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Shendragon's story begins where Gotaru's ends. He was the product of the fusation between Wulf and Gotaru. The very minute he was created he was takin in by the Shinns to learn their arts and their style. It seemed like a perfect plan to the Shinns to train and mold a warrior who would lead an army to destroy theEmperor Skull Sabeh. But they soon found out that like all creatures Shendragon had a mind of his own. He became bored with his studies and practiced moving through time and sace as the Shinns often did. He would travel to far off galaxies and learn new techniques. The Shinns were afraid that he would learn bad habits and quickly set up combat courses. He was always the best in his classes and always petitioned for a personel trainer but always his request was denied. The Shinns thought he was too young and teaching him certain moves could prove disasterous. He studied with the healing Shinns and learned regeneration. Soon he was proving to be quite a nuisance by going to other worlds and helping in battles. He had once saved Gokens life and in doing so met Gerudo the immortal warrior. Gerudo gave Shen a bracelet that would alow him access to his homeworld, the planet of the sages. Shendragon knew that it was forbbiden by the Shinns to ever enter the sage planet so he keeped the bracelet hidden and went back to the Eternal plain where the Shinns lived. He was then sent to see the Emperor Shinn to choose his weapon. The Shinns had five ancient weapons which all came from the greatest of magic. The choice Shen made was the Sword of Vectro. This weapon is one that has never been used by anyone else other than the Death Shinn. Trapped in the sword is the spirit of the evil dragon Vectro. It is said that if you are strong of spirit and mind than you can overcome the evil and join with the spirit. This has only said to have been done by the Death Shinn. The Emperor Shinn gave Shen one more present a personel teacher, the North Shinn. Shendragon is now trying to strengthen his spirit like the Shinns so that one day he will be able to handle the Blade of Vectro and defeat Emperor Skull Sabeh once and for all!