Who is this giddy, pepsi drinking wintergreen girl?

First of all, my name is elizabeth but most people call me liz, probably because I tell them to just call me liz. But my family and friends that have known me the longest call me bunny, no matter how many times I say to call me liz, they still call me bunny. There is a story behind this name, if you wanna know it....here it is. If you don't care, I'll continue with my boring life story....

I'm now almost 22 years old, I was born on september 24. If you want to send a present, email me and I'll give you a list of possible gifts/sizes and my address so you can get it to me.

I graduated from UPJ in December of 2000, a whole semester early (yes, it was that bad that I took summer classes in order to leave). I miss the striking workers already, and come winter I will miss my special ice rink sidewalks. I am now where all my money from UPJ went to and I have to admitt it is quite nice here, despite the strange people who walk down the street playing what they believe is music on pots and pans.

Now that I did the work/school thing....what I really like....HOCKEY!! oh and baseball (both of those would be watching), golf, canoeing, horseback riding (even though I haven't been in a long time), writing weird stuff, and doing weird artwork.

Right now I'm kinda tired and bored so you don't get links to that other stuff, nor do you get more pictures of me as some people have requested, unless you know what a ~sop~ is, then you get all the pictures you could want....but you have to ask for them :O)

Ta-ta for now.....

email me if you want anything on here that's not already, I'm always open to suggestions about anything

lastly a good page always has the date updated on it 9-09-01 and a link back to the home
and a big smiley too