December 6 , 1971 - April 8, 1990
He made friends with Elton John and Michael Jackson. He was a normal, cute kid who had the terrible misfortune of contracting AIDS.....Ryan was born with hemophilia and
contracted HIV through blood-clotting products he
received to treat his hemophilia.
In 1991, Jeanne White (his mother) and Phil Donahue founded the Ryan White Foundation......a national non-profit
organization established to increase awareness of
personal, family, and community issues related to
Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and Acquired
Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS).
I came face to face with death at thirteen years old. I
was diagnosed with AIDS: a killer. Doctors told me I'm
not contagious. Given six months to live a being the
fighter that I am, I set high goals for myself. It was my
decision to live a normal life, go to school, be with my
friends, and enjoying day to day activities. It was not
going to be easy.
The school I was going to said they had no guidelines
for a person with AIDS. The school board, my teachers,
and my principal voted to keep me out of the classroom
even after the guidelines were set by the I.S.B.H., for
fear of someone getting AIDS from me by casual
contact. Rumors of sneezing, kissing, tears, sweat, and
saliva spreading AIDS caused people to panic.
We began a series of court battles for nine months,
while I was attending classes by telephone. Eventually,
I won the right to attend school, but the prejudice was
still there. Listening to medical facts was not enough.
People wanted one hundred percent guarantees. ....Ryan White in a testimony before the President's Commission on AIDS.
"I had plenty of time back then to think about why people were being mean. Of course it was because they were
scared, but why were they scared? Maybe it was because I wasn't that different from everyone else. I wasn't gay; I
wasn't into drugs; I was just another kid from Kokomo. I've been a twig all my life -- if you ruffed up my hair, a bird
would probably nest in it. But other than that, I didn't even look sick. Maybe that made me more of a goblin to some
people." ......Ryan
On April 8, 1990 the world lost a young man who fought
valiantly and successfully for his individual rights and those
rights of all those infected with HIV and AIDS. Ryan also
believed that educating people, especially teenagers, about
HIV/AIDS, is an important part of preventing the spread of this
deadly disease. The legacy of education and compassion that
Ryan began is the cornerstone for prevention education and
compassion for those living with the disease.
"Some people just see me as Ryan White's mother, and that's fine with me. If people are to see me that way for the rest of my
life, I'll be tickled to death. I was so proud of that kid, and he knew how much he was loved."....Ryan's mother, Jeanne.
His fight against AIDS and ignorance propelled him into
the national spotlight. Ryan spoke to celebrities,
educators, and politicians, but most importantly, he
spoke to other teens. The legacy of education and
compassion Ryan began is the cornerstone of The Ryan
White Foundation.
"I've seen how people with HIV/AIDS are treated, and I
don't want others to be treated like I was."
During his presence, Ryan was an influence on the initiation of AIDS awareness programs. John Mortimer, AIDS Project Los
Angeles' educational director, started one such program called "Southern California Cares"
A Tribute to Ryan White
by Elton John
I have met a lot of people in my life who were brave and courageous. But when I met Ryan, he gave new
meaning to these words. Having the AIDS virus is a scary horrible thing to cope with. But Ryan coped
silently and with great pain. He had the dignity to bring the message of hope to all those who have this
terrible disease. Although young, he had wisdom beyond his years. It is as if God had chosen him to
ease the prejudice that people have towards AIDS victims. I firmly believe that during his short life on
earth, Ryan touched millions of people, and I believe that in his new life he is doing the same. Ryan
White was a miracle to humanity.
Since Ryan's Death, he has received:
Norman Vincent Peale Award
A street named after him in Wilmington, DE - Ryan White Circle
Bob Hope Award - Spirit of America Awards . Ryan is buried in Cicero, Indiana.