July Archive

July 1998

July 13th, 1998: MY VERY FIRST ENTRY
July 14, 1998: Wild West Day, James and Carly
July 15, 1998: The Bug On My Arm, My New Car, and My Kitten
July 18, 1998: Why I Don't Look Out Windows at Night
July 19, 1998: My Wierd Dreams and I Found My Ring
July 20, 1998: Oh My, My Uncle Saw Me in My Underware
July 25, 1998: Yet Another Weird Dream, and Yes, I Am A VIRGIN!
July 26,1998: I Have A Very Boring Life
July 29, 1998: I Finally Got A Car, and I'm Afraid To Go To College

August 1998

July 13, 1998

This is my very first entry. I don't really know what possessed me to start an online journal. I read another and thought it was kind of cool so I decided to start one.

Don't ask me why I decided to start on the most boring day of my life, but please don't judge me by this first entry, I promise it'll get better.

For now I am going to tell all about my life. I am extremely afraid of telling people online anything remotely personal about me but I am going to give you all the benefit of the doubt. Please don't take advantage of it. I am so scared of psycho-internet-stalkers.

I was raised in the suburbs of Columbus, Ohio. I lived in the same house for the first 16 years of my life until my father decided that his fortune was in Kansas. And we all moved out here. I really hated it at first, but after awhile it all grew on me. And my dad makes a lot more money than he ever did in Columbus, so I guess in the long run he made the right decision.

I have been seeing Lane for 2 years now. I started seeing him when I was in tenth grade. When I moved I though we would break up, but Lane kept telling me that he knew he wanted to be with me and that we could make it work. And eventually I believed him, and so far it's worked. He's a really wonderful guy. I'm sure we'll probably be married someday. He bought me a promise ring after only 4 months. So I guess he's serious about it too.

Hummmmmmm? Let's see. What else?

Do you think that the colors I picked for this first link are ugly? If so let me know and I'll try to come up with something different. Mae says it's a little hard to read, but what does she know.

I guess I won't bore you anymore today.

Pullleeeeeeaze come back and read about me again!!! I promise it'll get more interesting.


Christina :)

July 14, 1998

Wow, I'm so completely tired. I woke-up super early because there was this special sale thing going on in town. So my mum and I went. At first I thought that it was kind of like a big garage sale. It was like all of the stores just went back to the back of their stores and got all of the junk no one ever bought and reduced the prices. BUT THEN, I found these oh-so-awesome picture frames for $.50!!! I couldn't believe it. I have been putting off buying frames forever because I'm such a tightwad. I never want to spend any money. So I bought the frames and then in another store I found a big old frame for $5. Pretty cool, huh?

I'm soooooooo pumped!! Eleven people actually came to my page! I tought that I would be the only one. I love you all. You just sent my self-esteem through the roof.

I had to work today. We were all supposed to dress up like the Wild West for the special sale, but me being the not-so-spirited employee that I am, I didn't dress up. But the guys that I work with did. There is nothing in the world like spending the whole day with a bunch of grown boys playing cowboys and indians. I lost about 15 cap-gun fights. This boy Drew got me yelled at by one of the old women who shop at the store. He was sneaking around trying to shoot me and just as he did the old woman turned around and he popped the cap right in her FACE!!!!!! And then of course he ran in the other direction leaving me (the innocent one) to deal with the irate old woman. I was very upset with him. In fact,I'm not speaking to him.

Oh, and when I showed up at work 15 minutes before 1 o'clock. My boss came up to me and says, "You're late." And I was like, "Whoa there. Try again, cowboy. (He was dressed like a cowboy.) I'm like 15 minutes early." And then he says, "Go look at the schedule." And I of course, being the cocky little girl I am, march over to the schedule and say, "Ha, look here it says 'Chris: 12-8?'." Yes, I showed up to work 45 minutes late, again. I have done this twice before. I'm just glad my big boss is out of town this week. Oh, well.

Do you know what? I think Carly Simon and James Taylor should really get back together. It really upsets me that they are divorced. I love James Taylor. I just think that they made the greatest couple. Someday they'll get back together, I just know it.

Oh, Guess what else?!?!?! I'm getting a new car! I'm going to talk to the dealer tomorrow. It's a 1998 Ford Escort. I can get it really cheap because I have family members that worked for Ford. I CAN'T WAIT! I've been driving my mom's Sunfire since I got my license when I turned 16. I'ts a really nice car, but I want my own.

I didn't talk to Lane much today. He worked all day and so did I.

Hum hum hum hum hum. Can't think of anything else to say. Thank you soooooooooooo much for reading. Ya'll come back now. I love this! I love you!


Chris :)

July 15, 1998

Oh my gosh, just as I was about to type this line there was a BUG ON ME!!!! You don't even know how much I hate bugs.

Ok, anyway. I'm really super excited that people are actually coming to my page. I seriously never thought that anyone would read it. So thank you very much, whoever you are. I'm going to try to get it hooked up tonight so you can e-mail me and tell me whatever it is you might want to tell me.

Today I went and looked at cars again. The dealer in town only has one escort and it didn't really have everything that I wanted, so I'm thinking that I might want to go with a different dealer. The one in the next city has a better one with all of the options that I want, but it's not the right color. Tomorrow I'm goig to call one more dealer and see what he has, and if they don't come up with the right color I'm going to buy the Aquamarine Frost one. I know it sounds kind of ugly, but really it's not that bad.

This is starting to get to be a really long page so I'm thinking about redoing my site so that it's easier to read just the days you want to and not have to go through all of the days before. Be patient, I am very new to all of this. And soon I am going to be able to put a few pictures on here. How exciting.

Did I ever tell you about my cat? I don't think that I have. He is the most cutest little kitten in the whole world. He's got huge blue eyes and he's orange striped. And I feed him about eight times a day so he's the fattest little thing. I just love him. His name is Rodney. I named him that because he looks just like my Uncle Rodney. Anyhow, he just started doing this thing where whenever I talk to him he tries to crawl inside of my mouth! It really kind of makes me want puke because I always think of him stepping in a litter box and that makes me think of him putting his little paws in my mouth and that makes me think of how I want barf!! YUCK!!

I worked today, and I got there on time. :) It was really slow and very boring. I don't really like my job very much. It requires no thinking whatsoever, so I get very bored. To amuse myself I don't look at the screen and try to figure out how much change is due in my head. Isn't that sad! I spend 50 hours a week doing this!

I talked to Lane like three times today. For some reason we are having a lot of trouble finding things to talk about. Did I ever mention that we have been in a long-distance relationship for the last year and a half? We got our pictures taken together. They turned out so great! I just love them. I love Lane so much. He is the most wonderful person I know. He is so great. I don't know of any other guy who would ever be so lonely for so long, just for me.

Well, I'm going to try to go get that e-mail thing hooked up. Please when I get it working, let me know what you think of, well, me I guess.


July 18

Ok. I know I have been very bad and I haven't written in a while. But you see I looked one day to see how many people came and read me, and it was ZERO!!! And that kind of made me feel like a zero. So just so you all know, you put me in my place and I won't ever mention how many people came to my site again.

I have been working on remodeling my site. Did you notice that I put in an index for the month(s) and for the days? It is a lot harder than I thought it would be. I wish that I had been smart and done it from the beginning. Oh, and I have been trying to change the font on my page, but I can't figure it out, so if anyone out there knows how to do it, please, please, PLEASE e-mail me and let me know.

Sorry that I didn't put any decorations on this page, but I am very tired and I don't really feel like messing with it. My sister said she went and read my page and that she found a typo. I am sorry that I don't check my spelling, but usually when I get around to doing this it's about 3 a.m. so I am too tired to notice that I am spelling wrong. Sorry.

I have to work like everyday from now until I leave for school because this girl walked out on us the other day. I understand that for some people that would be the right way to quit their job, but I really think that it's unfair for the rest of the people that have to fill in for the quitter. I hope you're reading this JAIME!

Lane is a sweetie lately. He's always saying how much he misses me. But I LOST THE RING HE BOUGHT ME FOR OUR 2 YEAR ANNIVERSARY! I don't know what I'm going to do. It's not my promise ring, but I really loved it. The problem is that he buys the rings bigger than I need them and we always mean to get them sized, but never get aroung to it. I also lost one of the diamond earrings that he bought me. He's really going to kill me. I can replace the earring, but the ring is going to be harder. I had never seen anything like it before he got it for me.

You know who I love? Promise not to stop reading this if I say it? Promise?

The Beastie Boys. I just love them. I think everyone should go and buy Hello Nasty. That's their new album.

If you were me would you tell your friends and family about your online journal? I'm debating whether or not to tell Lane. E-mail me and tell me what you think. My sister already knows.

When I was little my dad told me this story called "The Ghost of Old Bath Road." We used to live in Bath, Maine when he was in the Marines. And he told me this story about this girl who was riding her bike home from her friends house on a cold, dark, and scary night. And while she ws riding a semi-truck hit and killed her. And my dad said that one night he was riding his bike at night and he saw another biker up ahead of him, so he rode faster to catch up. When he got close enough, he called out to the biker, and when she turned around she had blood all over her body and her eyes were glowing with fire!!! Since the accident the girls parents have moved away from Bath. And now she rides her bike into the neighborhoods of Bath and looks in all of the windows looking for her family.

It may just sound like a stupid Ghost story to you, but it scared me shitless! To this day I refuse to go on bike rides at night and I never look out a window at night. The other night when I was coming home from work I saw a biker and almost died. I was so scared. I'm getting kind of scared right now, I think I'll sleep with my bedroom door open tonight.

O.k, Now I bet you all think I'm some kind of freak. Oh well, it really did scare me, hell, it still does.

I really must go now. I have to have my mom make sure there are no ghosts in my closet.

Sweet Dreams,

Chris-the big wuss

July 19

Today I slept until about 1 p.m. It felt so good. I haven't been able to sleep that late for so long. But I had the weirdest dream. I was a dog, a german shepherd. And I had the most important news that I had to tell the world, but all I could do is bark and no one could understand me. It really sucked. I have had this dream before. It makes me feel so sorry for my dogs.

I have this other dream where all of my teeth fall out. I keep spitting them out in mouthfuls. I look so ugly, it makes me want to puke. I brush my teeth like 5 times a day. I never want to get false teeth. I think that would feel so strange. I have this dream about once a week.

Ok so why aren't any of you e-mailing me? Do you not like me? I understand if you don't. I kind of think I sound like an idiot in this journal. I'm not as bad in person.

Today is Lane and my 2 year, 3 month anniversay. Pretty stupid that I would even mention that.

Oh my boss Michael found my ring that I lost. Now I only have to buy the earring and I'm all set.

I still haven't figured out how to change the font on this page and it's driving me nuts. I can't stand this Times New Roman or whatever this stuff is.

I got my work schedule for the week and I don't even have 40 hours!! I'm so pissed. And this girl that hasn't even worked there for very long got like 42. And my boss hired like 3 new people so now I'll get even fewer hours. I can't wait to get out of this town. I'm going to college in Michigan. I can't wait. I already found a job that I'll make $8.75 an hour. I still make minumum wage at the grocery store and I've worked there for over a year.

I can't think of too much to say. I guess I'll go now.


July 20

Today I was so embarrassed! I got up kind of early and took my shower. I got out of the shower and put on a bra and underware. I wrapped my hair in a towel and went into my bedroom. But I walked out of the bathroom and standing in the middle of the living room were my mother and my uncle!! They just kind of looked at me like, "Oh my, what are you doing walking around in your underware?" I was mortified. I had no idea that they were there. When I got into the shower, I had been the only one up. My uncle always stops and has a glass of tea with my mom when he is bailing his alfalfa (his feild is in our backyard). I don't think I'll ever be able to look him in the eye again.

I had another weird dream last night. This time I was driving my uncles truck home from work. (Yes the same uncle that saw me in my underware.) Anyhow, I was driving his truck home from work and I was giving this kid Phil a ride too. And all of a sudden we look over and there's smoke coming out from the crack between the inside of the door and the window. And we get out and the truck's on fire.

It's strange because on day I saw Phil at the gas station in town and he was buying oil. And this guy comes in and he's like, "Whoever has a little red car outside there's smoke coming out from underneath it." And the Sunfire is red so naturally I run to see if it's my car and Phil goes, "No don't worry Chris, it's my car. I have an oil leak." And I look over at his car and I'm like, "No Phil, it's like billows of smoke, and there's flames too." The kids freaking car caught on fire. And I got to be the hero, because I CALLED 911! I was kind of pumped. My mom's a 911 dispatcher. WOW.

So I guess that's why I had the dream about the flaming truck and that's why Phil was in it. Phil is about to become a father. That just really scares me. It seems like everyone is having kids. I think it's sad. But he is working really hard to make money for it so I guess he's doing OK.

I really miss Lane. We fight a lot when we miss each other. We had a huge fight today. He always brings up this guy I used to be friends with. It makes me really mad because we weren't even dating at the time I was seeing Jason, so really it's none of his business.

I should start bringing up the girl he dumped me for the night before I was about to buy a plane ticket to go out to go to his homecoming. But I'm a bigger person than that.

We really fight about stupid things.

Well that's about all I can think of tonight. Goodness I really am boring.

Hey did anyone notice that I redid my page, AGAIN!!!!


July 25

Wow, I'm so sorry that I haven't written in SO long. I guess not that many people have been reading, but that's ok. I'm sure that as I go on for a while, more will start visiting.

And I finally got some e-mail. Thanks OLIVIA from KANSAS!!!! And did you notice that I finally changed the font? Thanks again Olivia. :)

Well, let's see. What has happened since the last time I wrote? I found another car that I want. I have to get my car now because I have to leave for school in like two weeks. I got my first credit card. I'm not going to use it unless I have an emergency. I bought $10.00 worth of powerball tickets and didn't win a darn thing. I was kind of upset.

I had another weird dream. In this one I was PREGNANT! I was going into labor and Lane wasn't there and I was so scared. I kept telling everyone, "I am not having a baby, I am not going into labor. I'm so scared." And everyone was like, "Just shut-up and push." It was the worst dream I've ever had. For one thing, it's impossible for me to get pregnant. Yes, that's right, I'm a virgin. And another thing, my dad would kill me. And then he'd kill Lane.

My dad is buying a new dog. We already have two Shelty's, but he thinks we need a lab. I guess he's really cute. I want to name him Boss Hog. Then we could call him our fat little buddy. But my dad wants to name him Rosco. Can you tell we're big Dukes of Hazzards fans?

I can't wait to quit my job. I hate it. I'm just so tired of having to do everything people tell me to. It wouldn't be so bad if people weren't so stinking picky. Even if it's a hundred degrees below zero, the old ladies would still want me to doulble wrap everything. "To keep it cold." I just really hate being a grocery store checker.

Does anyone else out there just love Jerry Springer? I adore him. I love his show. Did you know that it used to be a really serious show? He had Oliver North on there. That seems so weird. I thought it was always the ghetto hoochies duking it out. I guess you learn something new everyday. I think I like the hoochies better. It seems so pitiful that I find it so funny. It's really kind of sad. I can't believe that those people live the way they do. Lane swears it's all fake, but I just don't believe it.

Well, I promise I'm going to start writing everyday again.

-Christina :)

July 26

Today I went down to the next town south of us and visited my dad. My mom went too. He has to stay down there with his job. we only see him about four days a month. He might have to go to Wyoming sometime this year. I f he does my mom will go out there for a month at a time, the company will give him a house to live in for free. Anyway, not that you care.

For some strange reason I can't get any blue codes to work for my text. They all come up green. It's really starting to piss me off.

I don't really have very much to say. Nothing much happened today. I got a new purse and a new wallet. Yesterday I got some new make-up from AVON and today my sister gave the cutest little make-up bag to put it in. The make-up bag is really cute. It is green and white gingham. I love it.

I have to work from noon to close tomorrow. I hate that. It really sucks standing at a check stand for a million hours.

Well, I have to go now. I am very tired. And I have to get up early.



July 29

Well ok. Now you all know that I'm a liar. I promised that I would start updating every day and I haven't. Well, I am very sorry. But I have the best news! I FINALLY got my car. I didn't get the Escort though. I got a '97 Cavalier. It's maroon and it's a 4 door and it only has 20k miles on it. It still has 16k miles left on the warranty. I'm so happy. But my insurance is outragous. It is going to be $630 every 6 months because February 1997 I had a bit of an accident. Ok maybe a little more than a bit, I wrecked my mothers 1995 Sunfire and did $11,000 damage. Yup, that's right $11,000. No typo there. When I wreck 'em, I WRECK 'EM! Oh well. I guess I'll manage. My parents are going to help me out so it shouldn't be that bad.

You know I heard that "Sexual Healing" song on my way home from work today. I always made fun of that song, but now I kind of like it. Strange isn't it?

Thank You very much to Eli who e-mailed me. You made me think maybe I sound a little too pessimistic on this page. I'm going to try to lighten up. Thanks again. And all of you other not-so-good students could follow Eli and Oliva's examples. That sounded really dumb. Nevermind.

So I have to move out of the house and go to college in like 2 weeks and I'm REALLY, REALLY afraid. I have never really been away from home. I go to Ohio every summer for a month and a half. But this is different. I don't think I'm going to do so well without my mommy and daddy. I think I'll survive the first year, but after that I want to transfer somewhere closer to home. I really like Wyoming and Colorado.

Do you know whatI really hate? People who wait to go grocery shopping until 10 minutes before the store closes. I always bitch about work on here so I figure, why break tradition.

Lane is always talking about sex. He knows we are waiting but I kind of feel sorry for him. I hope he can get over it. Why are all guys always so darn horny? I mean I like to be with him and I like to do stuff with him but not like every second of every day. I just don't think about it that much when he's not around. I guess I'm abnormal.

I haven't been to church in so long. We are Missionary Baptists and we just can't find a church that we like out here. I kind of miss it. I feel so bad when I wake up every Sunday and I don't even think about going to church. When I was little I would cry when we didn't go. What a weird kid I am.

Well, I guess I'll go now. I just love those little soldiers! aren't adorable! Oh yeah. I forgot to tell y'all. I am changing my major. I am going back to pre-med. That's what I started out with, but I changed because I didn't really want to be in school for 8 years but I firgure, what the heck, I'm going to try anyway. I think I'll just take a bunch of classes that I can have for chem. engineering and pre-med and at the end of 2 years I'll decide for sure. Well, gotta go.


- Dr. Christina