Elma - 09/07/98 15:47:52 | Comments: boz bozi salAm.bozi jAn inbAr aksAye jadid zadi, va ideye akse xodet ham xeyli Aliye, darzemn bozi ruze sobhAne xeyli jAt xAli bud barAmun.omidvAram behet dar kenAre dustAn xoS beGzare va dobAre salAmt bebinimet.rAsti ideye fAle hAfezet ham xeyli Aliye. |
Asghar - 08/25/98 17:34:11 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/6191/ My Email:ariahi@shl.com | Comments: AqA Mehdi damet garm! I checked out your web side, it's really cool, I really enjoyed it, please put some more pictures and if possible sounds too! Have good one! |
F.N - 08/24/98 23:54:21 | Comments: Sallam Chetory. Hi " Boss". Nice pictures, but what happened to the first one ? |
Mona - 08/22/98 13:59:19 | Comments: Uncle Mehdi, your homepage is so cooooooool !!! |
Homa - 08/19/98 10:16:05 | Comments: pas akse man ko? be to ham migan Ache dust. Dar delam bud ke bi dust nabASam hargez, tsche tavan kard ke sa'ye manu del bAtel bud |
Hamid - 08/17/98 06:37:28 My Email:hmoini@blrisc.tuwien.ac.at | Comments: Das hast du gut gemacht. Besonders Fale-Hafez hat mir sehr gut gefallen. mach weiter so |
Elma - 08/14/98 12:28:13 My Email:se@nippon.hil.siemens.at | Comments: bozy salAm, in akse ci Sod cerA nist tu xunat!diruz bud va meruz pAk Sode! |
Mehdi - 08/13/98 11:28:28 | Comments: I leave the first message in my guestbook to invite all of you to sign it. |