Washington State Disc Golf People

This is Lowell Shields of Mt Lake Terrace, Washington with his son, Sean, who is a junior disc golf champion.  Congratulations Sean!!  Lowell is a tournament director for many events.  Lowell runs the Terrace Creek Open, Seattle Players Association Disc Golf Tournament and the Washington State Disc Golf Championships with Jason Coke.  Lowell is the course pro for the Northpark Disc Golf Course and the Terrace Creek Disc Golf Course.  Click here for the Disc Golf Course directory page for Mt Lake Terrace Creek Disc Golf Course. Click here for the Disc Golf Course Directory for the Northpark Disc Golf Course.   To contact Lowell Shields call 425-670-2458

Tuffi Dolan
Female "Open" Pro
1997, 1998 A10State of Washington Singles Champion
1997, 1998 A10 Fort Steilacoom Open Champion
1997, 1998 A10 Terrace Creek Open Champion
1997, 1998 A10 Women Doubles State of Washington Champion
1997, 1998 10 Doubles Northwest Champion
1997, FO Windy River Open Champion
1997, A10 Nuclear Meltdown Champion
1998, A10 Full Sail Open Champion
1998 AM Eugene Celebration Champion
1998-99 Ace Club Member

Tuffi served on the PDGA Women's Disc Golf Committee as a representative from Region 4.  She was the only Amateur Woman on the Committee in 1997.
Also, she was one of the few women with a TD license in 1998, and is planning on renewing for 1999.

Her goals are to compete in the Pro Worlds in 1999, and to play in the U.S. Open Disc Championships in Charlottesville, North Carolina.

You can reach her at Discgolfinseagal@juno.com, or at Txdx1x2435@aol.com

Her home course is Lakewood Disc Golf Course in West Seattle, Washington.
Tuffi also is the Publisher and Editor for the PDGA Women's Region 4 Newsletter

I would like to personally thank Tuffi for all of her help in getting this web site up and running.  Most of this web site has contributions from Tuffi and we wouldn't have what we have here if it wasn't for her.  Thanks you, Tuffi

Cool Shoes (Dan Reynard)
Dan is the Course Pro for the Lakewood disc golf course, the Club Treasurer for the Lakewood Disc Golf Club.  Dan is also the Volunteer Grunt for the expansion and maintenance of the Lakewood disc golf course.  If you have questions about the Lakewood course, ask Dan, he is the course contact.
Ace pools are on the third sunday of every month @ 10:30 a.m. and informal play every Saturday @ noon ( Random draw doubles, chump change chiseling, etc.) at Lakewood Disc Golf Course.
You can contact Dan at Coolshoez@aol.com

8 Time Pro Worlds Champion  Ralph Williamson
Ralph is an very active member of the washington state disc golf community.  Ralph can be found at disc golf parks selling discs, disc golf merchandise, and showing people how to play disc golf. Ralph is the alternate course pro for Lakewood Disc Golf Course.   From what I hear, Ralph has been in some  Television and newspaper articles for disc golf.  Tuffi tells me that Ralph always leave the course cleaner than he found it.  Only if all  golfers followed the same path!!
You can contact Ralph at hdgezr@nwlink.com .

Craig Gangloff
Division:  Open Pro

Leann Trevor
Division: Advanced Women
Leann and Jill Wieman were only 14 points apart going into the final of the Northwest Series which they played at the Eugene Celebration.

Jason Coke
Division: Open Pro
Tournament Director for the first Super Tour of the Northwest at Fort Steilacoom
Washington State Distance Champion
Attended PDGA Pro Worlds 1998
Email Jason at jaynjill@seanet.com

Drew Seip  (seated and writing)
Sumner Course Pro

Mike Werth
Division: Open Pro
Home Course: Fort Steilacoom
Mike won the Northwest Series Championships

Dave McCadden
Lakewood disc golf club member
Dave won the Am Masters Division at the 1998 Fort Steilacoom Open by 1.

Jeff Behrends
Division: AmI (Advanced)

Ken Bohling
Division: Open Pro

Pat Bailey (kinda blurred, or is that super strength that the camera couldn't keep up with)
Division: AM I ( Advanced)
Home Course: Fort Steilacoom

Randy Roberts
Division: Open Pro
Home Course: Fort Steilacoom


The Stiligirls
Janet, Karol and Laurie
Advanced Women

Jeff Willman (fore ground)
Division: Open Pro
Home Course: Fort Steilacoom
shown with disc golf gang from an ace pool at Sumner

Jamie Willman
Son of Jeff Willman
Junior Champion from Fort Steilacoom
1997 Ft. Steilacoom Open Junior Champion
1997 Roseberg Tournament 2nd Place
1997 Estacada Tournament 2nd Place
1997 Sisters Oregon Tournament Junior Champion
1998 Windy River Open  Junior Champion
1998 Ft. Steilacoom Open 2nd Place
1998 Nuclear Meltdown Junior Champion (won in a sudden death playoff)
1998 Sisters Oregon Tournament Junior Champion
( Tuffi calls this the cutest picture of this web page  :-)   )

Stan Weller
PDGA# 12436
ACE Club Member
Stan says that after beating 20 guys for his divisions at the Nuclear Meltdown in the Tri-Cities, He collected his trophies and collapsed in his car!!!!!
Email Stan at  DscGolfer9@aol.com

(No Picture.....yet)
Ed Munoz
President of the Fort Steilacoom Disc Golf Club
Ed's email is  ET6916@aol.com

Dan Reynard (Cool Shoez), Danny Galloway, and Gullick

Curt Stanhope
Division:  AMI (Advanced)
Home Course:  Riverside Disc Golf Course, Sumner

If you are a washington state or surrounding area disc golfer and would like some information about yourself, including photo (not Required), email me at DscGolfer1@aol.com and I will post it here!!

"Keep Those Discs Flying"

Terry Toolen
PDGA# 10774
ADGA TD and Web master

Last updated by Terry Toolen
on 12/31/98