goes wrong, anything at all, call us.
So far, so good. Everything is /arranged, and we are ready to leave. Of course, as soon as all the luggage is in the car, a small warning gong goes off in the back of my mind, and wouldn't you know it, the count shows one cat is missing. After checking all cabinets, windowsills, underneath furniture and other favorite hiding places, we drag the luggage back in...she wouldn't, would she? Of course not. The second all suitcases are open again, the Siamese is discovered sound asleep in the car. Heaven alone knows how she got in there in the first place. I resist the urge to throttle her and resign myself to just shooting her a dirty look, which, of course, is matched icily: 'I SAW that!'
By now, we're racing against the clock and bloody airline flight schedules, and therefore the goodbye hugs and pets are cooler than normally anticipated. There is still a good amount of long white hair accumulating on my navy travelling suit. In which bag was the tape-roller again? Oh, never mind.....besides, it's quite an experience to be 3000 miles from home and then notice a stranger smiling at me, then, pointing to my dress, along with a sympathetic smile, states: "So, I see you have persians, too, huh?" I nod, and discretely check over HER coat, only to see long RED hair all over it. Smiling, I think, kindred spirits, and pull out my wallet just as she reaches for her own pictures....
No later then on the third day of the vacation, nagging fear overshadows beaches and palm trees. I just have to place one quick ($50.00) phone call to the sitter to make sure the 'babies' are alright. Of course they are. About five sleepless nights later, I beg my man, "would you purr for me? Pweeeeeeze?" We are usually glad when it's time to go home! When we drive up to the house, all cats are lined up in the front window, waiting. Their aloof snobby faces seem to say: 'Are those not the people who used to live here?' But for once, their attitude does not last long. They are way too happy to have us back to be mad for long, and they've made their point anyway, only remember, whatever you do, don't look at the shredded curtains just yet. Enjoy the purrs and the sensation of finally feeling them weave through your legs again. You can always clean the carpet and go buy the RIGHT brand of kitty litter later. Just don't forget the carpet cleaner.
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