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( Who want to defend their relegion and ready to take action ) Are Welcomed To Join the IIL - Especially who are Proffesional in Hadithe and Koran explanation ``tafseer`` (( We are also looking for Muslims who have sound knowledge in hadith, 'Ulum al-Qur'an, 'Ilm al-Balagah etc. to help us to create a thorough website inshallah. So, far we have doen reasonably well with whatever resources we have, but we need more people who are willing to help us in many ways to educate Muslims as well as non-Muslims.

How To Join :-
If u find a site that attac Islam -

- It to us and if you want to add your defend ( Comprehensive one ) to answer this site .
--``If u spend 15 minutes a day on the net ans searching about Islam review ; anti islam ; islam ; u can get a result .

--If u have a Web Page , add our Logo to your page
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(We will add you to the member`s page )- If you are Preofisional in This area ``Defending about Islam `Submit your Topic that u want to publish it

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