L'ufficio CGAlle paretiAmpio e luminoso risulta sopratutto cablato a regola d'arte. Il team e' copmunque riuscito a lasciare una marcata impronta. Anzi, piu' di una.
COMPUTER PROBLEM REPORT FORM From Your Friendly Techical Support Staff --------------------------------------------------- 1. Describe your Computer problem ________________________________________________________________ 2. Now, describe the problem accurately ________________________________________________________________ 3. Speculate wildly about the cause of the problem ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 4. Problem Severity A. Minor____ B. Minor____ C. Minor____ D. Trivial____ 5. Nature of the problem A. Locked Up____ B. Frozen____ C. Hung____ D. Shot_____ 6. Is your computer plugged in? Yes__ No__ 7. Is it turned on? Yes__ No__ 8. Have you tried to fix it yourself? Yes__ No__ 9. Have you made it worse? Yes__ 10. Have you read the manual? Yes__ No__ 11. Are you sure you've read the manual? Yes__ No__ 12. Are you absolutely certain you've read the manual? No__ 13. Do you think you understood it? Yes__ No__ 14. If 'Yes' then why can't you fix the problem yourself? ________________________________________________________ 15. How tall are you? Are you above this line? _____________ 16. What were you doing with your computer at the time the problem occurred? ________________________________ 17. If 'nothing' explain why you were logged in. _________________________________________________________ 18. Are you sure you aren't imagining the problem? Yes__ No__ 19. How does this problem make you feel? ______________________ 20. Tell me about your childhood. ______________________________ 21. Do you have any independent witnesses of the problem? Yes__ No__ 22. Can't you do something else, instead of bothering me? Yes__ Sent by: Paul Snedden |