Every day across North America, tens of thousands of office workers head to work without the vital caffeine they need to function. This leads to horrifying incidences of lost productivity, mistakes, interoffice strife and politics... but the saddest thing of all is that this situation is so preventable.

Your donation to the Christian Coffee Fund of Canada can help provide these men and women with the cup of coffee they need to function. When you see the miracles possible simply by giving these poor souls a cup of joe a day, it warms your heart. But it is also light on your wallet. For the price of only the life of one child in a developing country, you can sponsor a Canadian office worker and provide them with a cup of coffee a day.

Along with the satisfaction of helping out an office worker in need, your donation comes along with a progress report, detailing any promotions, raises, or important social events in your worker's life. You can choose to support a man or a woman, in any of Canada's provinces or territories... many of our donors like to sponsor more than one worker! And you can't top the great feeling you get when you read that first, laser-printed letter on company stationary from your grateful worker. All this for the low price of one child's life in the developing world.

Act now! The CCFC can make a difference for suffering office workers. We can provide a cup of coffee a day, so desperately needed by these poor souls, for the low price of one impoverished child's life. But we can only do it with your help. Operators are standing by. I only hope you can open your heart to men and women truly in need

Thanks to Geocities

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