Personal Profiles
The girls and guys of

Elizabeth "Liz", "Lizzie", "blondie",Wakefield.
Elizabeth is commonly known as "the good twin", or Jessica's "better half. She dresses conservitively, and enjoy writing for her paper, the Oracle. She is usally very dependable, responsible and kind. Elizabeth is widely known for dating Todd Wilkins, the star basketball player. In SVU, she is known for dating Tom Watts. Elizabeth's best buds are Enid Rollins, a friend of Elizabeth's just for high school, and Maria Slater, a childhood movie star who knew Elizabeth since sixth grade.

Jessica "Jess", "Jessie", "blondie", Wakefield
Jessica is commonly known as, "The other twin", or Elizabeth's "other half". Outside of their looks, they couldn't be anymore different inside. She has dated more guys than we can count, (or not. Click here to join the Jessica's boyfriend count.) She lives for shopping, fashion, and hot guys. Her best friends are Lila Fowler, who she known since preschool, and Amy Sutton, who she started to like during high school.

Lila, "Li", Fowler
Lila Fowler is most widely known for being an extremely rich snob. She has dated lots of guys, but as she said, "Ten shabbier guys are worth one very suave, rich fellow." At this time, Lila is not dating anyone special, but in SVU, she dates Bruce Patman seriously. Her best friend, and sometimes worst enemy is Jessica Wakefield, who she has known since preschool.

Enid, "Enod", "Eenie Rollins", Rollins
Enid Rollins has totally different personalities in SVH, the TV show, and SVU. In SVH, she is a caring, sorta nerdy girl who hangs out with Elizabeth Wakefield a lot. She didn't have a lot of boyfriends, and the ones she had were either jerks or just attracted to other people. In the TV show, Enid is a kooky character who seems to dress weird, and has a odd thing about bringing up her family at the worst times. In SVU, she becomes "Alexandra Rollins", the cool girl, with an attitude like Jessica's, and friends like Jessica's, excluding Elizabeth.

Cheryl Thomas.
Cheryl Thomas is a person who has a small character in the books that is nothing like her TV character. I think she kinda portrays Maria Slater on the TV show, with some differences. She is a model, who leaves the buisness because of all it's phony attitude and faux friends. She is first treated like a jerk, but then accepted into the main Sweet Valley circle.

Todd, "Toddy Boy", "The Wilkinator", Wilkins.
Todd is the guy, that whenever you think of him, you immediatly think of Liz Wakefield. He has known Liz since nursery school, and they have dated since sixth grade. Other than Liz, his life belongs to basketball and ESPN. His best buds are Winston Egbert, A.J. Morgan and Ken Matthews. His enemies are anyone who can play basketball better than him, and Devon Whitelaw. His character seems to change very little throughout his life.

Winston, "Winslow", "The Geek", Egbert.
Winston is a funny guy who considered nerdy by Jessica's group. He is actully a really nice guy with a tendancy to act like a clown. He seems to be friends with all of the mail Sweet Valley gang, but his true best bud is Todd Wilkins. He seems to keep his "class clown" title through his life, until SVU, when he kinda calms down, and starts to date Denise Waters.

Devon Whitelaw
Devon is very different from the TV series then the book, but with some common bonds, the biggest one is that they have fallen in love with Liz Wakefield. In the TV series, Devon is a tough-rebel student with knack with chemistry, and wanting chemstry with his partner, Elizabeth Wakefield. In the book, he a soft-spoken guy who falls in love with Jessica's looks and Elizabeth's personality.

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