
Hello my name is Angie, I am from Michigan the home of the stanley cup champions, I wanted to do a homepage on the best hockey team in the NHL The Detroit Red Wings. My favorite players are Brendan Shanahan, Steve Yzerman and Tomas Holmstrom, but I really think the whole team is great ! Three Hockey players i dislike are Patrick Roy, Claude (the turtle) Lemiuex, and Tie Domi..

A Prayer Every Red Wing Fan Should know
Wings Fan Prayer

Our Father, who is Lord Stanley in Heaven, Hockeytown needs your fame. Thy Finals come, thy Cup be won, By the Red Wings who made our life Heaven. Give us our day our daily goals, And forgive us our cross-checks, As we forgive those who cross-check against us, (except for Claude Lemeuix, the bastard, who doesn't deserve forgiveness) And lead us not into Big Lindros, But deliver us from Hextall. And give us the finesse, the Power, & the Glory forever and ever,

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