Oh no! Say it isn't so: Richelle's links have FINALLY been updated after
almost 2 years! Considering the fact that most of them didn't work any
more, I guess it's about time, huh? Many thanks to those who wrote in to
tell me! So, for those of you have already spent waaay too much time at
my web site, check out these other fine options:
It was the first, and as far as I'm concerned, it's still the best.
Check out Yahoo! for all your web
directory needs.
I used to hate reading the news. Then I found The Onion. Now I love the News and
feel that if the Onion was done by one person alone, they'd win my award
for Homepage Cooler than Mine.
Here's my mandatory list of the fine Web-zines which have linked me at
one time or another:
Web Review--These nice folks (even though
my "varied" themes are referred to as schizophrenic) put me into
their September 15 issue under student reviews. Plus, they've got a lot
of other good web info, so be sure and check it out!
Starting Point--More nice folks. I
was their featured site of the day on September 16. Once again, a great
source of web info and resources.
Point Survey--These people
rated my Angst Page in the top 5% of all web sites, showing that angst
was stronger than we thought. Do a search on 'angst' to
find the review on me.
Alright, damnnit, I'm a groupie and I'm not afraid to admit it! Here
are links to my favorite cult tv shows: