Karen Crowley - 11/16/00 04:33:47
My Email:Sassymine@aol.com

Your book helped me recognize my son's problems. I presented it to the school district and open their eyes up to a new learning disability, which my son has. You have helped many people with this book. Thank you.

Sherri - 11/13/00 07:31:49
My Email:snowhook@juno.com

Thank you for this insight! I am so excited to have a "manual" for how to help my daughter... thank you so much.

Brenda Corbett - 11/02/00 04:01:26
My Email:bsclp4@aol.com

My son has SI and ADHD and, let's just say, life has been very challenging since he's been born! We have been through so much together and I'm so glad you have written "The Out-of-Sync Child"!!!! It spells everything out to a tee for us. Thank you, Tha k you, Thank you!

- 11/01/00 02:27:51


- 10/25/00 00:44:46


Thomas and Tina White - 10/12/00 15:38:13
My Email:TWhite98@compuserve.com

We finally think we have found out what is wrong with our son. He is to be evaluated. This book has provided me with so much relief and hope. It has given me and my husband the ability to think that things may be normal at some point in the future for ur family. For so long things have been so chaotic. Thanks so much for this book and all the resources it has provided. Thomas and Tina White Jackson, MS

shari tatosian - 10/10/00 00:00:43
My Email:nyssakaysmom@aol.com

I am reading your book and am amazed that I see my six year old daughter in it. Fearful at times and a daredevil at other times. Looking for a quiet place in school(her class of 19 is very loud and disruptive),I'm told by her teacher that she can't stay i her sit. So we are haveing her evaluated for AD/HD on Saturday,however your book and information I have found are going with me,for the clinical pych can look at them. Thank you so much.

Leanne Guthrie - 10/03/00 23:08:09
My Email:LeaLuv1@aol.com

I have been given your book to read by the director of one of the agencies helping my Son Keve. He has been diagnoised Sensory Difunction Disorder, PDD-NOS, Psychotic Disorder, ADHD and Psyhitzophrenia. There are also concerns for my 2 other Sons in the S nsory area. From skimming through I am finding more information than I thought reguarding this condition and value everything that is written. My goal is to have more professionals, the community, and family members understand this "way of raising effecie tly" a child with this disorder. I only wish there was more listening ears when my Son was younger, though we are on the way of a wonderful, though delayed, start into teenagehood. thank you for all your information.

Colleen Jenny - 09/29/00 21:10:20
My Email:cjenn2@cs.com

My son Ryan has been diagnosed with SID recently. I read your book right away- thank you for putting a name to what my beautiful little boy is going through! Ryan is 31/2 years old and I am interested in any information on SID. I also am interested in sup ort groups for parents of SID children.Thank you again CJ

Cate Camp - 09/28/00 17:36:50
My Email:ccamp@co.clear-creek.co.us


Linda DiMaio - 09/23/00 03:10:22
My Email:Greenw7220@aol.com

I will be looking for your book tomorrow. I think my grandaughter has DSI. I would like info on conferences or support groups. I live on Long Island in New York. Thank You.

Jenny - 09/20/00 12:18:14
My Email:5forbes@msn.com

The day I bought "The Out-of-Sync Child" is the day I began to understand my daughter Meghan, then just 5. She was tested by an OT and did fit the criteria, though she has mild "symptoms." That is really good (the "mild" part), but also makes it hard beca se her behaviors do not fit neatly into any categories. She is currently enrolled in a wonderful developmental kindergarten program. I would really like to correspond with any other parents whose child is just a little "off" a lot of the time. Meghan has ome auditory processing problems and has gross and fine motor delays. Our families think we are "inviting trouble" for her, but I've known in my heart for some time that this little one needs a little extra.... Please write if my story sounds familiar.

Elizabeth A. Dorizas - 09/16/00 17:50:18
My Email:Beth86@msn.com

Hi! I just yesterday purchased your book and I'mglued to it! My 7 year old son was diagnosed with SID and Central Auditory Processing Disorder two years ago in Kindergarten. He was having episodes of "zoning out" when the noise and comotion became too muc for him. His teacher thought he was having a petimal seizure, so mt doctor ordered an EEG. To make a long story short, we had Michael tested at CCDD where we live in Cinnati. Since then, Michael has been receiving therpy at a private facility by an OT. I am happy to announce he's begun his 2nd grade year and is doing well. Even though my childen attend Catholic schools, the help he's been receiving has been absolutly wonderful!!! However , we still have our occasional set backs and I realize we're not out of the woods yet. Michael is very sweet and very small for his age which makes other chilren eager to help him, but he still has trouble forging new friendships.He typically needs to be sought-out in order for him to begin playing with other kids. I'm sti l concerned aout his socialazation skills.I guess all we ever want as parents is for our kids to b e happy,healthy and feel good about themselves.

Susan - 09/14/00 22:37:56
My Email:MXMOM722@aol.com

Hello, I was looking through your inputs on children. I am a Pre-K teacher with a very different child this year. He is very moody, doesn't get along with others, speech is slow and not clear, talks of himself as a third person, becomes VERY angery if s meone comes into his space (like in homeliving, he cooks for me but no one is to touch his food or with a dollhouse becomes angry if time to put up and doesn't want to do any other activities)he became friends with one child from another class (who is in esting for learning disorder) it is like they are on the same communication planet. He runs from me laughing at me, when I get to him his legs give out, or he crawls into cradle postion. When has chance crawls between my legs, will not listen to even sho t stories, when at circle time he draws not willing to sit with group (his drawings are above his age level), but he draws the same thing every time. Knows his letters, shapes and colors. Hates his lunch, refuses to eat, crying (his Grandmother makes it f r him). When we leave the room he becomes crazy, running in a chase game doesn't want to wash hands for snack, poor self-help skills. Refuses to go to music and behave, he crawls around until taken to Director. He is very defiant, when it is not his way ( ome center or dollhouse) he runs, crawls under tables whatever it takes to get away. Any Ideas???

joanie smith - 09/04/00 22:57:28
My Email:josmith212@aol.com

i can't wait to read this book i am a c.o.t.a.and a mother who knows that my child has a problem. but i never thought of this being his problem till a colleague brought it up. now my son's life makes sense to me.

Suzanne Andersen - 08/31/00 19:09:55
My Email:Garysusie@aol.com

We're so happy we found this book!

Mama Asantewaa - 08/25/00 14:49:36
My Email:shani@lingoworks.com

I'm loving it!! Mama Asantewaa

Denise Lauria-Costa - 08/10/00 04:32:45
My Email:NeNeDLC@aol.com

I am a NJ Licensed social worker whom sees many children adopted from post-institutionalized settings. I feel there is not enough information in the general public, among OT's and school districts about sensory issues, Sensory Integration Disorders and t e therapies that assist in the healing of these children. In my own struggle with my own child, what I have experienced within the last 2 years has been disgustingly appalling. Child Study Teams, from the Director down to the Handicap Pre-K teachers and OT's have a tremendous lack of knowledge when it comes to sensory integration disorder/issues and the appropriate therapies. My son spent 1.5hrs per week in OT both privately and thru the school system. Unfortunately he has only progressed 2 to 3 months which infact still places him with a 2-year delay in fine and grapho motor issues. Privately he recieved fine motor with sensory intestration therapy 1 hour per week and at school he received 1/2 hour of fine motor therapy. He attended a handicapped pre k program school year 1999-2000 and the team especially the OT completely negated anything that had to do with sensory issues and the therapies for this disorder; hence the school system did not provide him with a necessary therapy which he needs. We hav now been struggling yet again to have this therapy incorporated into his IEP in a clinical setting with a private OT. My feeling is the word is not out and there are many professionals in the educational field that are just not educated enough/or knowle geable enough. Perhaps seminars throughout NJ could be something you might want to consider. Thank you, Denise

Regina - 07/22/00 04:28:21
My Email:mrdjk@1starnet.com

My son was diagnosed two years ago at the age of 7 with SID and at that time I read your book and it really helped alot. He has had physical therapy and his life and our families lives have really improved. However, he is 9 years old now and going into th grade and I need to find ways to help him deal with the frustrations he has in his everyday life. How can I teach him to recognized the signs of being overloaded and what he can do to help himself. I need more information on ways the teachers can hel my son without drawing attention to him. Your book was a tremendous help to my family in understanding SID, now we just need to educate the school systems about SID!!!!

susan shannon - 07/20/00 19:21:12
My Email:susanmshannon@olg.com

I'm finding your book to be very enlightening. Have you had any experiences working with children with Smith -Magenis Syndrome? SID seems to be a large piece of their puzzle.

Linda Erickson - 07/19/00 01:31:34
My Email:parents@nushtel.com

I would like to know more about SI, what are the symptoms, etc., and who and where to search for more info.. I have a daughter who is profoundly deaf, ADHD, OP, CD, and so on it goes. And she is only 5 1/2 years old.. here I thought it was hormones starting from birth! HELP.. Who can diagnose? parents@nushtel.com

Jennifer Shaffer - 06/29/00 04:44:51
My Email:mmkprod@bellatlantic.net

Please let me know if you know of any on-line support groups for parents of children with SID. Thanks very much.

Shannon Russell - 06/11/00 18:20:20
My Email:srussell82@hotmail.com

I found you! It's a well organized site and I've moved around to re-read the introduction, your bio, and reviews. Bye for now. Love, Shannon

Dana Baker - 06/06/00 20:13:22
My Email:danambaker@home.com

I have read your book the OutofSync Child. It has helped me understand my child and not blame myself for his condition. We now are able to handle him with much more patience and understanding. Thanks so much for writing this book any other info you obtain please pass it on to me.

Michele - 05/25/00 18:59:53
My Email:Marshell4@excite.com

I just had a meeting, today with my 6 soon to be 7 year olds teacher. She feels as though she should be tested for SI, because she has all the symptons, based upon reading you book. She suggested quite a few things for me to ponder. One of them was to et and read your book, which I am planning on doing. This is something that know one has ever mentioned to me. I would really love to hear from you on what you think about some of her behaviors, before I bring in an OT to test her. Please email me soon I am very confused!!! Thank You.

- 05/11/00 23:46:53


Martha Madsen - 05/11/00 23:46:22
My Email:mmadsengreabe@yahoo.com


Chris Sullivan - 04/23/00 17:09:19
My Email:minsk@aol.com

THANK YOU for writing this book. My husband and I have had 4 very difficult years with our 4 year old. We recently found what we knew all along...that something just wasn't right. It's as if you wrote this book just for our family!

- 04/21/00 20:41:07


Jennifer Marsala - 04/17/00 02:41:58
My Email:Jmmarsala@cs.com

Your book is great! Ialso feel my 5 yr. old might have NLD as well. Where can I get more info on this? Jennifer Marsala

Denver McCaskey - 04/16/00 01:55:47
My Email:mccy@aol.com

I read the book in 3 days after it was recommended to me by a occupational therapist that came to our house and tested our son. I found it extremely helpful. I am excited to started the home therapy tips that the book offers tomorrow. This is just the elp we needed. It explains the different types of disfunctions and how to deal with them so that everyone can understand. Thank you so much for this book. You have changed a child's/families life.

Stacy - 04/05/00 04:41:43
My Email:reloc8@hotmail.com

Thank you so much for writing your book--you will never have any idea how much you've helped my family and me. My son was recently diagnosed with SI as well as motor and oral dyspraxia. He's 8 1/2 years old. We've known something was wrong since he was about a year old; we just couldn't get anyone to listen. So many things we've read in your book make sense now--and they are helping now that we're beginning our adventures in therapy. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!

helen suero - 04/04/00 01:57:16
My Email:hmsuero@aol.com

great website. with all of the people who doubt sid, it is a great relief to know there is support somewhere.

David Ofshinsky - 03/26/00 01:43:32
My Email:dofshin@bellatlantic.net

My son may finally be able to get the help he needs now that my wife and I are aware of S.I. Dysfunction.

Elizabeth Carroll - 03/22/00 20:32:22
My Email:elizcarroll@mediaone.net


ann mamo - 03/12/00 22:54:43

I am a teacher in Detroit and work with autistic children. I just started this year and was glad to read your book on sensory integration. It helped me to understand the needs of my students more. thank you.

Paul Hodgson - 02/29/00 12:48:36
My Email:paulh@incomesdata.co.uk

I had just ordered the Out of Sync book on the recommendation of my mother-in-law who is an occupational therapist, and my wife had just had a very difficult interview with the headteacher at Ben, our 4 year old's school. I was feeling pretty depressed. We think he's wonderful, though he can be incredibly frustrating, but other parents and teachers have already labelled him a troublemaker. At 4! Our first parents' evening was a complete disaster. Reading the examples in excerpt on the website for Carol's book, we didn't even get told that he was the best block builder in the world. Not a single positive thing to be said about him. But then when you get some information and a possible diagnosis, to actually make the classroom teachers' work easier, rather than being extra work, you meet with rebuffal. All sound horribly familiar? Well then I read the introduction to Carol Kranowitz's book, the one I had just ordered, and just wept. And had to go and hide in the toilet because I was at work. So there is a solution out there and maybe we can stop blaming ourselves and stop trying to treat him as if he didn't have SID. Thanks for just that much, and I haven't even read the book yet.

Joanmarie King - 02/28/00 17:09:14
My Email:TCR2000@aol.com

my 4 year old daughter was recently diagnosed w/SID...I've been so eager to learn more....nobody ever caught my own SID...your site has been so helpful...thank you so much!

grace burkert - 02/24/00 06:07:55
My Email:gqb12@aol.com


- 02/16/00 01:21:26

I am a special education teacher with many children who have sensory processing issues. I recommend this book to all parents and teachers. It is easily understood and I'm sure many parents will be able to identify their child (and teachers their students) It's too bad the medical community does not recognize the impact of decreased sensory processing on the children and their families.

jenn gagliano - 02/11/00 16:00:49
My Email:jenngag@earthlink.com

I am a special education teacher and am working one on one with two individuals with sensory integration, I want to learn more about this so I can get the word out and maybe open a business that would help these children.

10/27/98 10:34:13
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just surfing. Thanks.

Cindy - 09/26/98 00:53:58
My URL:http://www.zecrets.com/users/cindy
My Email:cinth@usa.net
comment: Nice page.... please come visit my site :-) Thanks, Cindy

Gail Schmitt - 09/07/98 23:59:51
My Email:gkschmitt@aol.com

As a parent of a pre-adolescent child with SI dysfunction, I so appreciated finding your book. It's the first I've read that's easily understood by all who read it. It helped clear up questions I have had about my son's behaviors for many years.

Donna Carleton - 08/08/98 13:08:40

I enjoyed your website, and I am in the process of reading your book. Your ability to define, explain, and relate SI to the learning process is excellent.

Patty - 08/06/98 00:36:55
My Email:plemer@compuserve.com

Your website looks great. I am asking my webmaster to link it to the DDR.

Sandra Sisberg - 07/31/98 19:48:00

Thank you for your real-life examples. I hope you are on Oprah someday!

Harry Tootles - 07/31/98 19:47:02

I have learned so much from reading this book. Bravo!

Melissa Carleton - 07/31/98 19:45:44

What a wonderful book!

- 07/22/98 02:01:13


Kim Wood - 07/17/98 15:10:15

This is a great site.

Dave Qratowski - 07/16/98 19:09:20

does this work?

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