A Research Guide for Students by I Lee

Common, Uncommon and Specialized Abbreviations

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Some Common Abbreviations

abbr. - abbreviation, abbreviated abr. - abridged, abridgment
acad. - academic, academy adj. - adjective, adjourned, adjustment
adm. - administration, admiral adv. - adverb
agr. / agri. / agric. - agricultural, agriculture anon. - anonymous - author unknown
app. - appended, appendix, appointed approx. - approximately
assn. - association b. - base, bass, bat, battery, bay, book, born, brother
bact. - bacteria, bacteriology bap. - baptized
bib. - Bible, biblical bibliog. - bibliographer, bibliography, bibliographic
biog. - biographer, biography, biographical biol. - biology
bk. - bank, block, book bkg. - banking
bldg. - building blvd. - boulevard
bot. - botanical, botany bp. - bishop
brig. - brigade, brigadier brig. gen. - brigadier general
bro. - brother bur. - bureaus
c. - circa - about, used to cite doubtful dates in history ca. - circa - about, approximate dates used in narrative
c.a. - chartered accountant, chief accountant, commercial agent, consular agent, controller of accounts cal. - calendar, caliber, small calorie
cap. - capital, capitalize capt. - captain
cath. - cathedral cc / cc. / c.c. - cubic centimeters
cent. - centigrade, centimeter, central, century cf. -  Latin confer = compare
ch. - chaplain, chapter, check (chess), chief, child, children, Latin chirurgia = surgery, church chap. - chaplain, chapter
chem. - chemical, chemist, chemistry chm. - chairman, checkmate (chess)
chron. - chronology cir. /circ. - circular, Latin circa = about
cit. - citation, cited, citizen civ. - civil, civilian
clk. - clerk cm / cm. - centimeter(s)
co. - company, county c.o. / c/o - care of, carried over
c.o.d. - cash on delivery, collect on delivery col. - collected, collector, college, colonel, colonial, colony, column
colloq. - colloquial, colloquialism com. - comedy, command, commandant, commerce, commercial, commission(er), committee, commodore, common, communication, community
comdr. - commander comr. - commissioner
comp. - compiler, compiled by con. - concerto, consolidated, consul
cond. - conductor, conducted by conf. - conference
cong. - congress consol. - consolidated
constr. - construction cont. - containing, contents, continent, continental, continue, continued
cont. / contd. - continued corp. - corporal, corporation
cp. - candlepower, compare cpl. - corporal
cr. - credit, creditor, creek crit. - criticism
ct. - carat, cent, court cu. - cubic
cwt. - hundredweight d. - dam (pedigrees), date, daughter, day(s), dead, democrat, density, diameter, died
d. - pence, penny dec. - deceased, declaration, declension, declination, decrease, Italian deprescendo = decreasing in loudness (music),
def. - definition, definite deg. - degree(s)
dep. - department, departure, deposit, depot, deputy dept. - department, deputy
der. / deriv. - derivation, derivative diag. - diagram
dial. - dialect dict. - dictionary
dim. - Italian diminuendo = diminishing in loudness (music) dipl. - diplomat, diplomatic
dir. - director, directed by disc. - discount, discovered
dist. - distinguished, district distr. - distribution, distributed by
div. - dividend, division, divorced dm / dm. - decameter, decimeter
do. - Latin ditto = the same doc. - document
doz. - dozen dpt. - department
dr. - debit, debtor, drachma, dram d.t. - delirium tremens, double time
dup. / dupl. - duplicate dwt. - pennyweight
e / e. - erg, errors (Baseball) ea. - each
eccl. / eccles. - ecclesiastical ecol. - ecology
econ. - economic, economics, economy ed. - editor, edited, edited by, edition, editor
eds. - editors
e.g. -  Latin exempli gratia = for example elec. / elect. - electric, electrical, electrician, electricity
elev. - elevation emp. - emperor, empire, empress
e.m.u. - electromagnetic unit enc. - enclosed
ency. / encyc. / encycl. - encyclopedia eng. - engineer, engineering, engraved
entom. / entomol. - entomologist, entomology esp. - especially
est. - established, estimate et al. - Latin et alibi = and elsewhere,
Latin et alii, et aliae = and others
et passim. -  and here and there - Used to cite non-sequential pagination et seq. - Latin et sequens = and the following, Latin et sequentes or seqentia = and those that follow, meaning the pages that follow
etc. -  Latin et cetera = and so forth ex. - examined, example
exch. - exchange, exchequer exec. - executive, executor
ex lib. - Latin ex libris = from the books of f - Italian forte = loud (music)
f. - farad, father, farthing, fathom, feminine, fluid (ounce), folio (size), following, franc, frequency fac. / fax - facsimile
fed. - federal, federated, federation fem. - female, feminine
ff - Italian fortissimo = very loud (music); ff - folios (several sheets of folio size, or pages following) ff. / fol. - folios, following
fig. - figure fin. - finance
fl. - florin, flourished, fluid fn. - footnote
fr. - fragment, franc, from ft = feet, foot; ft. - fort
fwd. - foreword, foreword by g / g. / gm - gram
gal / gall. - gallon gaz. - gazette, gazetteer
gen. - gender, genera, general, genus geog. - geographer, geographical, geography
geol. - geologic, geologist, geology geom. - geometric, geometry
gloss. - glossary gov. - governor
govt. - government gr - grain(s), gram(s)
gram. - grammar, grammarian hab. corp. - Latin habeas corpus = that you have the body
her. - heraldry hist. - historian, historical, history
hort. - horticultural, horticulture hr - hour(s)
ht. - height ib. / ibid. - Latin ibidem = in the same place of the work as cited immediately above
id. - Latin idem = the same i.e. - Latin id est = that is
illus. - illustrator, illustration, illustrated by imp. - imperative, imperial, imports,
Latin imprimatur = let it be printed
in. - inch, inches in loc. cit. - Latin in loco citato = in the place cited
in re - in the matter of inc. - including, income, incorporated
ins. - inches, insurance inst. - instant, institute, institution
intl. - international introd. - introduction, introduced by
is. - island, isle jour. - journal
jr. - junior jud. - judicial
k. - kilo, kilogram, thousand kg - kilogram (note: no period after kg)
kilo. - kilogram, kilometer km - kilometer (note: no period after km)
kt. - carat kw - kilowatt (note: no period after kw)
l - liter l, ll - line, lines
lab. - laboratory lang. - language
lat. - latitude lb - Latin libra = pound
lib. - liberal, library, librarian lieut. / lt. - lieutenant
lit. - literally, literary, literature ltd. - limited
loc. cit. - l.c. - Latin loco citato = in the place cited; in the same passage, same work, same page, by same publisher and same author as cited previously. lon. / long. - longitude
m. - male, married, meridian, Latin
= noon, meter, mile, minute, month
mach. - machine, machinist
mag. - magazine maj. - major
mas. / masc. - masculine math. - mathematician, mathematics
mdse. - merchandise mech. - mechanical, mechanics
med. - medical, medicine, medieval mem. / memo - Latin memento = remember, memorandum
mfg. - manufacturing mfr. - manufacture, manufacturer
mg / mg. / mgm - milligram mgr. - manager
mi - miles, mill (note: no period after mi) misc. - miscellaneous
ml / ml. - milliliter mm - millimeter(s), Latin millia = thousands
mo. - month(s) mod. - moderate, modern
ms. / mss. - manuscript, manuscripts mt. / mts. - mount, mountain, mountains
mus. - museum, music, musician n / nn - note, notes
n. - noun narr. - narrator, narrated by
natl. - national nav. - naval, navigation
n.b. - Latin nota bene = mark well, take notice, note well n.d. - no date of publication
n.n. - no name neg. - negative
no. - number non seq. - Latin non sequitur = it does not follow
n.p. - no place of publication, no publisher n. pag. - no page number
obit. - obituary obj. - object, objective
op. cit. - Latin opere citato = in the work cited, but not the same page orch. - orchestra, orchestrated by
orig. - original, originally  oz. - ounce (Italian abbrev. of onza)
p. / pp. - page, pages par. - paragraph, parallel
passim - here and there pat. /patd. - patent, patented
pct. - percent p.d. - Latin per diem = by the day
pen. - peninsular per se - by itself, of itself
perf. - performer, performed by philos. - philosopher, philosophy
phys. - physical, physician, physicist, physics pl. - plate, plural
ppd. - postpaid, prepaid pref. - preface, preface by
prin. - principal, principle prod. - produced by, producer, production
pro tem. - Latin pro tempore = for the time being pron. - pronoun, pronunciation
pseud. - pseudonym - pen name psych. / psychol. - psychological, psychologist, psychology
pt - pint (note: no period after pt) pt. - part, payment, point, port
pub. / publ. - public, publisher, publication, published by pwt - pennyweight (note: no period after pwt)
q. - quarto, question q.v. - Latin quod vide - which see
qr. - quarter qt - quart (note: no period after qt)
qt. - quiet (slang) qtd. - quoted
ques. - question quot. - quotation
r.b.i. / rbi / RBI - run(s) batted in (Baseball) quot. - quotation
rec. - receipt, recipe, record, recorded ref. - referee, reference, reformed
reg. - regent, regiment, region, registered, registrar, regular, regulation rel. - release
rev. - review, reviewed by, revision, revised, revised by riv. - river
rpm - revolutions per minute rps - revolutions per second
rpt. - reprint, reprinted by s. - saint, second, semi-, shilling, silver, sire, solo, son, soprano, south
sc. - scene sch. - school
sci. - science, scientific, scientist sculp / sculp. - sculptor, sculptural, sculpture
sec - secant, second(s) sec. / secy. - secretary
sec. / sect. - section ser. - series
serg. / sergt. / sgt. - sergeant [sic.] - thus in the source (exactly as quoted)
sing. - singular sol. - solicitor
sp. - special, species, specific, specimen, spelling, spirit sq. - square, sequence
sub. - submarine, substitute, suburb subj. - subject, subjective, subjunctive
sup. - superior, supplement, supply, (Latin supra = above), supreme supt. - superintendent
surg. - surgeon, surgery sym. - symbol, symphony
syn. - synonym, synonymous t. - temperature, tempo, (Latin tempore = in the time of), tenor, tense (grammar), territory, time, ton(s), town, transitive, troy (weight)
tbs. / tbsp. - tablespoon tel. - telegram, telegraph, telephone
temp. - temperature, temporary terr. - territory
theol. - theologian, theological, theology topog. - topographical, topography
trans. / tr. - translated by, translation, translator treas. - treasurer, treasury
trig. / trigon. - trigonometric, trigonometry tsp. - teaspoon
twp. - township ult. - ultimate
univ. - universal, university usu. - usually
uv - ultraviolet (note: no period after uv) v. - verb, verse, versus, Latin vide = see, voltage, von (German name), v. = toward, opposite
var. - variant vb. - verb
vers. - version vet. - veteran, veterinary
vide ante- see the preceding vide infra - see below or the following
vide supra - see above viz. - Latin videlicet = namely
vol. - volcano, volume vox. pop. - Latin vox populi = voice of the people
v.p. - vice president, vice principal v.s. - Latin vide supra = see above
vs. / v. - Latin versus = against (In legal citations, italicize names of litigants) vs. / vss. - verse, verses
wpm - words per minute writ. - writer, written by
wt - weight (no period after wt) yd - yard(s)
yr - year zn = zinc

For a complete list of Common Scholarly Abbreviations, please see Section 7.4 in the 6th edition of the MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers.

Abbreviations of Degrees in MLA Style

Note: When documenting sources using MLA style, the normal punctuations are omitted for degrees when used in parentheses, tables, works cited, footnotes, endnotes, etc. For example, B.A. is written as BA. Other abbreviations retain the periods if applicable, e.g. acad., bib., misc.

Italics = Latin

BA - Bachelor of Arts BBA - Bachelor of Business Administration
BS - Bachelor of Science DA - Doctor of Arts
EdD - Doctor of Education JD - Doctor of Law
LLB - Bachelor of Laws (legum baccalaureus) LLD - Doctor of Laws (legum doctor)
LLM - Master of Laws (legum magister) MA - Master of Arts
MBA - Master of Business Administration MD - Doctor of Medicine (medicinae doctor)
MS - Master of Science PhD - Doctor of Philosophy

Links to Common, Uncommon, and Specialized Abbreviations

Abbreviation from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Types of abbreviations include acronym and initialism (including three-letter acronyms), apocope, clipping, elision, syncope, syllabic abbreviation, and portmanteau.

Abbreviations. Correct usage of abbreviations, from Styleguide, Carnegie Mellon University (CMU).

Abbreviations (Music) from Concise Oxford Dictionary of Music.

Abbreviations, acronyms, trivial und trade names from Chemistry Biology Pharmacy Information Center, Zürich. Note: "und" is German for "and". Original title in German: Abkürzungen, Akronyme, Trivial- und Handelsnamen. Search uncommon abbreviations by alphabet, or search by abbreviation.

Abbreviations and Acronyms. On the correct usage of abbreviations and acronyms, from Style Guide, University of Colorado at Boulder.

leaf Abbreviations and Official Names from Style Guide for Editors and Proofreaders of IDRC Books, Archive of International Development Research Centre (IDRC). Note: The two-letter designation for the Province of Québec is no longer PQ, but QC.

Abbreviations of Chemical Compounds. Example: Type in your keywords to search, e.g. asa = Results for ASA
- acetylsalicylic acid
+ 2-acetyloxy benzoic acid.

Abbreviations of University Degrees from everything2.com. See also:

AbbreviationZ: The A to Z of Acronyms & Abbreviations on the Net. The Opaui Guide to Lists of Acronyms, Abbreviations, and Initialisms on the World Wide Web.

ABC of Bulletin Board Terms for posting messages on Bulletin Boards, from BabyCentre.co.uk. Examples: AKA = Also known as, LOL = Laughing out loud, BTW = By the way, CUL = See you later, Yw/Ty = You're welcome/thank you. Emotions: :) or :-) = Smiling (Happy), :( or :-( = Frowning (Sad), :-o = Shouting, xxooxxoo = Love (or hugs) & kisses. See also Shorthand and Meaning from Genealogy.com. (Scroll way down the page to view Shorthand). Examples: = I'm grinning, IMHO = in my humble opinion, FYI = for your information, FWIW = for what it's worth, ROTFL = rolling on the floor laughing, WTG = way to go, Emotions: ;-) or ;) = winking, :-D or :D = laughing.

About.com: U.S. Government Acronyms and Abbreviations. A handy list of acronyms and abbreviations commonly used in United States Government. Where possible, links to related agencies, offices or related information are provided.

Acronym Finder. Look up acronyms, abbreviations and their meanings.

Acronym Finder
Acronym or abbreviation to find:

Acronym Search. Your source for acronyms and abbreviations.

Acronyms & Abbreviations. Links compiled by Cheryl Nyberg, University of Washington School of Law, Marian Gould Gallagher Law Library.

Acronyms and Abbreviations - in PDF, 6 pages from Air University Catalog, Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama.

Acronyms and Abbreviations Dictionary from businessballs.com.

Acronyms and Abbreviations Used at MIT from Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

leaf Acronyms and Abbreviations. List of acronyms and abbreviations used by Industry Canada sectors, branches, products, programs and services.

Acronyms Used in International Trade - in PDF, 17 pages. List of acronyms assembled by Nathan Associates Inc.

Air Traffic Management Glossary of Terms - Acronym - Meaning from Air Traffic Control System Command Center (ATCSCC), U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).

Appendix A - International Abbreviations from CIA - The World Factbook.

ArgosBiotech: Directory of Abbreviations commonly used in biotechnology, biochemistry and the life sciences.

BABEL: A Glossary of Computer Oriented Abbreviations and Acronyms by Irving & Richard Kind.

Browse Acronyms & Abbreviations by Category from AbbreviationZ.com. Currently with over 411,330 Entries, 134 Categories, 311 Editors + MetaSearch. Top 100 Acronyms and Abbreviations.

Canadian Government Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Initialisms from Wilfrid Laurier University Library, Waterloo, ON.

The Canonical Astronomy Abbrev/Acro List. Astronomy abbreviations and acronyms.

Common Abbreviations from Fact Monster for kids.

Common Abbreviations, Common Symbols, Acronyms for Organizations, and Acronyms for Study Groups from Web-based Training Modules funded by the U.S. National Cancer Institute's Surveillance, Epidemiology and End Results (SEER) Program.

Common Abbreviations from University of Alabama Editorial Style Manual. Includes: commonly used Academic Degrees and their abbreviations, Days of the Week and Months, State and Postal Abbreviations, and Time Terminology.

Common Abbreviations - Acronyms from U.S. Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS).

Common Abbreviations from U.S. Department of State.

Common Abbreviations and Acronynms from AllEarsNet.com - Deb's Unofficial Walt Disney World Information Guide.

Common Abbreviations and Acronyms in Electronics.

Common Abbreviations in Writing.

Common Abbreviations of Biochemical Terms from Metabolic Pathways of Biochemistry, the online reference of metabolism for students, scientists, and the world.

Common Abbreviations Used in International Narcotics Control Strategy Report.

Common Medical and Biophysical Abbreviations.

Common Proofreading Symbols and Common Proofreading Abbreviations from Capital Community College, Hartford CT.

Common Proofreading Symbols - in PDF from Nebraska Romance Writers.

Commonly Used Abbreviations for Birds from 4 Our Birds.

Computer Concepts: Do You Know? How to Use Common Abbreviations and Acronyms from EMC/Paradigm Publishing: College Resource Center.

Dictionary of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Geographic Information Systems, Cartography, and Remote Sensing from University of California, Berkeley, by Philip Hoehn and Mary Lynette Larsgaard. Designed by John Creaser. This dictionary decodes abbreviations and acronyms found in various publications including maps and websites. Browse A-Z, Numbers, Other Lists.

The Great Three-Letter Abbreviation Hunt and The Four-Letter Abbreviation Hunt.

How HTML acronyms and abbreviations can help online journalism by Adrian Holovaty. "... every acronym and abbreviation in a news story should be defined."

HyperWar - World War II on the WorldWideWeb - Abbreviations, Acronyms, Codewords, Terms.

Inter Active Terminology for Europe (IATE). European Commissions multilingual term bank. The automatic dictionary was launched in 1964. Entries are classified into 48 subject fields (ranging from medicine to public administration). Languages include Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Italian, Latin, Portuguese, Spanish and Swedish. A typical entry contains the term itself and its synonyms, together with definitions, explanatory notes, references, etc. At present the term bank contains about 5,500,000 entries (terms and abbreviations), subdivided into more than 800 collections.

Internet Acronym Server. Search for acronyms and for words used in acronyms. What's an Acronym? History of Acronyms.

List of acronyms and initialisms: 0-9, A-Z from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

List of Government Acronyms compiled by Deborah Hollis and Norberto Lozoya-Escobar, edited by Jennie Gerke, from University of Colorado at Boulder (UCB) Libraries. Search acronyms by first letter: A-Z.

List of U.S. Army acronyms and expressions from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Marines Acronym Listing A-Z from Official Marine Corps Web Site.

Medical Abbreviations Dictionary. A dictionary of over 200,000 medical, pharmaceutical, biomedical & healthcare acronyms and abbreviations, from MediLexicon. See also Common Medical Abbreviations from GlobalRPH.com.

Medical Abbreviations
Search By Abbreviation
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Medical Dictionary

Medical Abbreviations - Free Online Version A - Z by Adrian M. Padurean, from Börm Bruckmeier Publishing.

Military Abbreviations and Acronyms of the US Armed Forces.

leaf Military Abbreviations, Terms and Meanings - in PDF, 3 pages from Canadian Service Personnel military files, World War I.

Military Acronyms, Initialisms, and Abbreviations.

MilitaryWords.com. Military Words - site contains over 5,700 US Department of Defense terms and over 100,000 military and government acronyms and abbreviations.

Music Abbreviations from Abbreviations.com.

Organizational Acronyms - mainly for United States.

Physics Abbreviations from Abbreviations.com. Symbols and Abbreviations (Physics) by Kenneth R. Kehler. List of Common Physics Abbreviations from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Rx Riddles Solved! from Medical Library Association.

State Abbreviations and State Postal Codes from Fact Monster.

Telecommunications and Virtual Phone System Glossary of Terms from Freedom800. Commonly used terms include: ACD. ANI, ANSI, FDDI, ISDN, IVR, PBX, PDF, POTS, PSTN, SMS, SMS800, SOHO, TIF, VoIP.

US Army Abbreviations, Brevity Codes, and Acronyms (ABCA). Records Management and Declassification Agency. Search U.S. Army exact Abbreviation, Brevity Code, or Acronym, Acronym begins with, Acronym (wild card), Reverse lookup (Keywords), or Search by Criteria.

U.S. Government Acronyms and Abbreviations from About.com. See also GovSpeak: A Guide to Government Acronyms &s; Abbreviations by Kelly L. Smith.

United States Postal Service - Official USPS Abbreviations. State Abbreviations, Street Suffixes - abbreviations for Annex, Avenue, Boulevard ... Secondary Unit Designators - abbreviations for Apartment, Basement, Floor ...

Usenet Abbreviations and Acronyms by Dr J R Stockton, Surrey, UK.

Vietnam Veteran Marines Glossary: A-Z. Americans in Vietnam had their own unique language, and each unit had its own dialect. In the CAPs (Combined Action Program Marines), their dialect took words from English, Vietnamese and French, with expressions borrowed from street slang, Marine jargon, rock-and-roll and many other sources.

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