We must first establish who is the authority...
The Church or the Scriptures?

The Roman Catholic Church Asserts:

1. The Church cannot err in matters of faith and morals.
2. The Catholic Church is authoritative and infallible.
3. If you believe what Popes, bishops and priests say, then you believe God.
4. Only the Catholic Church holds the true interpretation of the Bible.
5. Scriptures cannot be translated until they are approved by bishops or a provincial council of the Catholic Church.
6. The Catholic Church holds the "copyright" to the Bible.
7. That the Bible cannot interpret itself.
8. That the Church cannot exalt itself above the scriptures.
9. The Bible is a collection of disparate (incompatible) writings without a "grand design" whose authors do not represent a full range and variety of understanding. Tradition is necessary to explain the scriptures.
10. That neither Protestants or Catholics can use the Bible as its own authority in matters of interpretation.
11. That the Catholic Church uses sound judgment when declaring things that are not regarded in the scriptures.
12. The Catholic Church is the custodian and interpreter of the Bible and that She wrote the Bible.
13. The Catholic interpreters can err.

 14.   Scripture as the Authority.

Roman Catholicism & the Scriptures

Scriptural Authority

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