Kandi - 09/08/00 15:28:58
My URL:/slick_sid
My Email:kandilicious_uk@yahoo.com
Just checkin back in on ya sweetie girl :) Havent caught up with you in awhile. Would love to hear more about your trip and maybe even see pics! :) Love the new little things you've done here.. love the background on the mainpage.. couldnt get the Knights link to work tho :( Congrats on the award and for a truly lovely website. I DO have one complaint tho.. too many things I read here touch my heart and make me run my make up! lol Kepp up the wonderful work!
love and sweet stuff always,
Kandi xoxo
Brandon Bax -- Ashley's first cousin - 07/22/00 01:29:35
My URL:I don't have one unless Ashley will help me make one tonight since she is at my house.
My Email:I think it is banished. (I don't even know what that word means -- I am only ten.)
Age: 10.5
Favorite quote: What is a quote? Slap nuts.
Favorite book: I don't read.
Favorite movie: Milk Money
Favorite poem: I don't read poems...
Favorite webpage: shockwave.com
Ashley is my favorite cousin. She comes to my house every Friday. She swims in my pool. I only like Ashley because she said she was going to help me make a webpage. Other than that, I don't really pay much attention to her when she is at my house beca
se we are cousins and I don't like family. I don't want to say anything else because I will embarrass myself. Brandon
Rachel~im Ashley's cuz - 06/22/00 20:38:42
My URL:http://www.hometown.aol.com/reh9148403
My Email:REH9148403@aol.com
Age: 15 almost 16 yay!
Favorite quote: i have too many
Favorite book: idk
Favorite movie: 10 Things
Favorite poem: 10 Things About You
Favorite webpage: um idk
Your page doesnt suck! thats just your opinion
see ya at school
Rachel aka Doogie aka Crakhead
Ashley W. (OWNER) - 04/05/00 23:11:11
My URL:/Athens/Troy/7953/
My Email:Sparky_2_4_85@yahoo.com
Age: 15!!!!! I turned 15 two days ago!! Woooohoooo!
Favorite quote: Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today.
Favorite book: Ribbons of Hope by BaddTeddy and all other books!
Favorite movie: too many to mention
Favorite poem: I like mine!! *hehe* (selfless promotion! j/k)
Favorite webpage: umm... baddteddy.com and kclr.com and all of my friends'
Hey guys!! My birthday was 2 days ago, April 2nd! I'm fifteen now....Woooohoooooo!
Angel - 04/04/00 01:29:07
My Email:angelmz@aol.com
Age: 43
Favorite quote: Beware the wounded tiger!
Favorite webpage: I love yours! :-)
Hello! I am a friend of Marta's. Your web page is outstanding! I have saved it in my favorite places and will look at it again and again.
Keep up the good work you are doing for the children. You are very special.
Hugs from your fellow knight,
Woodcutter - 03/20/00 01:37:57
My Email:no24715722@icqmail.com
Age: 50
You have a nice homepage.....Keep up the good work.
Dennis - 03/15/00 08:12:04
My Email:opus_27@yahoo.com
Age: 28
Favorite quote: "True love cannot be found where it does not trully exist... nor it can be hidden where it trully does."
Favorite book: True Love by Robert Fulghum
Favorite movie: When A Man Loves A Woman
Favorite poem: "First Love" by John Clare, "Love's Philosophy" by Percy Bysshe Shelley and Sonnet XXIX by William Shakespeare
Favorite webpage: Too many to mention...
Hi Ash,
We miss you in chat, honey. It's good to talk to you again. And uhmmm... where's the picture page again? *smiles* You know me, I'm always lost.
Mike/Alphonse - 03/10/00 01:16:17
My URL:ha ha ha not done yet
My Email:mjv@umr.edu
Age: 19
Favorite quote: behold the power of cheese
Favorite book: too many to mention
Favorite movie: I have several
Favorite poem: this poem a friend wrote
Favorite webpage: dunno
it doesn't suck!
Sharon - 03/05/00 19:55:55
My Email:Angel63@aol.com
Age: 36
Favorite quote: Love is Patient, Love is Blind, etc.
Ashley, I was sent the link to your homepage by BaddFroggy. I have been very impressed with the quality of the web site. Bravo! (The Bios is just fine too)
Sharon - 03/05/00 19:50:54
Taahira - 02/28/00 00:16:28
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/babydoll136694
My Email:taahira@hotmail.com
Age: 15
Favorite quote: "Only two things are infinate, stupidy and the universe but I am not sure abotu the former."
Favorite book: The Gift.. um. The Catcher in the Rye! DEFINATELY!
Favorite movie: Steel Magnolias
Favorite poem: Not sure.
Favorite webpage: yours!
Ash I love what u've done with the place!!! It's great. And I love YOU!!! Love, Taa
Sparkster (Ashley, the owner) - 02/28/00 00:05:27
My URL:You're here, why do you want to know?? *giggles*
My Email:Sparky_2_4_85@yahoo.com
Age: 14...15 very shortly!!
Favorite quote: Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today.
Favorite book: hmmm...that's hard, I like all books, especially romance novels...oooooh, I know my favorite book...Ribbons of Hope by the one and only and everyone's favorite Teddy...*drumroll please* BADDTEDDY!!!!!
Favorite movie: another hard one...ummm, The Gift Of Love, Steel Magnolias and looots more!
Favorite poem: ooooh, another really hard one...I like this one I wrote just the other night for my friend Rob.
Favorite webpage: BaddTeddy's of course! www.baddteddy.com
Just checkin' up on things! This makes entry number 75...I can't believe only this many people out of 700+ have signed it...I wish more people would have signed it. Oh well. Have a great day everyone! :o)
Steve - 02/26/00 15:30:11
My Email:LoneWolf34@aol.com
Age: 36
You have a wonderful talent in webpage design, as well as poetry. I'm glad that we have you among the Knights of Kindness and I'm sure that there are wonderful things in your future. Thank you for sharing your gifts with us.
Shawna - 02/26/00 02:17:30
My Email:Angle0001@aol.com
Age: 23
Favorite quote: Everyone know some magic look into you'r hearts
Favorite book: Ribbons of hope
THIS PAGE IS GREAT!! Keep up the Good work!!!
Irmgard - 02/25/00 05:09:09
My Email:LFDMom@AOL.com
Age: 61
Favorite quote: Don't worry, be happy
Favorite book: Leaves of Grass by Walt Whitman
Favorite movie: Gone with the Wind
Favorite poem: German: Die Glocke by Friedrich Schiller
Favorite webpage: BaddTeddy's page
Dear Ashley,
Your life doesn't sound boring at all. I am really impressed with your involvement in so many different areas at your young age. Keep it up, you are doing just great.
God's Blessings to you and your brother and sister
Bella - 02/25/00 03:46:50
My Email:justme9444@aol.com
Age: 50
Favorite quote: We are all one People!
Favorite book: The Bible
Favorite movie: Man without a face
Favorite poem: How do I love Thee!
Favorite webpage: Knights of Kindness
I want to thank you for all that you do for the children.I know you are a young girl, and you are a very courages girl. I belong to the Knights of Kindness and the people there are the greatest people in the world. Thank you for this site and I will send
t on to others. Love,Bella
Diana <3 - 02/25/00 03:11:56
My Email:MrsMoted@aol.com
Age: Ageless LOL
Favorite quote: Believe and ye shall receive
Favorite book: The bible
Favorite movie: On Golden Pond
Favorite poem: Purple Heart
Favorite webpage: Knights of Kindness
Your web page is wonderful !! You did a great job and you're a very good poet! I sure envy you, wish I could write poetry like that too!! You spread cheer and smiles :-)
Mike and Diana
Amanda - 02/24/00 23:49:27
My Email:Meice782@aol.com
Age: 17
Favorite quote: Today was the tomorrow you were worried about. Was it worth it?
Favorite book: Anything by John Grisham and To Kill A Mockingbird
Favorite movie: Annie, Prince of Egypt, Parent Trap
Favorite poem: Footprints
Favorite webpage: I don't know
Hi! Wow, I am very impressed with your page and all that you do! I am also a Knight, but I have heard of some of the things you do with the Knights and you have just completely impressed with me! Keep up all the good work! :). I'm glad that I found y
ur webpages because they are wonderful! Good job :).
Joyce - 02/24/00 19:42:04
My URL:still under construction
My Email:jam102845@aol.com
Age: 54
Favorite quote: Now, faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
Favorite book: There are to many to menti
Favorite movie: So, so many! Ghost, Titanic, Field of Dreams, Steel Magnolias, etc
Favorite poem: Little Orphan Annie and many others
Favorite webpage: BaddTeddy's Knights of Kindness, where I've found so many new friends.
Hi Ashley, You have a wonderful Webpage! I love the poetry and music and plan to visit often as you update your site. Thank you for brightening my day! LovinHuggs :o) Joyce, (a fellow Knight)
Candy - 02/24/00 17:44:51
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/petsburgh/zoo/4022
My Email:candys1259@aol.com
Age: 40
Favorite quote: Live life to the fullest
Favorite movie: Pure Country
I think you have done a wonderful site i have really enjoyed it!
Candy ( A proud member of the Knights of Kindness)
D'Nea - 02/24/00 17:34:56
My URL:http://members.aol.com/HopesHrt/BestFriends.html
My Email:HopesHrt@aol.com
Age: 32
Great job on your page Ashley :) Keep up the good work.... pssst!!!! Your page does not "suck" lol It's wonderful :)
From a fellow "Knight"
Randy Beers - 02/24/00 17:22:15
My URL:http://members.aol.com/lrfuzz1/mainpage.html
My Email:LRfuzz1@aol.com
Age: 43
Great site Ashley. I encourage you to expand.
Morten - 02/18/00 11:42:56
My URL:/SouthBeach/Tidepool/6529/
My Email:aastad@ibm.net
Age: 28
Heya Ashely. Lovelly web page. Hugs from big bro.
Aja Morse - 01/20/00 02:40:45
My URL:http://www.parentalabductions.org
Age: 13
Favorite quote: I have a dream!!!!
Favorite book: The upstairs room
Favorite movie: My best friends wedding
Favorite poem: Somebody should have taught him
Favorite webpage: Excite.com
I think your web site is pretty tight( means cool ) And it's really great that you want to help kids that are abducted or were.
Aja Morse - 01/20/00 02:28:43
My URL:http://www.parentalabductions.org
Age: 13
Favorite quote: I have a dream!!!!
Favorite book: The upstairs room
Favorite movie: My best friends wedding
Favorite poem: Foot steps
Favorite webpage: Excite.com
I think your web site is pretty tight( means cool ) And it's really great that you want to help kids that are abducted or were.
Marta - 01/17/00 15:04:52
My Email:BaddFroggy@aol.com
Age: OLD
Favorite quote: In my profile ---
Favorite book: A wrinkle in Time
Favorite movie: Too many to list
Favorite poem: Too many to list
Favorite webpage: AHSLEY'S Webpage
Ashley, your webpage is so very 'you' and YOU are a very special young woman!! Your poems, the ones you let me read (thank you), are beautiful, meaningful and full of emotion! Not many people can express themselves as you do through your poetry. GOOD J
B!!! Congratulations on your webpage too.
The owner and Heather W. - 01/04/00 20:33:42
Hey everybody! It's me...except that I'm at school! Heather's with me... welp, gotta go all. Thanks for signing the guestbook!
Ash and Heather
jessie - 11/22/99 00:49:06
My Email:limpbizkitgurl86@aol.com
Age: 12
Favorite webpage: dont have one
i changed my email and guess what
snarlin - 11/07/99 01:23:19
My Email:mailto:snarlin@mindspring.com?subject=Email to Carl&body=Hello snarlin !
Age: 18
Favorite quote: groovy
Favorite book: java script bible
Favorite movie: ummmm
Favorite poem: ummmmm yerz waz good
Favorite webpage: this one!
get rid of the icky music. it gives me a headache. and if you really have to know, my e-mail is jh121986. k? your mean cuz, jessie! : )~
rachel didn't smile in that pic b/c she wasn't ready for that pic. LOL
abby - 08/12/99 22:30:37
My Email:amh1188
Age: 10
Favorite quote: none
Favorite book: bsb
Favorite movie: never been kissed
Favorite poem: bats
Favorite webpage: this one lol
she is my cousin
rachel - 08/11/99 19:09:02
My Email:tgggr84@aol.com
Age: 14
Favorite quote: none
Favorite book: sweet valley
Favorite movie: bad boys
Favorite poem: none
Favorite webpage: none
get rid of the music pleze its very annoying
rachel - 08/11/99 02:19:50
My Email:tgggr84
Age: 14
Favorite quote: dont have one
Favorite book: sweet valley
Favorite movie: bad boys
Favorite poem: dont have one
Favorite webpage: ??
Tamalee Person - 08/10/99 20:01:17
My Email:heaven20star@yahoo.com
Age: 21
Favorite quote: I don't have one
Favorite book: Letters To A Young Poet - Rainer Maria Rilke
Favorite movie: Titanic, The Crow
Favorite poem: all poems
Favorite webpage: Just the cool ones :-)
You're doing a great job!
Taahira - 07/28/99 01:15:04
My Email:taahira@hotmail.com
Age: 15
Favorite quote: I'm right and you're stupid
Favorite book: The Gift or The Promise
Favorite movie: Steele Magnolias
Favorite poem: dunno
Favorite webpage: this one
Hey My Twin sister!!!!!! Love the page, looking at you and your beautiful self!!!!
I love ya!!!!!
Taahira - 07/28/99 00:37:58
My Email:taahira@hotmail.com
Age: 15
Favorite webpage: this one
Zebra Four - 07/21/99 18:26:15
My URL:http://www.littlegate.demon.co.uk
My Email:zebra@littlegate.demon.co.uk
Age: 17
Favorite quote: "The same thing we do every night Pinky, try to take over the world!"
Favorite book: IT - Stephen King
Favorite movie: The Lost Boys
Favorite poem: I can't remember what it's called offhand, sorry
Favorite webpage: Umm.. I kinda like my web page LOL, but Murph's is good too :)
Hey Sparky!! I love that you have a Beethoven midi on your site, you are one classy web page designer! Your poems are really moving, and the photos are way cool too. Keep up the good work, I'll be back to check it when you've updated it!
Gina - 06/18/99 03:27:25
My Email:gribbit@webtv.net
Age: 62
Favorite quote: Ti wish you were someone else is to waste the person you are.
Favorite book: Too many to list.donavons Reef
Ashley honey,your page is a delight!!!!!!
I'm so proud of you!!!!!!!!
Martin - 06/12/99 23:35:55
My Email:Zassy@get2net.dk
Age: 28
Favorite book: BARE by George Michael
Favorite movie: It's a wonderful life
Favorite poem: Do not go gentle into that good night
Favorite webpage: www.planetgeorge.org
Val - 05/17/99 23:41:34
Hello Ashley!
Hang in there ok?!
It's me silly! - 05/10/99 01:08:56
My Email:taahira@hotmail.com
Age: 15
Favorite quote: I don't know... have a bunch
Favorite book: The Outsiders.... A Catcher in the Rye... The Gift.. The Promise
Favorite movie: Steel Magnolias
Favorite poem: I dunno
Favorite webpage: I'm supposed to say: "THIS ONE!"
Hey hey hey! this page is great! Too bad I don't have all the right brain cells to work it right! But I love it anyways.. know what tho? I love ya more!! (o:
Ashley....the owner of the webpage - 05/10/99 00:42:55
My URL:why do you need to know it? You're already here...
My Email:It's on my webpage under My Bio
Age: 14
Favorite quote: Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today.
Favorite book: Message In A Bottle
Favorite movie: I'm not sure. I like a ton. But I guess Stepmom.
Favorite poem: I have way tooooo many favorites.
Favorite webpage: Well....I guess mine.
Hey people! Just droppin' a line to see how you're doing!
Taahira - 03/17/99 04:01:27
My Email:taahira@hotmail.com
Age: 14
Favorite quote: I dunno
Favorite book: The Gift
Favorite movie: Steel Magnolias
Favorite poem: ....I dunno
Favorite webpage: I love em all!
Heya Ash! I'm lovin your page girlie! Keep it up. Hey, whatever happened to our page?!! (o:
I love you my sistah (even tho you're head is harder than a concrete wall and you're more stubborn than a non-budging horse!)
RMillernr31 - 03/15/99 23:58:00
Age: 24
Favorite quote: life is like a box of chocolate, u never know what u gonna get!
Favorite book: uhmmm that book of the jungle guess it's called "jungle book" hehehe
Favorite movie: saving private ryan
Favorite webpage: i always visit: www.kschoice.com
Hi sweetie, this site is getting better everytime
i get here! and finally a pic of U on it! great! I
still can't believe how u made that pic with bugs
bunny ;-) well i guess i'll never know how u did
that *grins* .... Love u honey! see u so
the owner of the page...ASHLEY!!!! - 02/01/99 22:06:12
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Troy/7953/
My Email:hmmmm, it's on my page somewhere
Age: 13 BUT soon to be 14...in two months tomorrow!!
Favorite quote: Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today.
Favorite book: Anything by V.C. Andrews...thanks to Mary getting me hooked on those books :o)
Favorite movie: I ha too many favorites, but probably Armageddon.
Favorite poem: Somebody Should Have Taught Him or The White Rose.
Favorite webpage: I'm partial here, Seshy's and mine.
Hey everyone! Just checking up here. I hope that you guys will all come back every once and awhile and check out the changes to my page and sign the guestbook again. Bye everyone!
Dennis - 12/21/98 01:57:44
My Email:opus_27@yahoo.com
Age: 27
Favorite quote: I would rather have had one breath of her hair, one kiss from her mouth, one touch of her hand, than eternity without it. One. (from City of Angels)
Favorite book: True Love by Robert Fulghum
Favorite movie: When a man loves a woman
Favorite poem: Tonight I can write the saddest lines by Pablo Neruda
Favorite webpage: ...I can't say that I have a favorite... uhmmm they're all good...
I miss you Ash... I hope we can chat again soon...
Mr M - 12/05/98 06:44:14
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Chamber/7052
My Email:mrmetallic@hotmail.com
Age: 14
Favorite quote: Well I'll be damned
Favorite book: Idunno
Favorite movie: The Metal Thugs
Favorite poem: The Metal Poem
Favorite webpage: Mine
Your page doesn't suck. Mine does
Kandi - 11/15/98 04:38:50
My URL:/Heartland/Woods/4698
My Email:kandi_kisses@tdn.com
Hey sweetie.. havent seen ya for awhile so I thought I would pop in and see what you have been doing here lately :) LOVE the music! I just recently added music to all my pages too :) I have some new ideas but I am not sure when I will get around to them..
I hope to see you soon tho! I have missed talking to you!! Sending you love and sweet stuff, Kandi xoxo :)
Kandi - 11/15/98 04:38:22
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Woods/4698
My Email:kandi_kisses@tdn.com
Hey sweetie.. havent seen ya for awhile so Id thought I would pop in and see what you have been doing here lately :) LOVE the music! I just recently added music to all my pages too :) I have some new ideas but I am not sure when I will get around to them.
I hope to see you soon tho! I have missed talking to you!! Sending you love and sweet stuff, Kandi xoxo :)
10/27/98 10:29:07
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Just surfing. Thanks.
Kandi - 10/25/98 18:38:27
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Woods/4698
My Email:kandi_kisses@tdn.com
Hey sweetie, just poppin in again to see what you have done with the place :) Things are really looking great here! Your cats are so cute :) My kids all went " awwww..." when they saw your pics of them :) I sure have missed your singing and talking with y
. I am adding a lyrics page in the day day or so to my page so ya may wanna check it out.. leave me a msg and let me know how you are doing.. k? :) Sending ya lots of love and sweet stuff always, Kandi xo!
Courtney (Cornburger!!) - 10/19/98 02:53:56
My Email:obvious@ruralnet.net.au
Age: 13 & 10days
Favorite quote: Say gen!!
Favorite book: Zac Attack
Favorite movie: Titanic & I Know What You Did Last Summer
Favorite poem: can't think of one right at the moment!!
Favorite webpage: www.hansonline.com & yours Sparky!!!
Love your page & the photos are GREAT
I might try & do this myself one day soon
Bye for now,
Ashley - 10/15/98 03:23:02
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ky/BushRay
Your favorite quote: go check out our homepage and see what quotes I like
Great Page....got your link from someones guestbook. Go see mine and Taylors oage and sign the guestbook. Keep up the good work!
Taahira - 10/14/98 17:20:38
My Email:taahira@hotmail.com
Your age: 158
Your favorite movie: Fools Rush In
Your favorite book: The gift
Your favorite quote: "Don't try to be what you're not because you won't accomplish anything." -Taahira
Your favorite homepage: I love em all!
Hey Ash! I'm FINALLY visiting your page! it's really good, and Kelley is as cute as you said. I like that pic of you and your mouse, and you're beautiful no matter what you think! Keep up the good work and hopefully we can talk again soon. Love Always,
our twin
Morten Aastad - 10/11/98 13:03:58
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Tidepool/6529
My Email:aastad@ibm.net
Your age: 27
Your favorite movie: Right now it's City of Angels.
Your favorite book: The Book of Lights: Chaim Potok
Your favorite quote: Yeah, sure ! Love is great ! But it don't pay the bills. (not my favourite but all I could come up wit at such short notice)
Your favorite homepage: This one ? = )
Hey Ashley.
Just wanted to come by and see how you are doing.
Look very nice now ! Good poems and nice thoughts.
But... *pouts* no link to my page ? awww.....
Well, miss talking to you little sis, hope everything is going great for you in school and..... well everything !
Hugs from Morten.
RMillernr31 - 10/07/98 22:23:39
Hi Ash, well here i am ... signing ure guestbook for the second time. Well the more i look at this page the more i like it! especially that bunny at the end! how did u do that??? ;-) well keep up the good work and c ya soon! lots of love, Roger!
Lali - 10/01/98 06:07:24
My URL:/SouthBeach/Docks/2900
My Email:Lali98@yahoo.com
Your age: do I have to answer?
Your favorite movie: Titanic
Your favorite book: any dessert cookbook
Your favorite quote: ...umm...technical term
Title of your favorite poem: Love is...
Your favorite homepage: this one!
Hi Ashley! I love the new changes to your page! It gets better each time I look at it!! I love the picture of Kelley in the wash pail, that is too cute!! I miss talking to you...I'm so glad school is going well for you! You take care of you, and plea
e keep in touch with me! Love, Lali *big hugs* =)
Tamalee (aka heaven20star - 09/20/98 07:31:06
My Email:heaven20star@yahoo.com and heaven20star@netscape.net
Your age: 20
Your favorite movie: Titanic!!!!
Your favorite book: Letters to a Young Poet by Rainer Maria Rilke (he's an amazing writer so check him out!)
Your favorite quote: You jump, I jump right?
Title of your favorite poem: The Rival by Sylvia Plath
Your favorite homepage: This one! And Shade's and Lali's and Slicks...etc. :-)
This is a great page Ash! You're doing a wonderful job on it so keep up the good work!
You're a wonderful friend and lil sis, and I am glad I know you! :-)
Stay sweet and write to me, okay? I'll give you my home address over ICQ.
The Slicks - 09/19/98 00:46:52
Your age: Too old!!
Your favorite movie: Slick: RHPS, Kandi: Excalibur
Your favorite book: Slick: Can't read, Kandi: Can't either
Your favorite quote: Not enough space
Title of your favorite poem: Slick: There was a young man...., Kandi: Boarding Time
Your favorite homepage: Slick: Mine, Kandi: Mine
Hey sweetie girl :) Lookin good here.. you added a whole bunch of stuff since we lasr took a peek :) Keep up the good work and we will be back soon to check in on ya :) xoxo!! Lots of love and sweet stuff, Slick & Kandi :)
CC1999 - 09/14/98 01:57:35
My Email:CC1999@yahoo.com
Your age: 17
Your favorite movie: Fried Green Tomatoes
Your favorite book: well i like bunches of them but right now My Antonia
Your favorite quote: If you want the rainbow you have to put up with the rain. - Dolly Parton
Title of your favorite poem: More than Friends
You did a great job! I love all the music! You're cat is adorable!!! Good job Ashley! You have done so well! Congradulations!
keep me posted on the updates!
See ya!
Morten Andreas Aastad - 09/13/98 16:44:37
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Tidepool/6529
My Email:aastad@ibm.net
Your age: 27
Your favorite movie: Manhattan
Your favorite book: My name is Ahser Lev, by Chaim Potok
Your favorite quote: Do onto others.... THEN RUN !!!!
Title of your favorite poem: Don't really have one... sorry.
Your favorite homepage: Lali and Shade's
Hiya Ashley, you page is looking great ! I hope you keep up the good work. I have found that working on a homepage has taught me more about computers, the internet than I thought I'd ever learn. It's also made me remember lot's of things from Design schoo
. Be well, see you in Perk.
Hugs from you big bro Morten.
Badonna83 - 09/13/98 16:19:49
Hi Sparky, nice page!! Like those smiley faces!!
jadeyn - 08/21/98 04:19:43
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Island/1174
My Email:same
Your age: same
Your favorite movie: umm right now Armageddon
Your favorite book: Barneys Farm Animals....LOL..ok thats Kalis' fav...hehehe
Your favorite quote: whatever......
Title of your favorite poem: same
Your favorite homepage: still insane domain
Just stopped in for a visit...your page is coming along well sparky. I think I'll check out some of your links now....=) Take care and keep up the good work!
zassy - 08/17/98 23:32:24
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/southbeach/port/9076
My Email:zassy@get2net.dk
Your age: 27
Your favorite movie: It's a wonderful life
Your favorite book: Bare (Biography written by George Michael)
Your favorite quote: DOH
Title of your favorite poem: Do not go gentle into that good night (Dylan Thomas)
Your favorite homepage: Hmmm There are so many to choose from
WOW. This page is just getting better everytime i stop by.
Patricia (kk) - 08/17/98 01:33:10
My URL:http://txdirect.net/users/mwaugh
My Email:Kk_29@Yahoo.com
Your age: 14
Your favorite movie: um..that's a hard one..
Your favorite book: just got done reading A day no pigs would die...it's not my favorite...far from it, it's too sad to be a favorite..so to answer your question.....um.....I dunno really...
Your favorite quote: I'd rather push my Ford than drive your Chevy!!!
Title of your favorite poem: Poem? i have lots of 'em!!
Your favorite homepage: mine of course!....Http://www.txdirect.net/users/mwaugh
Hey Sis, I finally made it!!! Let's celebrate!! hehe YOu have a great page, i Hope mine comes out great! Keep it up and hope to talk to ya soon! *gives ya a big sisterly hug* buh bye sis!
Lali - 08/13/98 00:30:39
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Docks/2900
My Email:Lali98
Hi Lil Sis! Just dropping by to say hello! Your page is still great!! I miss talking to you, I hope you are taking care and having fun! *big hugs* Love ya, Lali
Sugar or Kandi - 08/07/98 00:11:39
My URL:http:// workin on it :)
My Email:kandi_kisses@tdn.com
Your age: 31
Your favorite movie: Excalibur
Your favorite book: I like Vc Andrews books :)
Your favorite quote: hmmmmm....... i dunno :)
Title of your favorite poem: too many to list
Your favorite homepage: LOTS of kewl ones out there :)
Im SO happy I met you in Perk :) I miss your singin tho cuz I havent seen ya much lately. You are such a sweet girl. One of the most ambitious and responsible girls I know. Gives me hope for the world's future talking to you. You are so very sweet and spe
ial. I wish you much happiness and sweet stuff always.. which is only fair because those are things that you bring to everyone in Perk that knows you :)
Lots of love and sweet stuff :) Sugar xo!
Katie - 08/05/98 20:56:30
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ny/totalrachel
My Email:kate_lyn_@hotmail.com
Your age: 13
Your favorite movie: As Good As It Gets, Twister, Picture Perfect, Forrest Gump, and a WHOLE lot more.
Your favorite book: The Object Of My Affection
Your favorite quote: I have too many, but here is one:"I just want to WIN, lord! I just want to WIN!"-Paul on Mad About You
Title of your favorite poem: it is actually a song, but "I'll Be There For You"
Your favorite homepage: Matt's Helen Hunt Site http://frizbog.org and Central Perk http://www.centralperk.com
Hey Sparky! It's, me, Katieblue_eyes! Luv the page! talk to you later!
Taahira (babydoll) - 08/03/98 05:25:35
My Email:taahira@hotmail.com
Your age: 14 going on 50!
Your favorite movie: uhh....it'd have to be either Steel Magnolias, Titanic, of Forrest Gump
Your favorite book: The Gift by Danielle Steel
Your favorite quote: Lefties are always right!
Title of your favorite poem: -------
Your favorite homepage: it's a tie with Lali and Shades, Sleep's, Slicks, Skinny's, and yous! (0=
Hey Sis! This is GREAT so far!! keep up the good work and i love the poems!! Love Always, Baby
Jadeyn - 07/29/98 05:12:55
My Email:jadeyn@yahoo.com
Your age: 23
Your favorite movie: Titantic
Your favorite book: anything by Johanna Lindsey
Your favorite quote: to each his own
Title of your favorite poem: Sense me.....
Your favorite homepage: Insane Domain
Hey Sparky.....cool page. I really like the poems.Keep up the good work.
Murph - 07/28/98 01:05:52
My URL:http://www.btinternet.com/~emurphy
My Email:emurphy@btinternet.com
Your age: 18
Your favorite movie: Starship Troopers
Your favorite book: Belgariad - Eddings, David
Your favorite quote: Love is forever, sex is for the moment
Your favorite homepage: MINES!!!
Love the page, Ashley, wish I could say more, but I'm a bit of a dinkus when it comes to this...
Lali - 07/28/98 00:49:54
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Docks/2900
My Email:Lali98@yahoo.com
Your age: 31
Your favorite movie: Titanic (where are my tissues?)
Your favorite book: The Stand
Your favorite quote: keep smiling... people will either smile back or wonder what you are up to
Title of your favorite poem: Love Is...
Your favorite homepage: ah... this one can't be answered!!
Hey Lil Sis!! GREAT page!! You are really doing a wonderful job with this, I am so proud! I feel so honored to be named on your page, and to be your big sis! You are a beautiful girl with a terrific personality, ALWAYS remember that. I can't wait to
ead more of your beautiful poetry, you are so talented!! I will be coming back here often... See you in the chat room! love ya, Lali
Welsh_babe - 07/26/98 21:07:20
My Email:Babe_from_wales@yahoo.com
Your age: 18
Your favorite movie: oh god tough question....pass
Your favorite book: not quite sure, but Terry Pratchett ones are good
Your favorite quote: CENSORED
Title of your favorite poem: Have yet to find mine
Your favorite homepage: Shade and Lali's and yours, and Slisck's is good too
Sorry it took me such a long time to get round to doing this. Nice page Sparkster. I hope to see you in Perk. I know you don't like the new format but we will miss you a lot if you don't come in. You have a lof of friends who care about you there.
Martin (Zassy) - 07/24/98 21:31:25
My Email:zassy@get2net.dk
Your age: 27
Your favorite movie: Itīs a wonderful life
Your favorite book: The pelican brief
Title of your favorite poem: Do not go gentle into that good night
Your favorite homepage: www.aegean.net & yours off course
WOW !!
Itīs really beginning to look like a real homepage.
Good job Ashley.
.....but.....The blue letters on the purple background are really hard to read.
Royal - 07/24/98 05:40:18
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Canal/9102
My Email:royalwatcher@hotmail.com
Your age: 16
Your favorite movie: Birdcage/Airplane
Your favorite book: I know why the Cage Bird Sings
Your favorite quote: Hang on and *69 his a.ss
Title of your favorite poem: Dreams
Your favorite homepage: mine
Nice page, you should link mine on yours so people can visit mine from your page, Sparks great job
Star11267 - 07/23/98 22:53:36
hey Ashley! This is great!!! I love the story! and the poems!!! I'm very glad that we have become friends. You are a very special and beautiful person!! you have many friends in here! Keep smiling!! love Star
Tb_ornot_tb - 07/23/98 19:49:40
Your age: 29 again
Your favorite movie: One Flew over the cuckoo's nest
Your favorite quote: Live each day as if it's your last, one day you'll be right...
Your favorite homepage: this one baby
hey baby, you've done a great job here
All my Love, Daddy
Texas_Toolmaker - 07/21/98 00:50:17
My Email:two_texans@yahoo.com
Your age: 36
Sparky,hey you have done a great job here, i really liked your page.you have some really cool thing here , and some great links.. keep up the good work.
see you in Perk
heaven20star - 07/20/98 23:57:46
My Email:heaven20star@yahoo.com
Your age: 20
Your favorite movie: Titanic
Your favorite book: Letters To A Young Poet
Your favorite quote: You jump, I jump right?
Title of your favorite poem: Revenge by Dorothy Parker (just kidding....it's a joke...it's my fave poem but I'm not like that at all)
Your favorite homepage: any page about Sylvia Plath, Hugh Grant and (especially!) Matthew Perry!!!!
I love your page Sparky! Keep up the great work!
heaven20star - 07/20/98 23:56:16
My Email:heaven20star@yahoo.com
Your age: 20
Your favorite movie: Titanic
Your favorite book: Letters To A Young Poet
Your favorite quote: You jump, I jump right?
Title of your favorite poem: Revenge by Dorothy Parker (just kidding....it's a joke...it's my fave poem but I'm not like that at all
Your favorite homepage: any page about Sylvia Plath, Hugh Grant and (especially!) Matthew Perry!!!!
I love your page Sparky! Keep up the great work!
RMillernr31 - 07/19/98 23:37:21
My Email:rogier_gizmo@yahoo.com
Your age: 23
Your favorite movie: Forrest Gump / the Rock
Your favorite book: Bad as i wanna be (Dennis Rodman)
Your favorite quote: life is like a box of choclate, u never know what u gonna get
Hi Ashley
well here it is my sign in ure guestbook!
I love to visit this page b/c of the poems and other nice stuff. I also love u for being such a nice friend! i hope to hear/see/feel from u soon!
Love roger
CC1999 - 07/19/98 22:20:20
My Email:CC1999@yahoo.com
Your age: 17
Your favorite movie: i have to pick just one? hmmm... Forest Gump
Your favorite book: Anne of Green Gables by Lucy Maud Montgomery
Your favorite quote: The way I see it, you have to put up with the rain before you get the rainbow. ! Dolly Parton.
Title of your favorite poem: to hard to pick one.....
Your favorite homepage: this one.
Hey Sparky!!! Well congradualtions on you home page!!! Thanks for letting me visit! You did a great job! I love the poems!
Take care sweetie!
Seshy - 07/19/98 21:52:08
My Email:Sesh69@yahoo.com
Your age: 29
Your favorite movie: Breakfast Club
Your favorite book: Anything by V.C. Andrews
Your favorite quote: "I'm innocent, really I am"
Title of your favorite poem: well one of them is "Lover of My Soul"
Your favorite homepage: well I'm partial here, I am the Mommy!! Sparky's all the way.
WTG Kiddo!!!!! Keep up the good work, it's
looking great!! Super duper hugs to you!!
Fido_uk - 07/19/98 21:19:52
My Email:fido_uk@yahoo.com
Your age: 24
Your favorite movie: Titanic
Your favorite quote: Smokin.....
Your favorite homepage: Yours & Shade's & Lali's
Great page, and I'm also mentioned on cool, I feel kind of important now. hehe...
SleeplesSP - 07/19/98 20:52:36
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Canal/3365/
My Email:sleeplessp@yahoo.com
Your age: 28
Your favorite movie: This year?? The Full Monty
Your favorite book: This year?? Into thin air
Your favorite quote: Read my philosophy in my homepage.
Title of your favorite poem: Any poem written by Sparky
Your favorite homepage: Mine. LOL. It's great. You all have to checki it out.
Am I the first???
Your homepage is getting better and better.
Keep doing the great job. If you need any help. Call Shade. hehehe. If she cannot help you, neigther do I.
- 07/19/98 18:25:04
Just checking to see if this works :o)