MAGE | ||||||||||
Mage, a warrior lord from the Planet Kurukin. He can change his skin into a rock substance on will and has a powerful double bladed sword which he can throw. He created an elite group of seven warriors that ruled over the planet and crushed any opposition. However one warrior came and destroyed Mage and his elite seven. This warrior was Goken. Having discovered and ancient ship and a plea for help Goken took off for the planet to see what he could do. After he arrived he destroyed seven of the fighters and then faced Mage inside of his castle fortress. Goken was beaten badly and could barely hold his ground. However by using the seeds of light Goken forced them down Mages laughing mouth and watched as a tree grew and broke forth from mages body, killing him. Mage was believed dead until the day of the Skull Sabeh battle when Skull sabeh released his warriors, one of them was Mage. However Mage did not fight anyone and istead escaped on a ship and traveled to Extasia. Mage was not seen again until the final battle of Dante. A new tree of light was formed from the bodies and spirits of the warriors of the past. The tree came to be known as the tree of sages. During the battle Mage had flown to Dante and absorbed the power of the tree. He killed the guardian Goleeta and faced off against Juvenile. Juvenile battled on with Mage. Mage was defeated by Juvenile and was sliced in half by his own sword. Juvenile lied by the tree of sages and never believed the demon Mage would ever emerge again... It was almost 100,000 years later that the demon mage Mage was brought back by the Warrior Zenoro. Zenoro admired Mages destructive personality and power to turn his skin into rock. He felt that MAge would be a perfect specimen to fuse with the elemental Rock stone. Using the demon Darkseed, Zenoro had Mage brought back and infused with his rock stone. Mage's skin grew more powerful than ever and now he could shape the rock elements around him. Mage's powerful warrior like instict makes him unruly however no matter how much he despises Zenoro he still must serve him becasue of the stone in him. Today Mage controls a brute savage force of Gyranns which are adept in elemental attacks. He still holds a grudge against the slum warriors and most of all the late Goken whom he hopes to eradicate once and for all. |