Elizajody's Favourites Page

Television Shows

Ally McBeal
The Bionic Woman
The Brady Bunch
Hart to Hart
Night Court
The Pretender
Star Trek: The Next Generation
Star Trek: Voyager
The X-Files
Third Rock From The Sun

Music & Musicians

Chicago Broadway musical
Five Guys Named Moe From Broadway. Great jazz!
Jamiroquai Travelling Without Moving
Will Smith Men In Black CD
Brent Spiner
Who? you ask. Data from ST:TNG. He can really sing! His CD is Ol' Yellow Eyes Is Back.
Mel Torme I love this guy!


"Gin baby.....gin...gin...gin." Laura to Max in Hart to Hart.

"Last time I saw something like that, it was being served on a plate." Lwaxana Troi

"You may find that having is not so pleasing a thing, afterall,
as wanting. It is not logical, but it is often true." Spock

"Legends ... are the spice of the universe, Mr. Data,
because they have a way of sometimes coming true." Captain Picard

"The higher, the fewer." Alexander

"If a man will begin with certainties, he shall end in doubts.
But if he will be content to begin with doubts, he shall end in certainties." Francis Bacon

"His outwardly smooth sentences were inside of them
gnarled and tough with the enigmas of the American experiment."
Carl Sandberg writing about the Gettysburg Address.

"To be forced to fight is to have lost the first battle." Captain Picard

"A manifestation of molecular mortal linkage caused by a formation of polymers and certain
hydrogen elements in a biological unity of two or more dominant species." Samantha Stephens


And recycling!
Lawn Cutting
Betcha didn't know it was a sport!
With Lisa G. and the "2 bounce allowance"!

There have been visitors since August 29 1998.