Westy sends me alot of stuff which I find amusing and at times worth studying. However, as my kids are becoming more and more computer literate, I'm reluctant to leave it stored on the hard drive. I thought I would store them on someone else's  computer and leave the link here so that we can all enjoy a laugh or a look. Warning some of this stuff is pretty gross.


Window washing scheme! rated M

Happy 2006 rated M

Paris Hilton shows of her shoes (check out the camel toe thong!)Rated R

Crank Engine (pretty explicit - careful) Rated R+

Scary (Hairy - there was a whole series of these , but they were off) Rated R

Holly Brisley (likewise there was a whole series but you get the idea!) Rated R

I'm still adding a few so if you have any that are worthwhile, send them along.