How Does Your Garden Grow?

a WebQuest for Middle School Science

Patricia H. Rynearson

Introduction | Task | Resources | Process | Evaluation | Conclusion


The school needs our help! The school campus is in need of beautification!! The weeds are overgrown all over the campus. There are patches of bare ground. Our principal has agreed to let our class plant a garden. Before he will let us plant a garden, he wants to see a plan. He wants to know where we would plant, what we would plant and how we would maintain the garden. It will be your job to select a garden site and plan a garden that will make our school a more beautiful place. The school is counting on you!

The Task

You will be divided into groups of three. Each member of the group will have a specific job. The information found by each member of the group will be needed to complete the task. The success of your project depends upon each group member must doing their best.


  • Landscape Designer - your job is to take measurements, make the scale drawings of the garden area (both as it looks right now on the campus and what it would look like when the garden has been planted) and use the information provided to you by the Horticulturist in your design.
  • Horticulturist - your job is to research the plants which will be planted in the garden. You must base your choices upon information about the types of plants which will grow in our area, the amount of shade and water available in the area your group selected as well as the types of plants which will grow well and look well together.
  • Groundskeeper - your job is to plan for the planting of the garden as well as the maintenance of the garden. You will need to research tools, soil types, safe insect and weed control methods and irrigation systems for maintaining the garden.

Using this information, you will create a presentation to convince the principal that your plan should be implemented. Your presentation must include:

  • a scale drawing of the area as it now looks on campus
  • a scale drawing of the garden as it will look when it is planted
  • a report of the types of plants selected as well as your reasons for selecting those plants
  • a plan for maintaining the garden



Landscape Designer: You will need information about planning the garden from these sites.

Groundskeeper: You will need information about tools and tips to maintain the garden from:

Horticulturist: You will need information about plants that will grow in our area from:

If you find that you do not understand some of the gardening terms, use this glossary to help you.


The Process

To accomplish the task, your group must:

  1. Read the job descriptions and assume one role per person.
  2. Take a tour of the school campus to select the area your group thinks should be the site of your garden. Do not select an area that is more than 10 feet x 10 feet.
  3. Take accurate measurements of the area.
  4. Make careful observations of your selected area - e.g. How much sunlight? When does it receive its sunlight? How much water does the area receive? What is the condition of the soil? What types of insects are in the area?
  5. Decide whether or not your garden will have a theme.
  6. Research some steps to building a school garden and some ideas to consider.
  7. Use the Internet resources to gather information that will influence the types of plants you will use.
  8. Based upon your research, work as a cooperative group to evaluate your information and create your presentation of a garden plan.

Each member of the group will be responsible for making daily Journal entries to reflect the research being done and the plan being developed. Remember that your Journal entries can be words, diagrams, samples or scientific drawings.



Your final presentation will be used to evaluate your group's work. Your presentation must include at least 4 visuals (the scale drawings and posters), a written report reflecting all your research and your oral presentation. You can include a HyperStudio or ClarisWorks presention as part of your final project.

Each individual member of the group will also be graded on the quality of the daily Journal entries made during this project.



Now that you have researched and planned your garden, you might want to try one of these sites for a little fun!

All those games and fun activities have given you time to rest. Now GO OUTSIDE AND START PLANTING THE GARDEN!


Last updated September 3, 1999

Based on a template from The Webquest Page.