A Research Guide for Students by I Lee

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Arranged by Dewey Decimal Classification

338-349 Social Sciences

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301 Anthropology, (Cultural anthropology), (Social anthropology), (Physical anthropology), (Archaeology), (Linguistics), (Ethnology), (Ethnography), (Indigenous peoples)
302.2 Signs and symbols, Communication
302.23 Mass media, (Mass communication), (Media), (TV), (Magazines), (Radio), (Newspapers)
302.3 Bullying, Bullying - Prevention, Bullies
303.3 Public opinion polls, Quality of life, Social values, Values, (Best employers)
303.6 Terrorism, Terrorists - Biography
304.6 Population, Birthrate, Mortality, Vital statistics, Human fertility, (Death rate), (Mortuary statistics), (Demography), (Birth rate), (Marriage statistics)
305.23 Children, Children and adults, Child development, (Child rearing), (Child abuse), (Child welfare), (Teenagers), (Teenage pregnancy)
305.26 Aging, Retirement, (Senior citizens), (Seniors), (Aged), Elderly, Gerontology, Old age, (Older adults)
305.4 Women, Women - Identity, (Women - History), (Women - Social Conditions)
305.5 Poverty
305.892 Arabs
305.896 Blacks, African Americans, (Afro-Americans), (Blacks - United States), (Black History Month), Blacks - Canada, Blacks - Great Britain
306.81 Marriage
306.85 Family
307.76 City life, Cities and towns, Urban sociology, (Town life), (Urban life)
310 Statistics
314.1 Great Britain - Census, United Kingdom - Census, Great Britain - Statistics, United Kindgom - Statistics, (Scotland - Census), (Northern Ireland - Census)
317.1 Canada - Census, Canada - Statistics
317.3 United States - Census, United States - Statistics
319.4 Australia - Census, Australia - Statistics
320.1 Political science, Political ethics
322.4 Ku Klux Klan, (K.K.K.)
323 Human rights, Civil rights, United States - Civil rights, Blacks - Civil rights, African Americans - Civil rights, (Basic rights)
323.3 Women's rights, Women's movement, Feminism, (Women - Civil rights), (Women - Emancipation), (Women - Equal rights), (Women - Suffrage)
323.44 Freedom of action, Freedom of information, Freedom of religion, Freedom of speech, Freedom of the press, Intellectual freedom, Books - Censorship, (Banned books), (Social justice), (Equality)
323.6 Citizenship, Citizenship - Australia, Citizenship - Canada, Citizenship - United Kingdom, Citizenship - United States, (Passports)
324.271 Political parties - Canada, Conservative Party of Canada, Liberal Party of Canada, New Democratic Party, (Canadian Federal Political Parties)
324.273 Political parties - United States, Democratic Party (U.S.), Republican Party (U.S.), Third Parties (United States politics)
325 Immigrants, Immigration and emigration
326 Underground railroad, Slavery, (Slave trade), Abolitionists, (Abolition of slavery)
327.1 Peace, Peace movement, Arms control, Arms race, (Disarmament)
330.1 Lost and found possessions, (Lost pets), (Lost articles), (Found items)
331 Labor market, (United States - Bureau of Labor Statistics)
331.25 Pensions, Retirement income, Military pensions, Old age pensions, (Social security), (Naval pensions), (War pensions), (Old age insurance), (Compensation), (Survivor's benefits), (Disability benefits), (Children's benefits), (Retirement pension)
331.3 Age and employment, Children - Employment, (Child labor)
331.5 Apprentices, (Employees - Training), (Occupational training), (Labor)
331.7 Occupations, (Jobs), (Careers), (Job search), (Employment), (Trades), Vocational guidance
332.024 Personal finance, Estate planning, Saving and thrift, (Financial planning, Personal), (Finance, Personal), (Budgets, Personal)
332.1 Banks and banking, Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM)
332.10971 Banks and banking - Canada
332.10973 Banks and banking - United States
332.4 Money, Paper money, Gold, Inflation (Finance), (Currency), (Standard of value), (Legal tender), Exchange, Foreign exchange, (Exchange rates)
332.63 Stocks, (Stock market), (Stock quotes), Bonds, Mutual funds, Securities, (Investments), (Foreign investments)
332.64 Stock exchange, (Securities exchange)
332.7 Credit cards, Debt, Loans, Mortgages, Consumer credit
332.8 Interest (Economics), Interest rates, (Prime rates)
333.33 Real estate business, Houses - Buying and selling, (Home buying), (Home purchase), (Real property), (Realty), (Apartments), (Rentals)
336.2 Taxation, (Income tax), (IRS), (CRA), (CCRA), (Revenue Canada), (Tax returns), (Taxes)
336.3 Public debts, (Government debts), (National debts)
338 Entrepreneurs, Entrepreneurship, (Home-based business), (Small business), Businesspeople, (Business people), (Self-employed), (Freelancers)
338.1 Farm produce - Marketing, (Farmers markets), (Agricultural products), (Farm crops)
338.4 Consumer goods, (Consumer products), (Merchandise)
338.5 Consumer price indexes, (Cost of living indexes)
338.7 Business enterprises, Corporations (Business organizations), (Businesses), (Firms), (Companies)
338.9 Subsidies, Economic policy, (Grants), (Federal aid), (Business and government), (Economic planning)
340 Law, (Jurisprudence), (Laws), (Statutes), (Case law), (Legal forms), Law - Directories
See also 349.71 Law - Canada, 349.73 Law - United States
For Governments: See countries, e.g.: 971 Canada, 973 USA
341.3 Embassies and consulates, Diplomacy, Diplomatic and consular service, International relations
345 Trials (Homicide), Criminal law, Trials (Murder), (Manslaughter), (Crime), (Offenses against the person), (War crime trials), (Courts martial and courts of inquiry), (Poisons and poisoning)
345.052 Wiretapping - Law and legislation
346.0434 Landlord and Tenant
346.05 Estate planning, Inheritance and transfer tax, (Tax planning), (Personal finance)
346.4 Copyright, Fair use (Copyright), (Intellectual property), (Literary property), (International copyright), (Cyberlaw), Trademarks, (Logos), (Company symbols), (Corporate symbols), (Trade marks)
347.053 Class actions
349.71 Law - Canada
349.73 Law - United States
352.230941 Prime ministers - Great Britain
352.230971 Prime ministers - Canada
352.230973 Presidents - United States
353.8 School boards, (Boards of education) - See 371.2 Schools - Administration
355 Military readiness
358.38 Biological warfare, (Bacterial warfare), (Germ warfare)
361.3 Volunteer work, (Volunteers), (Volunteering)
361.6 Social policy, (Government policy), (National planning), (Social planning)
361.7068 Fund raising, (Fundraising)
361.8 Charities, (Charity organization), (Charitable institutions)
362.1 Hospitals, Hospitals - United States
362.2 Mentally ill, (Insane), (Insanity), (Sanity), (Mentally deranged)
362.29 Alcoholism, Drug abuse, Substance abuse, (Addiction to alcohol), (Drug addiction)
362.4 Handicapped, (Disabled), Deaf, Deafness, Hearing impaired, Physically handicapped
362.7 Child support, Child abuse, Child sexual abuse, Child welfare, Abandoned children, (Deadbeat dads), (Deadbeat moms), (Deadbeat parents)
362.8297 Missing children
363.1 Accidents - Prevention, Safety education, (Safety measures), (Water safety)
363.12 Aircraft accidents, (Aeronautics - Accidents), (Air crashes), (Airplane accidents), (Aviation accidents), (Plane crashes)
363.1251 Drunk driving, (Driving while intoxicated), (Driving under the influence of alcohol)
363.17 Poisons and poisoning, Hazardous substances, (Toxic substances)
363.2 Police, Law enforcement
363.25 Fingerprints, Fingerprints - Identification, Criminal investigation, Criminals - Identification, Forensic sciences
363.28 Secret Service
363.33 Gun control, (Firearms - Law and legislation), (Right to bear arms)
363.34 Disaster relief, (Disaster preparedness), (Emergency preparedness)
363.7 Environment, Environmental protection, Noise pollution, (Pollution - Prevention), (Pollution control), (Conservation movement), (Green movement), (Ecological movement)
363.72 Hazardous wastes, (Toxic wastes)
363.738 Acid rain
363.739 Pollution, Air pollution - Measurement, (Atmosphere - Pollution), Water pollution, (Soil pollution)
364 Crime
364.1 Computer crimes, Impostors and imposture, (Hoaxes), (Charlatans), (Pretenders), (Chain letters)
364.16 Fraud, False personation, Credit card crimes, Swindlers and swindling, (Identity theft), (Con artists), (Con game)
364.6 Capital punishment, (Death penalty), (Executions), (Hanging)
368 Insurance
Scouts and scouting, (Boy Scouts), (Girl Scouts), (Girl Guides)
370 Education
370.19 Foreign study, Foreign students, (College students), (Overseas study), (Study abroad)
371 Schools (K-12), (K12), (Education), (Homework)
371.04 Home schooling, (Home-based education), (Home education), (Home instruction), (Home teaching by parents), (Homeschooling)
371.102 Teaching, (Art of teaching), (Methods of teaching)
371.12 (Teacher qualifications), (Professional qualifications of teachers), (Certification of teachers)
371.2 Schools - Administration, (School management and organization), (Acceptable use policy - AUP)
371.26 Educational tests and measurements, Examinations, Intelligence tests, Psychological tests, Ability - Testing, (Tests), (Achievement tests), (Objective tests), (Educational measurements), (Intelligence testing), (Mental tests), (IQ tests), (I.Q. tests)
371.3 Teaching - Aids and devices, Teaching machines, Programmed instruction, Computer assisted instruction, (Instructional materials), (Teaching materials), (Lesson plans)
See also WebQuests - Web-based lesson plans (Internet activities for educational purposes)
371.3028 Homework, Study skills, (Art of learning), (Method of study), (Study strategies)
371.39 Tutors and tutoring, (Tutorial), (Tutorials), (Learning), (Education at home), (Home instruction), (Courses of study)
371.42 Vocational guidance, (Vocational education), (Career education)
371.7 Safety education, School violence, (Student violence), (School vandalism), (Violence in schools), (Accidents - Prevention)
372 Elementary schools
372.1 Babysitting
373 High schools
374 Discussion groups, Voice chat
377.2 Character, Moral education, (Character education)
378 Colleges and universities
378.13 Alumni and alumnae - Directories
378.3 Scholarships, Student aid, Student loan funds, (Bursaries), (Fellowships), (Scholarship funds), (Student financial assistance)
379.158 School standards and accreditation, (Educational standards)
380.1 Markets, and 381 Telemarketing (See 658.8 Auctions, Direct selling, Telemarketing, Online bookstores)
380.106 Chamber of commerce, (Boards of trade)
381.13 Franchises (Retail trade)
382 International economic relations, International trade, (International organization), (Internatioal cooperation), (World economics), (Economic planning), (Social policy)
383 Postal service, Postal code, Zip code, Postage stamps, (Mail service), (Post office), Postcards
384 Electronic mail systems (E-mail or email addresses), Telephone (Telephone directories), Video telephone, Chat dictionaries, Data transmission systems, Telecommunication, (Wireless)
384.54 Radio stations, Radio broadcasting, Radio programs, Amateur radio stations, (Ham radio stations), (High-frequency radio), (Citizens band radio)
384.55 Television, Television broadcasting, Public television, Television and youth, Television and children, (Educational television)
387.155 Lighthouses
387.5 Merchant marine, (Sailors), (Seamen)
387.7 Airlines
388.4 City traffic, Traffic engineering, Local transit, (Street traffic), (Urban traffic), (Highway transportation)
391 Costume, Fashion, Clothing and dress
391.413 Shoes, (Footwear), (Boots)
391.6 Perfumes, Tattooing
392.1 Female circumcision
392.5 Weddings, Marriage customs and rites, (Bridal customs), (Honeymoon)
394.2 Birthdays
394.25 Carnival
394.26 Holidays, Festivals, (Christian holidays), (Religious holidays), (Chinese New Year), (Valentine's Day), (Easter), (Halloween), (Veterans' Day), (Thanksgiving Day)
394.268 Christmas, Christmas customs, Christmas cards, Christmas decorations, (Santa Claus), (St. Nicholas), (St. Nick), (Xmas)
395 Etiquette
398 Folklore, (Folk lore), (Folk tales), (Traditions)
398.2 Fables, Fairy tales, Legends, Urban legends (Hoaxes)
398.22 Arthurian romances, Grail, (King Arthur), (Holy Grail), (Arthur, King - Romances), (Knights of the Round Table)
398.24 Mythical animals, Animals - Folklore, Dragons, (Monsters)
398.8 Nursery rhymes

338 Entrepreneurs, Entrepreneurship, (Venture capital), (Technological innovations), (Home-based business), (Small business), Businesspeople, (Business people), (Self-employed), (Freelancers)

Am I an Entrepreneur? from National Innovation Council, Department of Industry, Tourism and Resources, Australian Government. Includes links to Tycoon Quiz: What Are Your Tycoon Traits?

Am I an Entrepreneur? from Business Planning 4 You. Find out if you have what it takes to be an entrepreneur.

Business Plans and Profiles Index. A Subject Guide to Sample Business Plans and Profiles for Specific Business Types, from Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh. Includes a Small Business Audio and Video Collection for additional materials related to starting a business.

leaf Business Start-Up Assistant from Government of Canada. Your information site for starting a business in Canada. Contents include: Being an Entrepreneur, Basic Steps for Starting a Business, Market Research, Preparing a Business Plan, Sole Proprietorship, Partnership, Incorporation, Franchising, Selecting Your Business Name, Registering Your Business, General Information on Taxation, Finding and Funding Employees, Pay and Benefits, Labour Standards, Occupational Health and Safety, Copyright, Patents, Trade-Marks, Doing Business on the Internet, and more.

BusinessTown.com - Profile of an Entrepreneur: Do you have what it takes? Entrepreneurial characterics. Myths about Entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurial - Self-Analysis. Entrepreneurial - The Success Formula. Getting Started: Business Ideas, Business Plan, Legal Structure, Getting Financing.

DECA - Distributive Education Clubs of America. Since 1946, the goal of DECA has been to improve educational and career opportunities in marketing, management and entrepreneurship. Today, DECA has continued to work with the Business community to integrate academic achievement with career and technical skills for high school and college students.

Duke/CFO Magazine Global Business Outlook Survey. Survey is conducted quarterly by Duke University. The latest survey, which concluded Feb. 27, 2009, asked 1,268 CFOs from a broad range of global public and private companies about their expectations for the economy. Research has been conducted 52 consecutive quarters. View Summary of Key Results, Optimism Index, Detailed Results, Actual Survey Questions.

Ernst & Young - Entrepreneur of the Year Award.

leaf Entrepreneurial Self Assessment: Are You the Entrepreneurial Type? from Business Development Bank of Canada (BDC).

Entrepreneur Self Assessment from Women Entrepreneurs of Saskatchewan.

Jumpstarting Business Ventures - JBV's Competitive Edge - Lesson 1: What Is Entrepreneurship? Lesson 2: Am I an Entrepreneur? Lesson 13: Stages of Entrepreneurial Financing, and other lessons.

Kiva. Loans that change lives. Make a loan to an entrepreneur in the developing world for as little as $25. Kiva is the world's first online lending platform connecting online lenders to entrepreneurs across the globe. Field Partner Risk Rating.

Open for Business - in PDF from Institute for Business and Home Safety (IBHS). Contents include: Self Assessment, Protecting Your Critical Resources, Developing Your Business Continuity Plan in case of disaster or emergencies, Business Continuity Forms: Employee contact List, Vital Records ... , Property Protection Checklist, and other resources.

Practical Advice for Business from Business Link, UK. Contents: Starting up, Finance and grants, Taxes, returns & payroll, Employing people, Health, safety, premises, Exploit your ideas, IT & e-commerce, Sales and marketing, International trade, Grow your business, Buy or sell a business.

Risk Assessment Quiz for Starting Your Own Business from Georgia State University.

Starting Your Business. Startup Basics from United States Small Business Administration (SBA). Includes a free Small Business Planner. A startup guide intended to serve as a roadmap for starting a business. Plan your business, Start your business, Manage your business, Getting out - Plan your exit. See also Small Business Online Training: Free Online Courses from SBA.

Starting Your Business from Victorian Government, Melbourne, Australia. Includes: Managing Your Business, Licenses and Regulations, Business Assistance, Popular Topics: Business name registration, Paid Public Holidays & Daylight Savings, Export, import, international trade, Franchising, Getting Online, Government Assistance Programs, Helping employees, etc.

338.1 Farm produce - Marketing, (Farmers markets), (Agricultural products), (Farm crops)

BigBarn.co.uk, Scottish Association of Farmers Markets, Farmers Markets.net - Find a Farmer's Market in Scotland, Wales & London.

leaf Canada - Links to Canadian Farmers Markets.

Farmers Markets - Direct-to-Consumer from Agricultural Marketing Service, United States Department of Agriculture. Find a Farmers Market in Your State.

Farmers Markets - Directory by State from Chef-2-Chef.net.

338.4 Consumer goods, (Consumer products), (Merchandise)

Consumers International (CI). An independent global campaigning voice for consumers, with over 220 member organisations in 115 countries, it aims to help protect and empower consumers worldwide. March 15 is World Consumer Rights Day (WCRD).

Google Groups formerly Deja.com. Site features over 600,000 people-powered ratings of more than 25,000 products, services and topics in nearly 800 categories. Provides 35,000 Usenet groups, and 18,000 discussion forums. Over 1.7 million unique users.

Federal Consumer Information Center. Topics: Cars, Children, Consumer Help, Education, Employment, US Federal Programs, Food, Health, Housing, Money, Recalls, Scams/Frauds, Small Business, and Travel.

International Activities from U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), which is charged with protecting the public from unreasonable risks of serious injury or death from more than 15,000 types of consumer products under the agency's jurisdiction. Includes information for Foreign Manufacturers such as Mandatory CPSC Standards and Voluntary (Consensus) Standards.

Mattel: Voluntary Safety Recall Facts. Includes video with message from Chairman and CEO.

338.5 Consumer price indexes, (Cost of living indexes)

The 12 Days of Christmas Price Index from PNC Bank. Discover the true cost of The 12 Days of Christmas in this flash presentation.

The Big Mac Index. Burgernomics from the Economist. The Big Mac index is based on the theory of purchasing-power parity, under which exchange rates should adjust to equalise the cost of a basket of goods and services, wherever it is bought around the world.

Canadian Statistics: Consumer Price Index, historical summary.

Consumer Price Index, 1995 - present from Bank of Canada.

Consumer Price Index (CPI) Home Page from U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics. Consumer Price Indexes (CPI) program produces monthly data on changes in the prices paid by urban consumers for a representative basket of goods and services. Inflation Calculator and lots more.

Cost of Living Wizard from Salary.com. Compare the Cost of Living in Your Area to Other Cities in the United States. Results for your new location will show the dollar amount net change in disposable income, if any.

Latest Economic Indicators from National Statistics Online, UK. Consumer Prices Index (CPI) - (base 1996 = 100). See also Guide to CPI: CPI FAQs: the UK target measure of inflation.

338.7 Business enterprises, Corporations (Business organizations), (Businesses), (Firms), (Companies)

2007 World’s Most Ethical Companies from Ethisphere Magazine. See also 50 Codes of Conduct Benchmarked. An organization’s Code of Conduct may be referred to as Code of Ethics or Code of Business Standards.

Annual Report Gallery (United States).

AnnualReports.com. Annual Reports for individual and institutional investors.

Company Information from Hoovers.com. Hoovers Directories by Industries, Companies by Geography, Business Boneyard, and Companies by Stock Index.

Company Profiles and Mutual Fund Groups from SEDAR (System for Electronic Document Analysis and Retrieval). Electronic filing system for the disclosure documents of public companies and mutual funds across Canada. Profiles of public companies A-Z.

Doing Business: Benchmarking Business Regulations from World Bank Group. Database provides objective measures of business regulations and their enforcement.

Fortune 500. America's largest corporations. Click on any company name to see company snapshot. Ranks major industries and companies by revenues, profits, assets, shareholder equity, return to investors, or a combination of factors.

NYSE: New York Stock Exchange Listed Companies. U.S. Listed Companies and Non-U.S. Listed Companies. Search alphabetically, geographically, or by industry.

Profile Canada. 3 ways to find a business in Canada. Search ProFile Canada database (over 1,000,000 businesses across Canada) by Company Name, Keyword, or Category.

Web100: Big Business on the Web. Contents: The US Web100: The 100 largest U.S. companies on the Web, US Web100 by Industry, The Global Web100: The 100 largest non-U.S. corporations on the Web.

338.9 Subsidies, Economic policy, (Grants), (Federal aid), (Business and government), (Economic planning)

CCPA. The Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives is a national economic and social policy think tank..

The Fraser Institute. The Institute has grown into Canada's leading economic think tank, with 2,500 individual, corporate and foundation supporters in Canada, the United States and twelve other countries.

GrantFreedom.com - Grants available to you in the United States. Grants are available from federal, state and private institutions.

Grants.gov provides a storefront for interactions between grant applicants and the Federal agencies that manage grant funds. There are 26 Federal grant-making agencies and over 900 individual grant programs that award over $400 billion in grants each year in the United States.

National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH). An independent grant-making agency of the United States government dedicated to supporting research, education, preservation, and public programs in the humanities. Alphabetical Listing of grant programs offered by NEH, and application deadlines. Listing of Grant Programs by Division and application deadlines.

340 Law, (Jurisprudence), (Laws), (Statutes), (Case law), (Legal forms), (Law dictionaries), Law - Directories

Automated Legal Forms from LawDepot™. Canadian Contract Categories include: Wills & Power of Attorney, Rental/Lease Forms, Loans, Debt, IOUs, Landlord & Tenant Forms, Marriage & Cohabitation Agreements, and other legal forms. See also Free download of Power of Attorney forms from the Ontario Ministry of the Attorney General.

beSpacific. Accurate, focused law and technology news. Daily postings provide updates on issues including copyright, privacy, censorship, the Patriot Act, ID theft, and freedom of information.

Duhaime's Legal Dictionary.

Duhaime's Canadian Family Law Centre. Covers Canadian Abortion Law, Family Law, Marriage, Divorce Act, etc.

Family Law from the Ontario Ministry of the Attorney General. Divorce and Separation. Child Custody and Access. Division of Property - Matrimonial Homes. Child Support.

FindLaw.LawCrawler. Legal Web & Databases Search. Search engine for Internet sites with legal information, include FindLaw, Legal Dictionary, Legal News, Law Reviews, US Government Sites, Supreme Court Opinions, Federal Circuits.

Global Legal Information Network (GLIN). Searchable public database of laws, regulations, judicial decisions, and other complementary legal sources contributed by governmental agencies and international organizations.

Hieros Gamos - Law and Legal Research Center. A massive site with thousands of links to legal and other resources worldwide. Contents: United States Law, International Law, Worldwide Law Firms Directory, Legal Experts and Consultants, 70 areas of Law Practice, Employment Center, Students Center, Business Center, Consumer Center, Legal and Bar Associations, and more.

Laws.com. Compendium of Law Resources. Gateway to all major virtual law libraries. Search United States, Canadian, or International Law. Links to law in Australia, France, Germany, Italy, New Zealand, Spain and United Kingdom.

The 'Lectric Law Library's Legal Lexicon's Lyceum. Considered to be the Net's Best Law Dictionary with Thousands of Definitions & Explanations of Legal Terms, Phrases & Concepts. Includes Living Will Form.

Legal Dictionary from Babylon.com. Search free online law dictionaries. A variety of Legal Dictionaries, covering general Law terms as well as a wide range of subjects, such as Patent and Trademark Glossaries, Divorce terms and Latin terminology. Include The 'Lectric Law Library, USPTO Patent and Trademark Glossary, HMCS (Her Majesty's Courts Service, UK) Legal Terms, Duhaime's Law Dictionary, Law Dictionary, European Commission Glossary of Justice and home affairs, Divorcesource.com Dictionary, Massachusetts Divorce Law Dictionary, Canadian Insolvency Dictionary, TAO OF DIVORCE A - Z.

Legal Sites on the Web. LawCrawler Search Engine (worldwide law resource search), U.S. Supreme Court Decisions Citation Search by Title, or Full-Text Search, plus numerous links to law sources mainly in the United States, but also in Canada, United Kingdom, and Australia.

Legislative Assembly of Ontario. Contents: Member Lists, Member Addresses, Bills (How a Bill becomes Law, Proclamations), House Business (Parliamentary Calendar), Hansard, Ontario Legislative Assembly Library online catalogue, and more.

The Magna Carta . With Magna Carta (signed in 1215), King John placed himself and England's future sovereigns and magistrates within the rule of law. Magna Carta Translation - 1297 version as confirmed by King Edward I. Magna Carta (Image). Magna Carta and Its American Legacy.

leaf Power of Attorney and Living Wills from Ontario Ministry of the Attorney General. Free download of Power of Attorney Kit in PDF: Powers of Attorney - Forms for Continuing Power of Attorney for Property and Power of Attorney for Personal Care.

Stupid Lawsuits and Other Funny Stuff from Power-of-Attorneys.com. Includes Stupid Lawsuit Collection, Laughable Lawsuits, Class Action Lawsuits, Online Legal Dictionary - Legal Definitions, Lawyer Quotes, Jokes & Cartoons, and more.

Thomas Legislative Information on the Internet. U.S. only. Named after Thomas Jefferson, this site is run by the Library of Congress. Search American Federal Legislation by Bill number or by keywords. Includes Quick Links to: U.S. House of Representatives, House Directory, The United States Senate, Senate Directory, and GPO (United States Government Printing Office).

Washington Courts. Educational Resources. Judges in the Classroom (include lesson plans for Elementary, Middle, and High Schools), and other resources.

WEX: everyone's resource for law learning. WEX is a collaboratively-created, public-access law dictionary and encyclopedia. Sponsored and hosted by Legal Information Institute at Cornell Law School.

World Wide Legal Resources. Chan Robles Virtual Law Library.

341.3 Embassies and consulates, Diplomacy, Diplomatic and consular service, International relations

leaf Diplomatic Gateway to Canada: Protocol Reference Site for the Foreign Diplomatic Community from Canada Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade. Contents: Chief of Protocol, Protocol Services, Policy on Impaired Driving, Canadian Order of Precedence, Canadian Government Holidays, National Days for Countries of the World, Canadian Heritage - Ceremonial and Canadian Symbols Promotion, International Events, Dress, International Organizations and Other Offices - Located in Canada.

Embassy World. Addresses, phone and fax numbers, plus e-mail addresses of the world's Embassies and Consulates.

345 Trials (Homicide), Criminal law, Trials (Murder), (Manslaughter), (Crime), (Offenses against the person), (War crime trials), (Courts martial and courts of inquiry), (Poisons and poisoning)

Arresting Images from The Smoking Gun. Mug shots of the "rich and famous who’ve landed in the pokey." Categories: Sports, Hollywood, Music, Gangsters, The Smoking Gun Favorites, Icons, Historical. Authentic Court documents included.

AwesomeStories.com: Click2FamousTrials. Primary source material. Contents include: Animals Tried as Defendents, Amistad Incident, Daniel Boone: Tried for Treason, Joan of Arc, Mary, Queen of Scots, William Penn: Jury Goes to Prison, Paul Revere, and others.

Court Records - CourtRecords.org. A company that provides comprehensive online records searches in many categories for people in the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom.

Crime / Punishment. Guide to Crime and Punishment by Charles Montaldo, a Private Detective who has worked in various areas of crime detection, from About.com.

Famous Cases from CourtTV.com. Include: Unabomber Trial of Theodore Kaczynski, Oklahoma Bombing Trial of Timothy McVeigh, War Crimes Trial, Trial of Lyle and Erik Menendez, Trial of Dr. Jack Kevorkian, and more.

Famous Cases from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) files. Cases involving Bank Robbery, Historical Ten Most Wanted, Organized Crime / Gangsters (e.g. Al Capone, Bonnie and Clyde, KKK, John Gotti, Patty Hearst, The Unabomber, The Black Dahlia), Violent Crime, and Espionage.

Famous Trials. Excellent site by Professor Douglas Linder, University of Missouri-Kansas City (UMKC) School of Law. Includes Trial of Jesus (30 A. D.), Scopes "Monkey" Trial (1925), Nuremberg Trials (1945-49), Rosenberg Trial (1951), O. J. Simpson Trial (1995), and many others.

The Nuremberg Trials and Their Legacy. Site includes photos, images of artifacts, audio clips as well as links to related articles and websites.

The O.J. Verdict. A 2005 Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) Frontline documentary on the 1995 trial of O.J. Simpson, with Readings and Links.

345.052 Wiretapping - Law and legislation

"Can We Tape?" A Practical Guide to Taping Phone Calls and In-Person Conversations in the 50 States and D.C. from RCFP - Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press.

Electronic Surveillance Laws from United States National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL). Electronic Surveillance, eavesdropping.

Wiretap Reports from U.S. Courts, 1997-2004.

346.0434 Landlord and Tenant

For laws governing rental housing in specific State or Province, check with the government sites of that country.

Landlord Law from landlord.com. Comprehensive Residential Law Center. Learn more about landlord-tenant laws in your state. Includes: Quality Tenant Screening Center - FAQs and Successful Rent Collection Center - FAQs.

Landlord and Tenant Act. U.S. Landlord and Tenant Act (as amended through 1998). Covers Sections 101-136. Web page provided by Vince Mooney Real Estate School and Seminars of Oklahoma.

Landlord or Tenant Problems from CanLaw. Excellent site with many useful links from across Canada. Landlord and Tenant Information, Acts and Rights.

Landlord Tenant Law from Cornell Law School, LII / Legal Information Institute, Wex.

Landlord Tenant State List. Select and view your State's Landlord Tenant Laws and Rights. Landlord Tenant Statutes: National Landlord Tenant Statutes. Landlord Tenant Rights (Click on the State to find laws and links for your State), Normal Wear and Tear, Security Deposit, Eviction, Foreclosures, Small Claims Court, Tenant Screening (tenant credit and eviction history), and other information related to Landlord and Tenant matters, from Rentlaw.com.

Ontario Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB). Formerly Ontario Rental Housing Tribunal (ORHT). Residential Tenancies Act Statutes of Ontario, 2006, chapter 17, came into effect on January 31, 2007. This Act sets the rules for most residential rental housing in Ontario. Previous legislation: Tenant Protection Act (TPA) is no longer in effect. 2009 Rent Increase Guideline, Forms, Notices of Termination and Agreement Forms, Notices of Rent Increase, Help for Tenants, Help for Landlords including Forms, Instructions and Guidelines.

Ontario Tenants Most Asked Questions and Answers. Renters News: Tenants Rights and Social Justice Issues. Other Housing Information Links.

Ontario Tenants, Toronto Tenants. Site contains many useful links including Tenants FAQ, Tenant Rights, Residential Tenancies Act, Tenant Associations, Reports on housing statistics, vacancy rates, etc., Rent Controls in Ontario, Canada, Tenant Web sites, Current Tenant Housing Issues, Your Utility Costs, Tenant Health, Apartment Safety & Security, Find an apartment, plus Tenant Info in other Provinces and Territories in Canada.

The Rental Agreement from Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC). For Renters. For Landlords. Sample Letters and Worksheets including: Tenant's Notice to End the Tenancy, Request for Repairs, Complaint Regarding Another Tenant, etc. Application to Rent Form. Application to Sublet Form.

Residential Tenancies Act (RTA) from Ontario Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing. The Residential Tenancies Act, 2006 (RTA) was proclaimed and came into effect on January 31, 2007, replacing the Tenant Protection Act, 1997 (TPA). The new legislation gives tenants more protection.

Sharing Rental Housing: Are You a Renter with Roommates? Find out your rights, responsibilities and what laws apply to your situation. From Community Legal Education Ontario (CLEO). Legal Resources. Getting Legal Help: Landlord and Tenant.

346.05 Estate planning, Inheritance and transfer tax, (Tax planning), (Personal finance)

Estate Planning from SmartMoney.com. See also Ask SmartMoney Archives: Estate Planning.

Estate Planning: An Overview. Resources from Cornell Law School, Legal Information Institute. Includes Estates and Trusts, Estate and Gift Tax.

Estate Planning Guide. A Comprehensive Canadian Estate Planning Guide from ProfessionalReferrals.ca. Site includes Financial Planning, Find a Mortgage, Group Employee Benefits, Insurance, Investment Planning, Retirement Planning, Tax Planning, plus Tools and Facilities.

Guide to Estate Planning from SaveWealth.com. Includes Introduction to Wills, Living Trusts, Perils of Probate, Power of Attorney, and more.

The Rushforth Firm's Estate Planning Pages.

Will & Estate Planning from NOLO Law for All.

346.4 Copyright, Fair use (Copyright), (Intellectual property), (Literary property), (International copyright), (Cyberlaw), Trademarks, (Logos), (Company symbols), (Corporate symbols), (Trade marks)

See also 364.1 Computer crimes, Impostors and imposture, (Hoaxes), (Charlatans), (Pretenders), (Chain letters)

Application for Registration of a Copyright in Canada.

Canadian Intellectual Property Office (CIPO). Information and application forms for registering your intellectual property. Contents: Patents, Patents Database, Trade-Marks, Trade-Marks Database, Copyrights, Industrial Designs, and Integrated Circuit Topographies. Copyright Act.

Copyright and Fair Use from TechLearing. Links to copyright sites selected by Carol S. Holzberg, Ph.D.

Copyright Guide for Students from University of Sydney, Australia. What is copyright? Who owns copyright? How long does copyright last? What can I copy? How much can I copy for research or study? and more. Copyright and Your Thesis.

Copyright Guide for Research Students (Ph.D.) - in PDF, 27 pages from OAK Law Project, Queensland University of Technology, Australia.

Copyright - United States Copyright Office. Law and Policy including Copyright Law of the United States, Publications from the U.S. Copyright Office: Circulars and Brochures (copyright process), Forms used for registering copyright, Factsheets, Compendium II: A manual of Copyright Office practices and procedures.

copyright website. Resources: Copyright Wizard, Famous cases (Batman, James Bond, Indiana Jones, George Harrison, Vanilla Ice ...), Website Issues (Protection, Creation, Design, Linking, Public Domain, Newsgroups), Info (Basic Copyright Law, Copyright Notice, Fair Use, Public Domain, Slide Presentations), and more.

Franklin Pierce Law Center. Intellectual Property Mall with comprehensive coverage of all intellectual property issues from copyright to trademark law. Valuable resources.

From Pokemon to Picasso: Art Rights and Wrongs. Award-winning site created by 5th and 6th graders and their coach. Contents include: Copyrights, Trademarks and Licensing, Counterfeits, Webmaster's Advice, How 2'z, Artists Write about Their Rights, Library of Congress (History of Copyrights from The Office of Copyrights), plus Class Activities Pages.

Intellectual Property Links - Canadian. Intellectual Property Links - International.

The Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3). A partnership between the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the National White Collar Crime Center (NW3C). The IC3 gives victims of cyber crime a convenient and easy-to-use reporting mechanism that alerts authorities of suspected criminal or civil violations.

World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). About Intellectual Property (IP) - Inventions (Patents), Trademarks, Industrial Designs, Geographical Indications, Copyright and Related Rights, Studies on IP, and IP in everyday life.

Logos & Logo Samples:

1-800-MYLOGO. Logo examples from MYLOGO portfolio.

ArtBitz. Sample designs from ArtBitz. download a free sample image..

Corporate Logo Samples. Sample designs from Logotype.com.

Defiant Graphics. Portfolio includes: Flash animation logo samples, Website design samples, Banner design samples, Business logo samples, Traditional art and illustrations, 3D models and environments, and 3D animation.

EeRabbit Logo Design. Logo Design, Logo Template Portfolio.

Flash Logo Design. Animate your Website logo with Flash. Site provides numerous animated logo samples.

Logo Design World. Business logo, Company logo, Free logo, Logo Design, Trademark logo.

Logo Examples from Biz-logo.com.

Logo Examples from JVS Design.

Logo Samples from Logo Alley.

Logos and Trademarks. Product Showcase from Digital Wisdom.

Logos Samples from Logos On-Line.

NFL Logos on Linen. Click on a National Football League official logo to see slightly enlarged version.

347.053 Class actions

Class Action Resouces from Overlawyered.com. Site comments on various class action suits in an attempt to point out the need for reform of the American civil justice system.

Securities Class Action Clearinghouse from Stanford Law School. Site provides detailed information relating to the prosecution, defense, and settlement of United States federal class action securities fraud litigation.

349.71 Law - Canada

Access to Justice Network (ACJNet). Canadian federal, provincial, and territorial legal information including primary legal resources such as statutes, cases and bylaws. LAW FAQ for Youth, and a Law Room where students can ask questions about the law, human rights, and social justice issues. A Teacher's Corner provides Lessons Plans, a Bibliography of Law, and Law Related Materials.

American Law Sources On-Line - Canada.

Best Guide to Canadian Legal Research. Effective strategies and techniques for Canadian legal research, finding and using secondary sources, finding and analyzing cases, updating your research, legal writing, legal research FAQs, and more.

CanadaLegal.com. Directory to find Canadian legal information for 100 areas of law - organized into 50 categories.

Canadian Bar Association. Voice of and for all members of the legal profession. Links to provincial and territorial branches.

Government of Canada Official Website. Canadian Government Information on the Internet. Law and legislation: Federal information. Links to Canada and International Human Rights, Canadian Heritage, Canada Gazette, Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, Constitution Acts 1867 to 1982, CREDO (Universal Declaration of Human Rights), Department of Justice Canada, Supreme Court of Canada, Tax Court of Canada, and more.

Canadian Law Index. Categories covered: Art & Entertainment, Commercial Law, Computer & Internet, Corporate Law, Debtor & Creditor, Estate Planning, Trust & Wills, Employment & Labour, Family Law, Immigration & Human Rights, Intellectual Property, Real Estate & Environment, Taxation, Supreme Court of Canada Cases, Canada Gazette, and more.

Canadian Law List 2002. Provides many ways to access detailed information -- from a comprehensive listing of Canadian lawyers and judges to the types of industries law firms represent.

CanLII - Canadian Legal Information Institute. Mission Statement: The Canadian Legal Information Institute (CanLII) is a not-for-profit organization initiated by the Federation of Law Societies of Canada. CanLII's goal is to make primary sources of Canadian law accessible for free on the Internet. Site provides legal information for Canada, all Provinces and Territories.

Department of Justice Canada. Topics include Canada's Department of Justice Publications, Bursaries and Scholarships, Ministry and Attorney General, Programs and Services (Access to Information and Privacy, Child Custody and Access, Child Support, Crime Prevention, Firearms, Victims of Crime, Youth Criminal Justice Act, Laws of Canada, Statutes and Regulations: Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, Criminal Code, Income Tax Act, and more.

Duhaime.org. Law Dictionary, Family Law, Contract Law, Real Estate & Residential Tenancy Law, Elder Law, Wills, Trusts, & Estates, Employment & Labour Law, Tort & Personal Injury Law, Bankruptcy Law, Civil Litigation & Small Claims (BC), School Law (BC), Constitutional Law, Canadian Legal History, Law Museum, Law Jokes, and The Police Station, and more.

e-Laws. New Ontario legislation is posted within 14 days of enactment. Site covers consolidated versions of most of Ontario's public statutes and regulations. Browse Statutes and Regulations from A-Z, or view Reference Tables for lists and dates. Statutes include: Eudcation Act, Midwifery Act, Ombudsman Act, Pesticides Act, Smoking in the Workplace Act, Teaching Profession Act, Victims' Bill of Rights, Administration of Justice Act, Condominium Act, Consumer Protection Act, Highway Traffic Act, Human Rights Code, Income Tax Act, Libel and Slander Act, Line Fences Act, Liquor Control Act, Marriage Act, Occupational Health and Safety Act, Residential Tenancies Act, Other Consolidated Law, Statutes & Associated Regulations of Ontario, and Other Canadian Legislative Sites.

Federal Court of Canada Decisions. Free online access to Canadian Federal Court Decisions in both English and French. View Recent Decisions, Search decision reports of court cases by Year: 1990-2007, Search by Style of Cause (by Names of Parties involved in the action), Search by Docket Number, or Search by Keywords.

Finding Legal Help in Ontario. From Bora Laskin Law Library, University of Toronto.

Guide to Legal Research from Bora Laskin Law Library, University of Toronto. Introduction to Legal Research and Citation, Overview of the Judicial System, Overview of the Legislative Process, Canadian Legal Resources, Canadian Legislation, British Legal Resources, American Legal Resources, and Legal Resources in Electronic Format.

Guide to Ontario Courts. Court of Appeal for Ontario, Superior Court of Justice, Ontario Court of Justice.

Joel Miller's Family Law Centre. Internet Resources Directories provide comprehensive information about divorce and family law. Topics include: Abuse, Adoption, Canadian Family Law, Missing Children, and others issues.

Law Society of Upper Canada - Public Legal Information. Material is free and provided by the lawyers of Ontario. It is not legal advice. Topics covered include: Finding a Lawyer, Lawyer Referral Service, Legal Aid, Community Legal Clinics, Alternative Dispute Resolution, Complaining about a Lawyer and Complaints HelpForm, and more.

Legal Dictionary from Babylon.com. Search free online law dictionary. A variety of Legal Dictionaries, covering general Law terms as well as a wide range of subjects, such as Patent and Trademark Glossaries, Divorce terms and Latin terminology. Includes Canadian Insolvency Dictionary.

LegalPortal.ca. Links to Legal Directories, Intellectual Property Searches, Canadian Law, Legal Forms, Legal Recruiters, Legal Discussions, and more.

Links to Legal Resources. From Bora Laskin Law Library, University of Toronto. A compilation of annotated links to various law related sites on the Internet.

Ontario Ministry of the Attorney General - Forms. Include:Power of Attorney Kit, Jury Duty Information, Postjudgment and Prejudgment Interest Rates, Child Support, List of Ontario Court Addresses, Family Court, Rules of Civil Procedure, Small Claims Court, Substitute Decisions Act - Forms, and more.

Supreme Court of Canada (SCC). Supreme Court Decisions and Rulings available online. Judgments published in the Supreme Court Reports (S.C.R.) from 1985 to present. Search cases by concept or full-text in recent judgments, weekly bulletins, or press releases.

349.73 Law - United States

50 States Summary of Breastfeeding Laws from National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL).

ABA LawInfo.org. From the American Bar Association. Site is designed to give consumers basic information about U.S. Law by providing useful Web links.

American Law Sources On-Line - United States.

Arrested - What Should I Know If I Am Arrested? Pamphlet from the State Bar of California. What is an arrest? What rights do I have? What is bail and how is it set? and other questions and answers.

Bail: Getting Out of Jail After an Arrest from Nolo. What you need to know about bail -- what it is, how it's set, and how to pay it.

Crime Prevention Tips.

Everyday Law from Sacramento County Public Law Library, California. Contents include: Animal Laws, Choosing a Tax Preparer, Emancipation, Foreclosures, Gift Cards, Health Clubs, Returns & Exchanges, School Discipline Basics, Security Deposits, Swimming Pools, and more.

Find a Lawyer - Quick Search in Canada, United States, Australia, England, Germany, Austria, China, Japan, and other countries. Browse by Name, by Area of Law, or by Location.

FindLaw. US Laws: Cases & Codes, Federal (includes Constitution of the United States of America, Fifth Amendment - Rights of Persons), States, US Federal Resources, US State Resources, Foreign & International, Legal Subjects, Forms, LawCrawler, Legal Associations, and more.

FindLaw's Lawyer Search. Directory of local lawyers, attorneys, law firms. Browse Lawyers by State or by Legal Issue.

FindLaw's Legal Commentary. Search Writ: Commentary by topic or keyword. Includes Lawyer Search in the United States by City or Zip Code, by State, or by Area of Law Practice. FindLaw Resources cover links to Legal News, U.S. Federal Law, U.S. State Law, Dictionary, Forms, LawCrawler, Summaries of Law, Tools, and more.

How Courts Work. From the American Bar Association. Topics include: Role and Structure of Courts, Role of Judges, Role of Juries, Grand Juries, Trial Juries, Judicial Independence, Courts and Legal Procedure, Steps in a Trial, Human Side of Being a Judge, and Mediation.

Inside the Courtroom. United States Attorneys Kids Page from U.S. Department of Justice. What is a courthouse? What is the Judge's job? Steps of a Federal Prosecutor's Job, True FBI Case, Courtroom Staff, Glossary.

JURIST: The Legal Education Network. Learning & Teaching Law, Researching Law, Columns & Discussion, Current Issues, and more.

Law Library of Congress. The world's largest collection of law books and legal resources. Includes Guide to Law Online. Research Help - an annotated guide to sources of information on government and law available online, selected links to useful and reliable sites for legal information.

Legal Lad: Quick & Dirty Tips for a More Lawful Life. Hosted by Michael Flynn, Legal Lad offers concise, useful information from a practicing attorney to help you decipher the laws that govern your daily life. Covering areas of constitutional law, employment law, privacy rights, liability, criminal law, international rights, family law, wills and estates.

lexisONE. Register and use Free U.S. Case Law, Free forms, and Legal Internet Guide.

Nolo: Law for All. Self-help legal information with links to related sites. Articles on almost any legal topic written in plain English by lawyers. Topics: Wills and Estate Planning, Employment Law, Internet Law, Trademarks & Copyrights, Landlords & Tenants, Neighbors & Pets, Marriage, Divorce & Child Custody, Bankruptcy, Immigration & Green Cards, Personal Injury, Criminal Law, Cars & Tickets, Law dictionary, legal forms, and more.

OYEZ: U.S. Supreme Court Multimedia. Browse Cases by Subject, by Term, Random Case. Browse Justices by Seat, by Court. Browse Dates by Date, by Month, by Year (1950-2008). Legal Terms Glossary, Meaning and origin of "Oyez". See also Oyez from Wikipedia.

Statutes of Limitations: Is Your Lawsuit Timely? From Nolo. Before you sue, find out how long do you have to file your lawsuit, and when does the clock start ticking for statutes of limitations?

United States Code. A Listing of all Titles. Find US Code Materials by Title and Section. Any new version issued by the U.S. House of Representatives will in turn be mounted at this site within 24 hours.

Virtual Law Library. Selected legal links from LawGuru.

349.94 Law - Australia (See also 340 Law)

Australian Law Online. Site aims to make Australian law freely accessible. Topics include: Australia's Legal System, Attorney-General's Department and Portfolio, and Search Australian Laws.

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