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Previous Poets of the Month

Monday - January 10, 2000

After a long grueling year, the new century is upon us.  This has given me reason enough to give the site a new look. Hope you like it. 

I have decided to do a poet of the Century. Within the next few months, depending upon the time I have and the submissions I receive, I hope to have the Poet by March of this year. 

Have fun and keep writing, Happy New Year Everyone!

Monday - September 27, 1999

Well the site had to go another redesign overhaul.  I found out a few days ago that, the site is not Netscape friendly. SORRY to all you Netscape users out there.

I have also added the DreamGate Open Poetry: Poetry Board.  The main reason for this will be my time limit of being able to work on the site, which will become fairly limited.  Please keep submitting I will try to work on these when I can.

The poems on the Open Poetry Board are not submissions they will not be posted on their separate page unless the become a poet of the month.  If you would like yours submitted please go through the regular submission process.

Wednesday - September 22,1999

Sorry for the delay in the update, I have been quite busy as of late and have not had the time that I wanted.  The Poet of the Month for August is up, congrats Starr! Let her know what you think of her poem Always©Starr 1999.

As of the end of September the submission process of DreamGate will be changing.  I will still accept submissions the way I have always done it.  Due to time constraints though, I will not be able to get to them as soon as I would like to.   It may be months before I can put up individual pages for submissions. So as to smooth out this process, so all those poets out there who would like a post a poem can have one.  I will be changing the guest book into an open poetry submission.   Further details will be forthcoming at the end of the month.

Saturday - July 24, 1999

Its been about a month since I have told you all what's new, sorry about that been working on other things.  If you have been back enough times you more then likely already know.  I have updated the Poems page.  There are some new Poets up so go and check them out.  I am sure that they would like to read some feedback from you guys and gals out there. I have decided not to put up the chat room "sorry to all who wanted a room to recite in", it will just take away too much time at the moment.  Possibly in the future this might change.  Well that's about it for now.   I hope you enjoy the new poets, keep sending them my way folks.  I am just the display case you are the artists! Have fun, and keep on writing.

Sunday - June 20, 1999

Well I have thought it over, after giving the site an overhaul I have come to the conclusion with the new look the site needs a new name. "DreamGate - A Poets Thoughts", I left the subtitle "A Poets Thoughts" so hopefully visitors won't get confused if the come here by way of link, word of mouth or a banner.  Well that's all for now!  Enjoy the poems.

Sunday - June 13, 1999

I am working on a chat room for A Poets Thoughts, this chat room can be used to the general public to come and discuss poetry.  Once a month a Poetry recital will be held.  There will be a limitation to the number of people in the room, this is due to connection speeds.
I will also have a graphical link on the main page honoring a poet each month for his or her work. This will begin next month.
I am also thinking about adding a story page....drop me a line and tell me what you think.

Thursday - June 03, 1993

Well as far as I can make out I have gotten all the counters on the page working, something seems to still be wrong with the guest-book when you sign it.  I believe this has to do with the GeoCities Server ( I can't find any information on it anywhere).  It does seem to happen to other GeoCities members sites, so for now I am not going to worry about it.

Tuesday - June 1, 1999

The overhaul for the site is almost complete there are just a few things to finish up now. A few links to fix, and a few counters to repair.

Friday - May 28, 1999

    Well folks after forgetting about the poetry page, I have rediscovered my site. Now after looking over it I have decided to give it an overhaul.  Do to time constraints I will only be updating the page every month.



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Rain Macleod
ICQ# 41115323

DreamGate: Open Poetry - Poetry Board