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The "Schafskaese" Salad
The Deluxe French Omelette

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This is a special kind of salad, the name "Schafskaese" is actually German. It means Feta cheese. When one thinks of Feta cheese, one ususally associates it with Greece. It originated from this country, and I must say, it is heavenly. I eat this salad at least once a week, if not more. The receipt is below for a delicious "Schafskaese" salad.

This serving is ideal for two people. However, if you are really hungry, one person will be able to eat all of it.

Two Medium-Sized Boiled Potatoes
4 Ounces Of Feta Cheese
One Medium-Sized Tomato (Or Two Small Plum Tomatoes)
Half A Cucumber
One Lemon Or One Lime ( The Lime Seems To Add More Flavor)
One Teaspoon Of Salt (It's Not Necessary Though, Because The Feta Cheese Is Salty Enough)
One Teaspoon Of Pepper

After you have all these ingredients, you can begin. First, remove the skin off the boiled potatoes. Then cut the two potatoes into small pieces. After you're done, place the cut potato pieces into a medium sized bowl. Next, take the medium sized tomato (or the two small plum tomatoes) and cut those into small pieces too, and place them into the same bowl as the potatoes. When you're finished doing this, peel of the green skin from the cucumber, and cut it into small cubes. Then place it into the bowl. After having done this, take the Feta cheese and cut that into small pieces. Some of it will be crumbled, but that's okay. Place the Feta cheese into the bowl. Next, add sal t and pepper. Last, but certainly not least, take the lemon and cut it in half. Then, press each lemon half into the bowl, so that the lemon juice comes out. Mix everything with a spoon (or with your hands, but make sure they are clean). You now have a delicious "Schafskaese" salad for you to enjoy.

Guten Appetit


This French omelette is very tasty. It is completely vegetarian. Well, except for the eggs. But there is no meat. The recipe is below.
This serving is ideal for one person. If you want it for two people, just double the ingredients listed below.

Two Eggs
One Small Onion
One Small Tomato (A Plum Tomato Would Be Ideal)
One Boiled Potato
Half A Green Pepper (Use The Mild Ones, Not The Hot Ones)
One Teaspoon Of Salt
One Teaspoon Of Pepper
One Tablespoon Of Oil

After you have all these ingredients, start with the eggs. Break them and place them in a large bowl. Then, start beating the eggs. Next, take the small onion, and cut it into small pieces. Take the boiled potato, remove the skin, and cut it into small pieces. Put the contents into the bowl. Cut the tomatos into small pieces and put it into the bowl also. The green pepper should also be cut into tiny pieces, and added to the bowl. Add the salt and pepper. Then, with a spoon, begin mixing your ingredients for a minute or so. Now for the stove part. Take a pan, and put a tablespoon of oil into it. The heat of the stove should be on medium. After about four-five minutes, take the contents of the bowl, and pour it into the pan. Let the omelette begin frying for about 10-12 minutes, or until crispy and slightly brown. Then turn (flip) the omelette to the other side, and begin frying it for another 8-10 minutes. After the time has passed, turn off the stove, and let it sit for about 2 minutes. Next, take a plate and enjoy. Tip: You can put the omelette between two slices of lightly toasted bread to enjoy a delicious sandwich.