Corrida- Enthusiasmo o Vergunzo?

El arte de tauromaquia haber ser alrededor para siglos en el Espanol paises. La asunto de corrida normalmente constar de torero, su ayudantes, y de luego el toro. En general, el matador inentes de matar el toro con su espana. Que el matador persecucion su ememigo, el especatadors pensada la stands animar comparor emocions cato en la caliente desgraciado sol. Que unos de el aficiondo sentrase en la callejea sector. Ella en su mayoria a sombra lugar conveniente para la aficionados. La bafallas puede ocurrer de la primitivo a horas volando crepuseulo en la fardes. Tambien, si el matador no haber matar toro despues rato la espectatadors empezar obstener agitada. Ella es muy educacional de observar de experto matador's acerarse en la mortal de toros. Sin emberyo, unos gente haber variado sensacion partes la subdito de la toro existencia sumamente materes en la final de batellos. Liso aunave el torero es sencillamente naipe su deporte, la necho quieto sobrar ese animal es perdido. Caulquiera la cabella ese el matador poseus en o la toro puedes ser seriamente dano. En la end, I iri decir admiracion de la corrida para sencilla mente la enthusiasmo ella traers alguieo no puedo competir con la verdadero y verganzo matar de toro.

English Translation

Bullfighting- Excitement or Shame?

The art of bullfighting has been around for centuries in the Spanish cultural part of the world. The affair of a bullfgiht normally consist of a torero, his assitants, and of course the bull. Generally, the matador tries to kill the bull with a sword called a estoque. As the matador is pursueing his enemy, the specatators thoughout the stands cheer with awe emotions while in the hot miserable sun. Which hopefully some of the fanatics are seated in the callejea section where is sombra (shady, cool). The fights can last past dusk in the evening if the matador has not already killed at least five of the bulls. Also, the specatators learn that bullfighting is an art that requires alot of skill and careful training. However, some people have mixed feelings about the subject of th bull being murdered at the end. Although the matador is playing his sport the fact still remains that an animal shall be lost. The horse that the toreo rides in on or the bull could be severely damaged. In the end, I shall say that admiring the bullfight for just the excitement cannot even compete with the shameful killing of the toro.

Work Cited

Conrad, Barnaby. Gates of Fear. Bonanza Books. New York, MCMLVII (1957).

Hemingway, Earnest. Death in the Afternoon. Charles Scribner;s Son, New York. 1932

"El Enciero." Online. Internet. 1 March 1999. Available WWW:

"!No Mas VioLencia!." Online. Internet. 1 March 1999. Available WWW:

Lucia, Elisa. "The future of bullfighting in Mexico." Online. Internet. Available WWW: