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Division of categories are for convenience only. In many cases, topics will be overlapped.
20% Renewable Energy by 2020 - Video from YouTube. 3:54 min. Global Warming - Point of No Return? - Video from YouTube, 6:57 min. 20% renewable energy by 2020. European Union has set itself the goal of raising the share of renewable energy sources in the final overall energy consumption of the Union from 8.5% in 2005 to 20% in 2020.
About.com: Environmental Issues: Renewable Energy. Links to renewable energy resources.
Alternative Energy Blog. News, views and strong opinions on alternate energy resources including solar energy, wind power, wave energy, geothermal & other renewable energy sources + news on other energy issues including the end of cheap gas & oil, plug-in hybrid cars, rising fuel prices, "clean" coal & nuclear power.
Alternative Energy News. The latest alternative and renewable energy news headlines, syndicated by rss from a variety of clean energy news sources. Alternative Energy News Site Map. Alternative Energy Resources.
Best Practices. Selected documents on best energy efficient practices across North America, from Canadian Energy Efficiency Centre.
BP Alternative energy - Exploring new ways to live without oil, Sustainable transportation, Carbon reduction - Low Carbon Power: How Does It Work?
Build Sustainable Economies from Rainforest Actiion Network (RAN). "Healthy forests can be logged sustainably and without harming Indigenous communities. Renewable energy sources can meet four-fifths of America’s energy demands."
California Renewable Energy Statistics & Data. Includes an Energy Glossary.
Canadian Centre for Pollution Prevention: Energy. Links to major Energy sites, e.g. Canadian Renewable Fuels Association, Office of Energy Efficiency, Renewable Energy - Greenpeace Canada, CREST - Center for Sustainable Technology, IPPSO - Independent Power Producers' Society of Ontario, and others. See also Government of Canada - What is Sustainable Development?
CanREN - The Canadian Renewable Energy Network (CanREN) from Natural Resources Canada. Browse by Technologies: Bioenergy, Earth Energy, Hydroelectric Energy, Solar Energy, and Wind Energy.
Clean Air & Energy: Energy, Global Warming, Clean Water & Oceans, Toxic Chemicals & Health, Nuclear Weapons & Waste, Smart Growth - Solving Sprawl - Cities & Green Living, U.S. Law & Policy, International Issues, and other topics from Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC).
Clean Energy from U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC. Energy and You. Glossary. Definition of Renewable Energy.
Clean Energy from Southern Alliance. What is Air Pollution? Problems, Solutions, includes Power Plant Pollution and Diesel Fact Sheets. What Is Energy Efficiency? Problems, Solutions, Fact Sheet. What Is Water Pollution? Problems, Solutions, Fact Sheet. What Is Nuclear Power? Why Nuclear Power is a Deadly Problem, Solutions, Fact Sheets. Includes a Code Red Alert Report explaining why nuclear power is no bargain in terms of improving the environment, public health or national security. Nuclear power is not clean, safe or affordable.
Clean-Energy-Ideas.com from a collection of publishers, merchants and environmentally concerned individuals. Site includes a database of Environment Articles, Alternative Environment Articles, as well as some useful promotional information on Solar Panels, Wind Turbines and Geothermal Power.
ClimateBiz. The business resource for climate management. Renewable Energy. Articles. "The use of renewable energy, also called green energy or green power, can be a key strategy for a company looking to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Switching from a fossil fuel-based energy source to a renewable source instantly reduces greenhouse gas emissions, often by a significant amount."
Climate Change - New Scientist Special Report.
Coal, Oil and Gas are called "Fossil Fuels" from Andy Darvill's Science Site. How it works - Coal is crushed to a fine dust and burnt. Oil and gas can be burnt directly. Advantages. Disadvantages. Is it renewable? Summary. Quiz.
A Consumer's Guide to Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy from U.S. Department of Energy, Energy Efficienty and Renewable Energy (EERE).
Current Situation & 2005 Projections by Dale Allen Pfeiffer. "Find some place or some way to grow as much of your own food as you can, where your neighbors are supportive. Plan to do without gas or electricity. Rediscover the old ways. Dust off those back copies of Mother Earth News stacked in the attic. It is time to prepare." Read a summary of Dale Allen Pfeiffer's article: Eating Fossil Fuels.
Don't Drill the Arctic: Renewable Energy Is Safer, Cleaner, More Secure by William C.G. Burns, Pacific Institute.
DSIRE - Database of State Incentives for Renewable Energy. A comprehensive source of information on state, local, utility, and selected federal incentives that promote renewable energy. Contents include: State Incentives for Renewable Energy - Click to choose a State on the map, or Search by State
Energy 21. The Danish Government's Action Plan for Energy. Plan of Action for Renewable Energy.
Energy & Environment from Federal Trade Commission (FTC), Bureau of Consumer Protection. Topics include carbon offsets and renewable energy certificates.
Energy: Demand Sensible Energy Solutions from Rainforest Action Network (RAN). "Electrical consumption is the single largest contributor to greenhouse gas pollution in the United States. Coal is the dirtiest form of energy, yet it supplies more than half of the country's electricity."
Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy. Programs include: Biomass, Geothermal Technologies, Hydrogen, Fuel Cells, & Infrastructure Technologies, Solar Energy Technologies, Vehicle Technologies, Wind & Hydropower Technologies, and more.
Energy Efficiency Know-How from GreenHomeGuide. Why Making Your Home Energy Efficient Matters by Tate Walker. What are the environmental costs of energy waste in U.S. homes?
Energy Kid's Page. Energy facts on five renewable sources: hydropower (water), solar, wind, geothermal, and biomass. Includes a Glossary.
Energy Quest. Colorful, award winning educational site from California Energy Commission for K-12. Includes: Ask Professor Quester (energy Q&A), Devoured by the Dark (energy "horror" story), Energy Story (what is energy), Games, puzzles and jokes, Glossary, How Things Work, Saving Energy (tips), Science Projects, Super Scientists (biographices), Time Line of Energy History, and Transportation Energy (how energy is used by vehicles).
energy revolution - a sustainable global energy outlook. "energy [r]evolution ... provides a practical blueprint for how to half global CO2 emissions, while allowing for an increase in energy consumption by 2050. By dividing the world into 10 regions ... it explains how existing energy technologies can be applied in more efficient ways."
Environmental History Timeline is partly based on original archival research in U.S. federal and industrial archives as well as the generally untapped mass media record.
Flex Your Power. California Energy Efficiency and Conservation campaign. Energy saving tools and information. Energy News including Archive: Renewable Energy.
Fossil Energy: Learning About Fossil Fuels. Learn all about Coal, Oil, and Natural Gas.
How Carbon Footprints Work from HowStuffWorks.com. How China's Pollution Sniffers Work. How do you clean up an oil spill? How Recycling Works.
How Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Can Fuel Our Future: Clean Power Comes on Strong - in PDF from Sierra Club. Article discusses benefits of renewable energies (wind, solar, geothermal, biomass) and energy efficiency.
Joseph Gonyeau's Virtual Nuclear Tourist! Nuclear Plants Around the World. Contents include: FAQs - Why is nuclear power used? How does nuclear power compare to other ways of generating electricity? Where are nuclear power plants located in the United States and in the world? How is nuclear power regulated? What types of nuclear waste are generated? What are the environmental effects of nuclear power? What about radiation safety? What is a meltdown? Terrorism and Security, Effects of Low Levels of Radiation Exposure, Transportation of Nuclear Waste, Decommissioning of Nuclear Power Plants, Operating a Nuclear Power Plant, Inside the Nuclear Power Plant, View a video, and much more. See also How Nuclear Power Works from HowStuffWorks.com.
Major Environmental Laws. Laws and Regulations from U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Including: Clean Air Act (CAA), Clean Water Act (CWA), Oil Pollution Act of 1990 (OPA), Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA), Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), and more.
National Energy Foundation: Student Links.
National Renewal Energy Laboratory (NREL) - U.S. Department of Energy's effort to secure an energy future for the nation that is environmentally and economically sustainable. Research and developments areas: Solar, Wind, Biomass, Geothermal, Hydrogen & Fuel Cells, Buildings & Thermal Systems, Advanced Vehicles & Fuels, Electric Infrastructure Systems, Energy Analysis.
Nuclear Age Timeline from U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Environmental Management, posted by Radiochemistry Society. Historical timeline traces the nuclear age from 1895-1993, from discovery of x-rays and radioactivity to the explosion of the first atomic bomb and subsequent clean up of the contamination from the last 50 years of the nuclear age.
Nuclear Power - energy from splitting Uranium atoms from Andy Darvill's Science Site. How it works. Details. Advantages. Disadvantages. Is it renewable? Summary. Quiz.
Odysen Renewable Energy Portal. Renewable energy calculators, directory, events, games, news archive, and location specific information for U.S. as well as International locations in Africa, Asia, Central America, Europe, Middle East, North America, Oceania, and South America. Use the calculators to estimate a renewable energy system.
Other Clean Energy Technologies from Re-Energy.ca. Wind, solar, biomass, and water are not the only sources of clean, environmentally friendly energy. Other energy sources can also provide heat, light, and electricity without polluting the air or disturbing large areas of land or water, e.g. Geothermal, Fuel Cells, Sustainable Transportation.
Peak Oil News. Consolidated News: Production Theory about the Peak Oil Crisis and Peak Oil Survival. Include Peak Oil Resources, Peak Oil Archives with links to numerous articles from past months, e.g. :
Renewable Energy from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Renewable Energy Basics from Re-Energy.ca.
Renewable Energy Fact Sheets from Texas State Energy Conservation Office. Potential and benefits of renewable energy e.g. solar, wind, and biomass power.
Renewable Energy in Australia. Includes Tools & Resources by Technology: Bioenergy, Enabling, Geothermal, Hydrogen, Solar, Water, Wind.
Renewable Energy News. Latest research news from ScienceDaily.
Renewable Energy News from SourceGuides.com. Latest renewable energy news from over 4000 news sources worldwide.
Renewable Energy Policy Project (REPP) - Center for Renewable Energy and Sustainable Technology. Contents include: Current Papers and Archive (Publications and Testimonials in PDF), Energy and Environment, Global Energy Marketplace Database.
Renewable Energy Source from renewable-energy-source.info. Brief information on various topics: Solar Energy, Wind Energy, Hydropower, Wave Power, Tidal Power, Biofuel, Salinity Gradient Power, Geothermal Power, Fuel Cell, Energy Conservation, Green Energy, plus Article: Affordable Renewable Energy for Everyone.
Renewable Energy Sources. Links compiled by Jackie Miers, Magill Primary School, South Australia. List organized by categories: General sites, Non-renewable, Wind, Solar, Ocean, Renewable Energy, Pioneers, Geothermal, Hydropower, Biomass.
Residential Energy Factsheets. Publications in PDF. Includes Fuel Calculators, Energy Solutions, and more.
The Source for Renewable Energy. A comprehensive online buyer's guide and business directory to more than 10,000 renewable energy businesses and organizations worldwide.
Sustainable Consumption from Sierra Club. "Sustainable consumption is the use of goods and services that satisfy basic needs and improve quality of life while minimizing the use of irreplaceable natural resources and the byproducts of toxic materials, waste, and pollution." Articles include: Why Consumption Matters, Forests, Food, and Energy Factsheets, Articles include Buying local can help stop global warming, and more.
What Is Renewable Energy? From Just for Kids, Department of Environmental Protection. Renewable energy is a source of energy that can never be exhausted. Renewable energy can be obtained from the sun (solar energy), water (hydropower), wind (windmills), hot dry rocks, magma, hot water springs (geothermal), and even firewood, animal manure, crop residues and waste (Biomass).
Why is Fuel Economy Important? Topics: Protect the Environment, Global Warming, Oil Spills, Air Pollution, Conserve Resources for Future Generations, Reduce Oil Imports, from U.S. Department of Energy.
Zerofootprint. Mission: We Give you the Power to Create a Sustainable World. Zerofootprint believes that for sustainability, no action is insignificant. We should all drive, fly, and consume less and smarter. Zerofootprint is a registered Canadian not-for-profit organization. The goal is to mobilize and empower large groups of individuals and organizations worldwide, to reduce their collective carbon and ecological footprint. Try this One Minute Calculator to see if you are environmentally friendly. Zero footprint Kids Calculator. Compare your footprints with national and international averages.
BC Bioenergy Strategy. Aim for B.C biofuel production to meet 50 per cent or more of the province's renewable fuel requirements by 2020, supports reduction of greenhouse gas emissions from transportation.
Biodiesel Fuel News. Consolidated News about Biodiesel, Biofuel, Biomass and Biodiesel Production.
Bioenergy from U.S. Department of Agriculture: Economic Research Service. Bioenergy is renewable energy derived from biological sources, to be used for heat, electricity, or vehicle fuel. Biofuel derived from plant materials is among the most rapidly growing renewable energy technologies.
Bioenergy from U.S. Department of Energy. Bioenergy technologies use renewable biomass resources to produce an array of energy related products including electricity, liquid, solid, and gaseous fuels, heat, chemicals, and other materials. ... The term "biomass" means any plant derived organic matter available on a renewable basis, including dedicated energy crops and trees, agricultural food and feed crops, agricultural crop wastes and residues, wood wastes and residues, aquatic plants, animal wastes, municipal wastes, and other waste materials.
Bioenergy from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Bioenergy 101 - in PDF. Bioenergy comes from organic biomass sources such as wood residue and agricultural waste.
Bioenergy and Biomass Frequently Asked Questions. Overview, Resource and Usage Statistics, Technoligies, Economics, Produces and Growers, Landscape and Forests, Other Environmental Issues.
Bioenergy Feedstock Information Network (BFIN). Gateway to a wealth of biomass feedstock information resources from the U.S. Department of Energy, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Idaho National Laboratory, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, and other research organizations. Contents include:
Biofuels emissions may be 'worse than petrol' by Jim Giles, NewScientist.com news service.
Biomass Energy: Fibre Fuel. Renewable biomass energy information from Re-Energy.ca. The term "biomass" refers to any form of plant or animal tissue. In the energy industry, biomass refers to wood, straw, biological waste products such as manure, and other natural materials that contain stored energy.
Biomass - energy from organic materials from Andy Darvill's Science Site. How it works. Details. Advantages. Disadvantages. Is it renewable? Summary. Quiz.
Biomass Topics from U.S. Department of Energy. Include: Biomass Basics FAQs, ABC's of Biopower, ABC's of Biofuels, ABC's of Bioproducts, Student Glossary - vocabulary used in Biofuels. Glossary for Researchers.
Educational Web Site on Biomass and Bioenergy. What Is Biomass? Definitions of biomass. Biomass is a very broad term which is used to describe material of recent biological origin that can be used either as a source of energy or for its chemical components. As such, it includes trees, crops, algae and other plants, as well as agricultural and forest residues.
Getting Real About Biofuels from Rainforest Actiion Network (RAN). "Agribusiness, oil, energy and auto companies are deceiving consumers and profiting by furthering the myth of a biofuel solution to global warming."
How Biodiesel Works from HowStuffWorks.com.
IEA Bioenergy. An organisation set up in 1978 by the International Energy Agency (IEA) with the aim of improving cooperation and information exchange between countries that have national programmes in bioenergy research, development and deployment.
Planet Power: Energy and the Environment. Biomass Energy: A research commitment on Global Warming, Renewable Energy, and Reforestation by using Nature's own "power plants"... Trees! Brief discussion on: Biomass Energy & Air Pollution, Biomass Energy & Agriculture, Biomass Energy Engineering, and Biomass Energy & Native Habitats. See also Quick Facts on Biomass Energy Crops.
Alternative Fuel Vehicles, Fuel Cell Vehicles, Advanced Technologies & Energy Efficiency, Energy Efficient Technologies, Why Is Fuel Economy Important? from United States Department of Energy.
Alternative Fuels from U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). See also Fuel Cells & Vehicles, Basic Information on Fuel Cells Vehicles, Fuels and Fuel Additives. EPA establishes fuel quality standards to help protect public health and the environment from harmful gas and particulate matter emissions from motor vehicles and engines. Gasoline Fuels, Diesel Fuel.
Alternative Fuels Data Center. Informative site with over 3000 documents. Alternative and Advanced Fuels: Biodiesel, Electricity, Ethanol, Hydrogen, Methanol, Natural Gas, Propane.
American Hydrogen Association (AHA). The goal of AHA is to stimulate interest and help establish the renewable hydrogen energy economy by the year 2010. Topics include: The ACE (Air Cleaning Engine) Project, Bio-Mass to Bio-Gas, Convert Your Cobra to Hydrogen! Hydrogen Calculator, Frequently Asked Questions about Hydrogen, and more.
The dollars & sense of hybrids - How hybrids work from Consumer Reports. Gas/electric hybrid vehicles are more fuel-efficient and produce lower emissions than conventional, gasoline-only vehicles. But hybrids are typically priced thousands of dollars higher than similar all-gas models. Guide to Future Hybrid Models.
The Edmunds Green Car Guide. Shop for fuel efficient cars, Alternative fuels - New technology, Hybrid cars, trucks and SUVs, Improve your gas mileage, Oil and oil prices.
Fuel Cells Why Fuel Cells? from Northeast Sustainable Energy Associatiion (NESEA, Greenfield, MA. What Are Fuel Cells? Why Are Fuel Cells Necessary?
Fuel Cell Technology Showcase from Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE International). Contents include: About Fuel Cells: History of Fuel Cells, How Fuel Cells work, Types of Fuel Cells. Fuel Cell Research includes list of Fuel Cell Manufacturers and Suppliers.
Fuel Cells 2000. An educational organization formed to promote the development and early commercialization of fuel cells and related pollution-free, efficient energy generation, storage and utilization technologies and fuels. Fuel Cells Basics - How They Work: Types, Applications, Benefits, FAQs. Types of Fuel Cells, Hydrogen Basics - Fuel cells run on hydrogen, the simplest element and most plentiful gas in the universe.
Greenest Vehicles of 2007 from GreenerCars.com. Chart shows top vehicles under Make and Model, Specifications, Emission Standard, MPG: City, MPG: Hwy, and Green Score. Current top 3 green cars are: Honda Civic GX, Toyota Prius, Honda Civic Hybrid. Guide to Green. How to Buy Green: Green Scores and Class Rankings.
How Fuel Cells Work from HowStuffWorks.com. How a Hydrogen-Boosted Gasoline Engine Works. Is ethanol fuel really better for the environment than sticking with gas? How Natural-Gas Vehicles Work.
Hydrogen Cars. Site provides a long list of hydrogen concept automobiles and other vehicles in alphabetical order with photos, e.g. Audi A2H2 Car, BMW HR2 Race Car, BMW Hydrogen 7, Daihatsu Tanto FCHV, Fiat Panda Concept, Ford Airstream Concept, Ford Explorer Fuel Cell. Photos of Hydrogen Concept Cars and Prototypes. Also includes Hydrogen Highways with maps: BC Canada H2 Hwy, CA USA Hydrogen Hwy, Japan Hydrogen Hwy, Norway HyNor Project, as well as links to related resources.
Hybrid Cars News. Consolidated News: Hybrid Cars, Hybrid Vehicles and Hybrid Technologies.
Hydrogen Fuel Cells from California Hydrogen Highway. Includes diagrams illustrating how fuel cells use hydrogen with oxygen from air to produce electricity.
Hydrogen Fuel News. Consolidated News: Hydrogen Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Energy Cells.
Hydrogen Program from U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). Contents include: Hydrogen Production, Delivery, Storage, Manufacturing, Conversion/Fuel Cells, Applications/Technology Validation, Safety, Codes and Standards, and more. News includes: U.S. Department of Energy Awards $100 Million in Fuel Cell R&D .
Natural Gas Power from BP. While solar and wind are expected to continue growing rapidly, their energy sources will always be intermittent - the sun does not always shine and the wind does not always blow. That's why the world will continue to rely on fossil fuels as its main source of energy for decades to come. Natural gas is the cleanest fossil fuel available. When used to create electricity, gas-fired power produces up to 55% less carbon dioxide than traditional coal-fired power. Watch a natural gas power flash movie: Natural Gas Power: How Does It Work?
Why Hydrogen? from Hydrogen.gov. Learn about The President's Hydrogen Fuel Initiative and Regulations for a Hydrogen Economy .
Geothermal Energy from GEO (Geothermal Education Office). Geothermal Facts, Geothermal Glossary, Worldwide Geothermal Data and Map, Geothermal Energy Slide Show, Ask an Expert, More about Energy: the Energy Scrapbook, some free Educational and Classroom Materials (Grades 3-12), and links to related sites.
Geothermal Energy is energy from heat inside the Earth from Andy Darvill's Science Site. How it works. Details. Advantages. Disadvantages. Is it renewable? Summary. Quiz.
Geothermal Energy Slide Show from Geothermal Education Office, Tiburon, CA.
Geothermal Power News. Consolidated News: Geothermal Power and Geothermal Energy.
What is geothermal energy? from International Geothermal Association. Geothermal in the World.
California Solutions for Global Warming.Global Warming Impacts. Global Warming Fact Sheets.
The Canary Project provides photographs of landscapes around the world that are exhibiting dramatic transformation due to global warming. Images will show that global warming is affecting the world in a variety of ways (melting, sea-level rise, drought, extreme weather events, dying habitats, etc.) and is affecting every place on earth. See Map of Locations and photos of damaged habitat from Barrier Reef (Belize), Costa Rica - Cloud Forests, New Orleans - Katrina, The Netherlands, Pasterze Glacier (Austria), Pitzal Glacier (Austria), Venice (Italy).
Fact Sheet - Global Warming from PROACT, a U.S. Air Force environmental research service and information exchange clearinghouse.
Global Warming. Consequences of Global Warming from Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC).
Global Warming & Energy: Overview. Contents include: What is Global Warming? Clean Car Solutions, Clean Energy Solutions. Driving Up the Heat: SUVs and Global Warming, 10 Things You Can Do to Help Curb Global Warming from the Sierra Club.
Global Warming Basics from Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC). What it is, how it's caused, and what needs to be done to stop it.
Global Warming: Curb Climate Change from Rainforest Action Network (RAN). "Global warming is the most urgent issue of our time. Fossil fuel burning, industrial agriculture and forest destruction cause the climate to change by releasing billions of tons of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere."
Global Warming Facts and Our Future from Koshland Science Museum. In this exhibition, the National Academies provide scientific information to help answer some important questions: Is the Climate Warming? Are Humans Causing Climate Warming? What Effects Might Climate Warming Have? What Should Be Done About Climate Warming? Contents include: Greenhouse Effect, Carbon Cycle, Causes of Change, Past Change, Predicted Change, Impacts of Change, Responses to Change.
Global Warming Kids Site from EPA - U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. What is Global Warming, Climate & Weather, Greenhouse Effect, Glossary, Links, and more.
Global Warming Science Update, July 2006 - in PDF, 11 pages by Daniel A. Lashof, Ph.D., Science director, Climate Center, Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC).
How Global Warming Works from HowStuffWorks.com.
Hurricanes and Global Warming - Is There a Connection? by Stefan Rahmstorf, Michael Mann, Rasmus Benestad, Gavin Schmidt, and William Connolley, from RealClimate.org.
What Is Global Warming? Problems, Solutions, Fact Sheet, Recent Articles from Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.
What is the Greenhouse Effect? By Larry West, Your Guide to Environmental Issues, from Environment.About.com. Top 10 Things You Can Do to Reduce Global Warming. Global Warming: FAQ - Detailed information about the causes and anticipated effects of global warming.
Definitions of Green Power on the Web from Google.
Green energy from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Sources of energy which are considered environmentally friendly, non-polluting.
Green Energy News. Covering Clean, Renewable and Efficient Energy, Technology, Issues, Policy, Business ... Since 1996.
Green Power. Australian Government accredited GreenPower website. GreenPower is renewable energy sourced from the sun, the wind, water and waste. Green Power: Your Questions Answered. How green power works. What is global warming? What are the predicted impacts of global warming? How does standard electricity generation affect global warming?
The Green Power Network from U.S. Department of Energy: Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE).
What Is Green Power, Problems, Solutions, Fact Sheet from Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.
What is Green Power? "'Green Power' is simply power that is produced by a renewable ('green') energy source, as distinct from power produced by fossil fuel, nuclear, and other types of generators." See "Is Green Power Good for Wind Energy?" Article from American Wind Energy Association.
Hydrogen and Clean Fuels from National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) owned and operated by U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). Molecular hydrogen does not occur naturally on Earth but must be produced from hydrogen-containing materials. This process requires a primary energy source, such as fossil fuels, nuclear, or renewable sources.
Hydrogen Energy Center. Why Hydrogen? Hydrogen has three basic benefits that address these concerns: 1. Use of hydrogen greatly reduces pollution; 2. Hydrogen gas can be produced from methane, gasoline, biomass, coal or water; 3. If hydrogen is produced from water we have a sustainable production system. After the hydrogen is produced in an electrolyzer, it can be used in a fuel cell to produce electricity. The by products of the fuel cell process are water and heat.
Hydrogen, Fuel Cells, and Infrastructure Technologies Program from U.S. Department of Energy, Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE). "Hydrogen typically exists as a diatomic molecule, meaning each molecule has two atoms of hydrogen; this is why pure hydrogen is commonly expressed as 'H2'. Hydrogen is the most abundant element in the universe, accounting for 90 percent of the universe by weight."Hydrogen Basics.
Hydrogen Power - Hydrogen Energy from BP. Hydrogen Power works by 'decarbonising' a fossil fuel (such as coal, oil or natural gas). This process would strip the fuel's carbon from its hydrogen atoms. The clean hydrogen is then burned to make electricity in a specially modified gas turbine, while capturing the carbon dioxide and sequestering it in depleted underground gas and oil fields or coal beds. By using hydrogen as a fuel virtually no greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are produced; the main by-product is water.
Climate Change Information Kit in PDF, 64 pages, 3.86 MB. Contents: Understanding the climate system, Facing the consequences, The Climate Change Convention (Information Sheet 21: The Kyoto Protocol), Limiting greenhouse gas emissions, and Facts & Figures.
Climate Change: Global Policy Process. The Kyoto Protocol from Blue Link. "The Kyoto protocal [sic] was signed in Kyoto, Japan in 1997. In this protocol, industrialised countries committed themselves to reducing their greenhouse gas emissions by a few percent in 2008-2012 compared to the 1990 base year."
The Kyoto Accord - Kyoto Protocol from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, Articles 1-28. Convention adopted in New York on 9 May 1992. Text of the Kyoto Protocal - 1997 from CNN.com.
Kyoto Protocol to Reduce Greenhouse Gases and Global Warming from Environment.About.com. Learn about the pros and cons of the Kyoto Protocol, its provisions, and its effectiveness in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and global warming.
About Solar: Solar Water Heater and Photovoltaic Technology from Go Solar, Power from Above, a program of the Clean Air Foundation What Is Photovoltaic? Includes diagrams. Benefits of Solar Energy.
Average Daily Solar Radiation Per Month - Map. A color map showing general trends in the amount of solar radiation received in the United States - showing energy from the sun on a surface directly facing the sun.
Facts About Solar Energy.com. What is solar energy? Discover solar power: How it works. Interesting facts about solar energy. Pros and cons - Advantages and disadvantages of solar energy. Solar energy history. Build your own solar energy system. Solar energy cost. Solar energy for homes.
GE Energy - FAQS About Solar Electric Technology. What is a solar cell and a solar module? What are the different types of solar technologies? What does photovoltaic or PV mean? Are solar electric systems safe?
How does solar energy work? from CODESO Corporation for Sostainable Development. How does solar energy work? from CANROM, a manufacturer of wafered silicon solar cells and modules. Learn About a Solar Energy System.
How Solar Cells Work from HowStuffWorks.com.
Photo Tour of Solar Power in real life action from Big Frog Mountain, Alternative Energy Sources. Includes: Solar Electric Glossary, How Solar Works, Energy Calculators: Load Requirement Worksheet, Solar and Wind Power Projects, and more.
Robert English's Solar Energy Home. Take a tour of this solar home designed and built by Robert who studied electrical engineering at the University of Massachusetts. Electric power for this house is generated primarily by photovoltaic panels installed on the roof. Other information provided includes: Solar Greenhouse, Solar Heating, Solar Hot Water, and Passive Ice Box.
Solar Cooking from EPSEA (El Paso Solar Energy Association). Other topics include: Energy Efficiency Tips, Sun Tempered Home, Adobe Home Construction, Passive Solar Design - Thermal Mass, Straw Bale Construction, Solar Water Distillation - Stills, Solar Food Drying, Passive Solar Water Heating, Solar Pool Heating, and SEED - School Energy Project.
Solar Electricity from Florida Solar Energy Center (FSEC), a Research Institute of the University of Central Florida. Solar Hot Water.
Solar Electricity: Power from the Sun, Renewable Solar Heat: Sustainable Energy from Re-Energy.ca.
Solar energy from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Solar Energy Society of Canada. Provides information on the three main ways to use direct solar energy: Electricity, Heating, and Drying.
Solar Energy Technologies Program. Concentrating Solar Power, Photovoltaics, Solar Heating, Solar Lighting.
Solar Power USA from BP - Renewable Energy Rebates and Incentives available in many states. How Does Solar Power Work?
Solar Power Answers - The Way to Green Power. A comprehensive guide to designing and installing solar electric power systems by Richard Stubbs. Includes: Basics of Solar Power. What is a solar cell and how does solar power work? Energy Efficiency, System Design, Wiring Tips.
Solar Power is energy from the Sun from Andy Darvill's Science Site. How it works. Details. Advantages. Disadvantages. Is it renewable? Summary. Quiz.
Solar Technology from Arizona Solar Center. Contents include: Passive Solar Energy, Solar Cooking, Solar Hot Water, Photovoltaics (PV), Solar Architecture in Arizona, Quick Facts: Solar Hot Water Economics, and Quick Facts: Solar Electric Economics.
Solar Power News. Consolidated News: Solar Power, Solar Energy and Solar Electric Power.
Solar Water Heating Systems, Benefits from Solar Water Heating, Categories of Solar Water Heaters, from Natural Resources Canada.
Understanding and Installing Your Own Solar Electric System. Links to alternative energy.
Videos from YouTube - Solar PowerHow It's Made: Solar Panels. 4:36 min.
Hybrid Solar Lighting. 5:18 min.
Nevada Solar One Solar Power Station. 3:51 min.
How Hydropower Plants Work - The Power of Water from HowStuffWorks.com.
Hydro-electric power is generated from falling water from Andy Darvill's Science Site. How it works. Details. Advantages. Disadvantages. Is it renewable? Summary. Quiz.
Hydropower or Hydraulic power, from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Hydropower Basics. How hydropower works, Advantages and disadvantages of its use, Hydropower use throughout history, U.S. hydropower resource potential, Current research and development.
Hydropower: Using a River to Create Energy. Virtual field trip by Tim Gore, Wydown Middle School, School District of Clayton, Missouri.
Pharaoh’s Pump Foundation is an Oregon based, nonprofit organization dedicated to the development of decentralized, energy efficient, nonpolluting technologies. The primary goal is to research, develop and build the water pumping technology utilized by the Original Builders of the Great Pyramid. The organization intends to redevelop the type of water pump the Great Pyramid was originally designed to be. Rediscovering and utilizing this high technology of Ancient mankind will improve our world in modern times.
Pumped Storage Reservoirs - storing energy to cope with big demands from Andy Darvill's Science Site. How it works. Details. Advantages. Disadvantages. Is it renewable? Summary. Quiz.
Videos from YouTube - Water Power
º Water Powered Vehicle. 2:39 min. (See also: Stanley Meyer's water fuel cell from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia).
º Japanese Water Powered Car!!. 1:21 min.
º Water as Fuel (via ZPE). 3.14 min.
Water Power from ForceField, Fort Collins, CO.
Water Power: Renewable Energy from Water from Re-Energy.ca. The power of moving water.
Water Recycling and Reuse: The Environmental Benefits from U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
About Wave Energy. Waves are a free and sustainable energy resource created as wind blows over the ocean surface.
Renewable Energy - Exploring Ways to Use Ocean Energy from U.S. Department of Energy. Includes info on tidal and wave power. Ocean Tidal Power. Ocean Wave Power. Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion.
Tidal power from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Tidal power, sometimes called tidal energy, is a form of hydropower that exploits the movement of water caused by tidal currents or the rise and fall in sea levels due to the tides.
Tidal power - energy from the sea from Andy Darvill's Science Site. How it works. Details. Advantages. Disadvantages. Is it renewable? Summary. Quiz.
Tidal Power News. Consolidated News: Tidal Power, Tidal Energy, Tidal Wave Energy and Wave Power.
Wave Power - energy from the wind on the sea from Andy Darvill's Science Site. How it works. Details. Advantages. Disadvantages. Is it renewable? Summary. Quiz.
About Wind Power from Renewable Energy Systems, UK. FAQ - Some common misconceptions about wind energy.
Harnessing the Wind by Lester R. Brown, Plan B: Rescuing a Planet Under Stress and a Civilization in Trouble, Chapter 9. Cutting Carbon Emissions in Half.
How Wind Power Works from HowStuffWorks.com.
Some Basic Energy Information. Energy: Fuel for Thought. An Educational Resource from BLM (Bureau of Land Management). Includes classroom activities It's a Gas, Blowin' in the Wind, WaterWorks, Let the Sun Shine In, An Energy Profile, Energy for the Future, and An Energy Budget.
Videos from YouTube - Wind Power
Renewable Energy: Wind Power. 7:48 min.
Building a Wind Turbine. 9:59 min.
Wind Turbine - Rooftop 1:30 min.
Encore Clean Energy SideWinder Wind Turbine. 1:22 min.
What are the factors in the cost of electricity from wind turbines? "The cost of electricity from utility-scale wind systems has dropped by more than 80% over the last 20 years." Article from American Wind Energy Association.
Wind Energy and Wind Facts from Canadian Wind Energy Association. Contents include: How Wind is Produced: Like all forms of energy, wind is created as a result of the sun. How Wind Energy is Produced: Wind turbines capture the kinetic energy in surface winds and convert it into electrical energy in the form of electricity. Wind Energy Applications: There are two kinds of wind energy applications in Canada: large scale and small scale. Benefits of Wind Energy, Fact Sheets, and more.
Wind Energy Association Directory - National and International Wind Energy Associations.
Wind Energy: Capturing the Wind. Build your own wind turbine, and more from Re-Energy.ca.
Wind Energy Fact Sheets in PDF, The Most Frequently Asked Questions about Wind Energy in PDF, 30 pages, Wind Energy Web Tutorial and much more from American Wind Energy Association.
Wind Energy FAQ: Technical Information. Web links including Wind Energy Development Status, Economics and Competitiveness, Wind Energy Policy Factors, Wind Power Technology (Wind Turbines, Wind Resources), Large Scale Applications, Small Turbine Applications, Home and Do-It-Yourself Systems.
Wind Energy Technologies from U.S. Dept. of Energy: Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy. Wind Energy Basics, How Wind Turbines Work, Advantages and Disadvantages, History, Resource Potential.
Wind Power from BP. Wind power has the potential to make a major difference in addressing climate change. We estimate that if 10% of the world’s power came from wind, it would cut CO2 emissions by one billion tonnes a year. How Does Wind Power Work?
Wind power from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Wind power - energy from the air from Andy Darvill's Science Site. How it works. Details. Advantages. Disadvantages. Is it renewable? Summary. Quiz.
Wind Power News. Consolidated News: Wind Power, Wind Energy and Wind Farms Generation.
Wind with Miller. Excellent animated learning site from Danish Wind Industry Association. Take a Crash Course in Wind Energy. Activities include: Wind Turbine Simulator, Make a Wind Sock, Build a Small Wind Turbine, and more. See also Wild About Wind - 50% wind energy in the Danish system by 2025, Wind Capacity in the World, Pictures of Wind Turbines including one with Vestas Wind Turbines in China.