Welcome to my Guestbook!

Sherry - 03/13/00 15:48:52
My URL:http://home.talkcity.com/spiritst/hismusic/index.html
My Email:hismusic@msn,com
Country: USA
You are encouraging to Christians in their daily walk, and are reaching out to the lost in a loving manner. There are so many that need to know the love God has extended towards man in Christ's sacrificial death. We have a music ministry and appreciate all you have done here to fulfill the great commission. Please visit our web page in consideration of adding our URL to your links page. Yours in Christ, Sherry and Carlos Heart & Soul, Music with a Message

veronica - 02/18/00 18:00:19
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/on3/Ronniespace
My Email:Dimples2003@hotmail.com
Great Page

James Willamor - 02/10/00 19:00:37
My URL:http://laughingstock.cjb.net
My Email:jameswillamor@hotmail.com
Country: USA
Religion: Christian
Fav. Bible Verse: John 10:10
Hey, nice website! Please stop by and visit my Christian band Laughingstock's site. We have free MP3's. Have a wonderful day!

theresa - 02/01/00 12:01:50
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/on2/theresabennett
My Email:http://www.angelfire.com/on2/theresabennett
Country: usa
Religion: Live for Jesus!
Fav. Bible Verse: All
You have a wonderful page! God Bless.

Ron Greib - 01/24/00 20:51:20
My URL:http://www.christiantraditions.com
My Email:rgreib@yahoo.com
Country: USA
Fav. Bible Verse: 1 John 4:8
You have a wonderful web site! A sincere question for all your web site visitors who are serious, open, and knowledgeable students of the bible. Could a God of love create cancer cells, rattlesnakes, and earthquakes?

Adrian Mathews - 11/02/99 09:08:05
My URL:http://www.iwr.com/christian/
My Email:webmaster@iwr.com
Country: USA
Religion: non denomination
Fav. Bible Verse: Proverbs 3:5-6
Hello, you have a wonderful website do come by and visit us. We would like to extend an invitation to everyone to come and exchange links, so others can share in your website and while your there do sign our guestbook. Plus we have a super nice offer for anyone anywhere a (FREE Book "Walking In New Life"). God Bless...

Hans Erich Myors - 10/13/99 01:04:27
My URL:/pprayers
My Email:pprayers@yahoo.com
Country: USA
Religion: Follower of Y'shua
Fav. Bible Verse: James 2:14-26
Shalom from a fellow believer in Y'shua at Geocities and a fellow member of the Christian Web ring.

Richard Glenn - 08/04/99 00:47:47
My URL:http://welcome.to/richardglenn.com
My Email:rglennmin@hotmail.com
Country: US
Religion: Christianity (Holiness)
Fav. Bible Verse: How Forcible are Right Words - Job 6:25
Nice page.
Feel free to visit mine. God Bless you.
Richard Glenn Ministries
R. Glenn

Dixie King - 01/25/99 13:57:02
My Email:dlk1143@aol.com
Country: usa
Religion: Christian
Fav. Bible Verse: Proverbs 3: 5&6
Keep up the good works in standing for the LORD.

brody james quiggle - 01/11/99 03:14:58
My URL:http://no address
My Email:none
Country: unitedstates
Religion: Christian
Fav. Bible Verse: John 10:10
amy god rest in peace.

Joe - 10/14/98 18:28:02
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Ridge/9008/
My Email:js4jc@webtvnet
Country: USA
Fav. Bible Verse: Psalms 100
Just checking out sites on the chritian webring. You have a great testimony. God can do great things for you if you let Him. Drop by my site too? Blessing to you and yours.

Todd Mancini - 10/13/98 21:10:43
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Styx/3516
My Email:todd_mancini@ats.wilmore.ky.us
Country: USA
Religion: Christian
Fav. Bible Verse: "God is our Refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble" Psalm 46:!

Joyce Williams - 10/12/98 06:56:00
My URL:http://member.aol.com/loveogod1/tdm.index.html
Country: US
Fav. Bible Verse: "Nothing can separate us from His love"!
Very nice page! If at all possible, please link me to your site. Thanks. http://member.aol.com/loveogod1/tdm.index.html

Larry Doc Stanberry - 10/06/98 07:25:50
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Pentagon/Quarters/5353
My Email:doc23id@cyberhighway.net
Country: U S of A
Religion: Christian "Full Gospel"
Fav. Bible Verse: Psalm 37: 1-4
Hi Shannon-=-= You are off to a fine start on our website and it shows that you are seeking the Lords glory for all your works because you continue to edify and raise Him up. I will send our award/s to you they should be in your mailbox now and remember always that we are cybering for Him and your si e is a ministry..Feel free to copy and paste my testimony on your site anytime you want it take it..God Bless, Sincerely in Christ NAMC Chaplain Larry "DOC" Stanberry

Erin Yorke - 10/05/98 20:21:05
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~YorkeE/index.html
Country: Canada
Religion: Christian
Fav. Bible Verse: Be joyful in hope,patient in affliction,faithful in prayer.For as much as ye know that your labor is not in vain in the Lord."-Don't know the reference but am pretty sure it's somewhere in the New Testament
Great page!Don't lose your fire for the Lord Jesus Christ. He gave up His Blood for us, nothing we could give up for Him could possibly compare. He is so worthy of our lives and praise. :) God Bless

Dick Helms - 10/05/98 11:36:14
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/helms
My Email:helms@accountant.net
Country: USA
Religion: Christian (John 14:6)
Fav. Bible Verse: Colossians 2:8
Greetings in the Name of Jesus, I was just out checking the site for the ring and thought I'd stick around a bit, take a look and enjoy some cyber-fellowship. Very nice, you certainly have a lot of time invested here. Keep on striving for that excellence that our Lord calls us all to and above all keep on lifting up the Name of Jesus. I enjoyed my visit. If you get a chance, check out our new CWR website and don't forget to sign our guestbook before you leave. Thanks for being here and for being a part of the Christian WebRing. In Christ - Dick <>< Co-Ringmaster - The Christian WebRing.

cwrbanner.gif (3897 bytes)

hfbanner.gif (2583 bytes)

Shannon Murray - 10/04/98 18:58:15
My Email:Colt1911_45@yahoo.com
Country: USA
Religion: Christian ( Southern Baptist )
Fav. Bible Verse: John 15:13--"greater love has no more than this; that a man lay down his life for his friends"
Just making sure this worked!!

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