A Research Guide for Students by I Lee

Abbreviations of Books of the Bible

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Old Testament
Genesis - Gen Exodus - Ex
Leviticus - Lev Numbers - Num
Deuteronomy - Deut Joshua - Josh
Judges - Judg Ruth - Ruth
1 Samuel - 1 Sam 2 Samuel - 2 Sam
1 Kings - 1 Kings 2 Kings - 2 Kings
1 Chronicles - 1 Chr 2 Chronicles - 2 Chr
Ezra - Ezra Nehemiah - Neh
Tobit - Tob Judith - Jdt
Esther - Esth 1 Maccabees - 1 Macc
2 Maccabees - 2 Macc Job - Job
Psalms - Ps Proverbs - Prov
Ecclesiastes - Ecc1 Song of Solomon - Song
Canticles - Cant Wisdom - Wis
Sirach - Sir Isaiah - Isa
Jeremiah - Jer Lamentations - Lam
Baruch - Bar Ezekial - Ezek
Daniel - Dan Hosea - Hos
Joel - Joel Amos - Am
Jonah - Jon Micah - Mic
Nahum - Nah Habakkuk - Hab
Zephaniah - Zeph Haggai - Hag
Zechariah - Zech Malachi - Mal
New Testament
Matthew - Mt Mark - Mk
Luke - Lk John - Jn
Acts of the Apostles - Acts Romans - Rom
1 Corinthians - 1 Cor 2 Corinthians - 2 Cor
Galatians - Gal Ephesians - Eph
Philippians - Phil Colossians - Col
1 Thessalonians - 1 Thess 2 Thessalonians - 2 Thess
1 Timothy - 1 Tim 2 Timothy - 2 Tim
Titus - Titus Philemon - Philemon
Hebrews - Heb James - Jas
1 Peter - 1 Pet 2 Peter - 2 Pet
1 John - 1 Jn 2 John - 2 Jn
3 John - 3 Jn Jude - Jude
Revelation - Rev Apocalypse - Apoc

Note: Abbreviations are not standardized. This list is based on Catechism of the Catholic Church. New York: Doubleday, 1994, 826.
See also Abbreviations for Books of the Bible for the English versions.