Welcome to my Guestbook!

Juliann Beadle - 10/23/00 15:05:00
Eye colour:: Blue
Favourite month:: October and December
Where are you from?: Brampton, Ontario

Well I just wanted to say hello again and I think of Sabrina everyday. From Juliann Beadle

Juliann Beadle - 10/18/00 02:46:31
Eye colour:: Blue
Favourite month:: October and December
Where are you from?: Brampton, Ontario

I met Sabrina in the hospital.I wanted to met her so badly because i saw her name on the board for so long.I talked to her a lot in the hospital.I just had a kidney transplant on Sep 28/1999.When I went for check ups at sick kids i always went up to 6a to see how Sabrina was doing.When i heard about what happened to her i cryed and cryed and cryed.Even though I didn't know her very well she was a good friend.When I was going for my transplant I was a little scared.I thought of Sabrina and in a way i felt t at she gave me hope,courage and strenght.I thank God for me getting the chance to meet her.She has captured a lot of Ontarians hearts and she sure captured mine.I have a scrap book with organ donations and articles in it.I saved all of Sabrina's and i'm s ill searching for more.I put a few pictures of her on my bulliten board so every night i can look up at her and think of her.She is in a peaceful place right now no pain or fear or anything.As much as all of her friends and family miss her she'll always b in their hearts forever and always.I wish that she could come back, I would give her a big hug.

Juliann Beadle - 10/18/00 02:46:27
My URL:http://www.geocities.com
Eye colour:: Blue
Favourite month:: October and December
Where are you from?: Brampton, Ontario

I met Sabrina in the hospital.I wanted to met her so badly because i saw her name on the board for so long.I talked to her a lot in the hospital.I just had a kidney transplant on Sep 28/1999.When I went for check ups at sick kids i always went up to 6a to see how Sabrina was doing.When i heard about what happened to her i cryed and cryed and cryed.Even though I didn't know her very well she was a good friend.When I was going for my transplant I was a little scared.I thought of Sabrina and in a way i felt t at she gave me hope,courage and strenght.I thank God for me getting the chance to meet her.She has captured a lot of Ontarians hearts and she sure captured mine.I have a scrap book with organ donations and articles in it.I saved all of Sabrina's and i'm s ill searching for more.I put a few pictures of her on my bulliten board so every night i can look up at her and think of her.She is in a peaceful place right now no pain or fear or anything.As much as all of her friends and family miss her she'll always b in their hearts forever and always.I wish that she could come back, I would give her a big hug.

R.E. Lee - 09/30/00 01:51:43
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/luckygagin/RMdaughter.html
My Email:elra@lcc.net


Linda Gotman - 09/08/00 01:00:55
My Email:ngotman@home.com
Eye colour:: Brown
Favourite month:: September
Where are you from?: Mississauga, Ontario

Elizabeth, Thanks for all you have done. Sabrina had a soft spot in her heart for you. You always made her laugh and feel good. She loved spending time emailing you. I hope you got as much from her as she did from you. I will be emailing you again soon. Thanks again......

Silvia Leuchter - 06/06/00 17:15:53
My Email:silvia.leuchter@t-online.de
Eye colour:: dark blue
Favourite month:: May & September
Where are you from?: Würselen/Germany

Hi Elizabeth! How are you? Maybe you recall my name, we already had contact a few years ago(I think it was in 1995/96). I´m really sorry that back then I didn`t keep up writing letters. I`m really glad that now I`ve got access to the internet and I`m able to communicate via email.I know that Stefanie Powers has quite a lot of fans worldwide - and I can say I`m one of her biggest.I first saw this wonderful and talented lady, of course,in H2H back in 1983.I was 8 years old when H2H aired in Germany for the first time. Since then I try to get my hands on anything related to Stef.I would love to stay in contact with you if you like.I`m a member of Stef`s club at Yahoo(ID:silva6_de),of her Official Fan Club since 1990 and of the WHWF.I will take a look at your Homepage now. Since November last year I´m in this business you know,I create WebSites but I also do ordinary print advertisements. I don`t have my own Homepage yet but I would love to do another WebSite for Stefanie and I considered writing a H2Hfanfiction story but this demands a l t of time and right now I`m rather short of time.What do you think of the H2HFanFiction stories? I wonder if Stef and RJ have read some of these.I mean some of them aren`t exactly H2H-style,if you know what I mean.I bet you do! My greatest dream has alrea y come true for you - meeting Stefanie!I`ve admired the photos of your meeting with Stef in 1992 and my heart has beaten faster just as I imagined that Stefanie would sit in front of me.I don`t give up that dream and now there`s "The Adjustment"- another hance to meet her. Do you know whether the play will go to London`s West End or even to Broadway? I just ordered Stefanie`s CD at her Fan Club and I`m so excited to get it.Do you already have it? Well, I will finish my "comment" right here and hope to get a mail from you! Best wishes from Germany to Canada. Yours friend Silvia

jellybean - 03/28/00 22:36:58
My URL:http://www.thegreenone.com
Eye colour:: green
Favourite month:: april

What's green and mean---a jellybean!

Oh my stars! - 02/18/00 06:04:56
My Email:rpropshop@aol.com
Eye colour:: hazel
Favourite month:: May
Where are you from?: Philadelphia

Love ur spell page! Cant believe u responded so quickly to my posting on the B&E site. Thanks Liz! Will be back soon. I am going to check to see if they only spell I know by heart is on the page, and if it isn't I will gladly add it!

Charles McRobert - 01/18/00 09:36:48
My Email:ashleystruan@hotmail.com
Eye colour:: Blue
Favourite month:: September
Where are you from?: Toronto

Sabrina may now be gone, but her dream will always be alive if we honour her request that we all sign our organ donor card. It is such a small thing. Years ago, a good friend bullied me into signing. I immediately felt the better for it. All 4 love

Linda Gotman - 01/06/00 05:03:44
Eye colour:: Dark Brown
Favourite month:: September
Where are you from?: Mississauga

Elizabeth, your great. I'd like to update you for Sabrina. Things are not great. I tried on Sabrina's web page but it would not send. I'll try again in a few days.

Angela - 11/09/99 18:19:48
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/williamsa_99
Eye colour:: hmmmm
Favourite month:: January

Bug a Boo! Lots to do.

- 06/16/99 15:18:14


- 06/16/99 15:17:01


El Byng - 04/30/99 14:30:53
My URL:http://angelfire.com/ms/missed
My Email:midnightshade_44@hotmail.com
Eye colour:: Hazel/green
Favourite month:: November
Where are you from?: Uk

Pretty good, A very different layout to most pages... Well done!!!!

ginifish - 04/30/99 12:13:45
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Wellesley/Gazebo/4117/
My Email:ginifish@webtv.net
Eye colour:: blue
Favourite month:: may
Where are you from?: chincoteague, virginia

this is a swell homepage, very well put together.

Richouille - 04/30/99 10:16:38
My URL:http://www.main-vision.com/richard
My Email:rafaleaz@geocities.com
Eye colour:: Brown
Favourite month:: Decembre
Where are you from?: Italian/British livin in Switzerland

I haven't seen enough of the site yet but it looks okay.

Terry & Susan Johnston - 04/01/99 22:56:17
My URL:http://magic949.com
My Email:teeg@durham.net
Eye colour:: Blue
Favourite month:: October
Where are you from?: Whitby

Hi from your favourite nurse & her hubby! Got any chocolate for your nurse? How's the lettuce & vinegar? T & S

James - 03/31/99 19:11:07
My Email:ablad@hotmail.com
Eye colour:: blue
Favourite month:: march
Where are you from?: Bracebridgee

I was surfing for incantations and came across your web site thanks it was use full

Mr. Boulanger - 03/29/99 03:57:41
My Email:Steeve.Boulanger@dpcdsb.org
Eye colour:: brown
Favourite month:: june
Where are you from?: mississauga

Thank you for your effort with organ donations. I pray for Sabrina every day.

tom - 03/20/99 02:56:39
My Email:yeksaccm@yahoo.com
Eye colour:: blue
Favourite month:: september
Where are you from?: a sparkle of a star!!!

love your web site you did a great job on this

bruce - 01/22/99 04:26:58
My Email:bluejay664@hotmail.com
Eye colour:: blue/grey
Favourite month:: june
Where are you from?: toronto

i'm a huge bewitched fan and have been for years (well, centuries actually) and think your site is fantastic. keep up the great work!!

Lauren Dale - 11/21/98 22:23:04
My Email:dalesap@hotmail.com
Eye colour:: Beautiful Brown
Favourite month:: July
Where are you from?: London Ont.

E-mail me soon.By the way this is my mom's e-mail address.

10/27/98 10:31:09
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just surfing. Thanks.

Samantha Dunn - 10/26/98 07:58:03
My Email:samantha_dunn@hotmail.com
Eye colour:: Brown
Favourite month:: April
Where are you from?: Brisbane Australia

Great page. I hope to came back and see it grow. BYE

Cynthia - 09/25/98 13:50:33
My Email:ladyci@yahoo.com
Eye colour:: D. Brown
Favourite month:: December
Where are you from?: TX~

Hi Elizabeth! This is a great page too! Love the flowers! I think Stefanie Powers and I are blessed to have a friend like you! Ci!

Victor - 09/19/98 04:01:15
My URL:http://members.aol.com/BewitchVic/main.html
My Email:VictorMas@aol.com
Eye colour:: Dark Brown
Favourite month:: July/August
Where are you from?: New York

Great site! With a unique look! Finally the spells in "red & white" ! Well ... written down, anyway. Thanks.
Rollo - 09/13/98 23:13:27
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/zaphappy
My Email:zap@globalnet.co.uk
Eye colour:: Blue
Favourite month:: January
Where are you from?: London, England

What a nicely done site. It's great to finally see all of Sam and Co's spells all together like this. Love the design and had a great time here, keep up the good work and i look forward to updates. !

James - 09/05/98 10:38:29

The "Bewitched" spells are great, Elizabeth! I look forward to watching this page grow! Hey...do you think Esmerelda knew a spell for ~that~? ;-) "Internet, Outernet Fiddle-Dee-Dee Make this site grow Like a giant oak tree!" {An oak tree immediately appears in the Stephens' kitchen, whereupon Esmerelda cries "Oh, dear!" and slowly fades away!} ;-) I've got lots of spells on tape, Elizabeth, and I'll be sure to send them to you soon! :-)

James - 09/05/98 10:37:47

The "Bewitched" spells are great, Elizabeth! I look forward to watching this page grow! Hey...do you think Esmerelda knew a spell for ~that~? ;-) "Internet, Outernet Fiddle-Dee-Dee Make this site grow Like a giant oak tree!" {An oak tree immediately appears in the Stephens' kitchen, whereupon Esmerelda cries "Oh, dear!" and slowly fades away!} ;-) I've got lots of spells on tape, Elizabeth, and I'll be sure to send them to you soon! :-)

HL - 08/29/98 11:25:20
Where are you from?: Well, you know,..

Hey, Lizzles! What's up? --H

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