Our History

St. Cuthbert’s Society was founded in 1888 with debating as one of its primary roles. As a result, the first ‘show-debate’ was held in November 1888 on the motion "That the present system of examinations is not conducive to learning". In 1994 the debating role of the Society was diversified, with the creation of a Chairman and with Cuth’s debaters for the first time emulating many Oxbridge colleges of the past by going out to debate at national inter-varsity tournaments. We also stopped debating dull motions about exams!

Chairmen of the St. Cuthbert’s Literary & Debating Society include

1994/5 Gareth Davies
1995/6 Justin Wells
1996/7 Dirk-Jan Omtzigt
1997/8 John Tomsky
1998/9 Jenn Hui Tan
1999/0 Nick Miller
2000/1 Guy McCrea

The first Chairman Gareth Davies speaking for the motion
"This House believes that Durham University
is for the rich" in October 1996

Professor Ranald Michie speaking for the
opposition in the same debate