Don and Donna

This site is dedicated to my parents. Along with the My Family site, this one will include the good, bad, and the ugly of my parents. Although most of it will be good. After all, I owe them that.

March 2005. We have not much to update for my parents. Dad retired from Boeing, (I know, retired from doing what?) and is looking forward to letting his body heal before he completely falls apart. Mom is doing good in the real estate, and is keeping fairly busy with it. We are still working on thier house. We need to do some new dirt work, because the drainage from their back yard is still not so great, so we are going to redo the entire yard, except for the front landscaping up by the house. That is all new. We are also planning on finishing the inside remodel, and their house will be done.

Just one last thing. That giant ugly satelite dish in the back yard. Dad had a guy come out and look at it. The guy said it was worthless, he could not do anything with it except cut it down and haul it off, but it would cost them....plenty. But he was even reluctant to do that. The programming still exist for it, but it is gettting smaller. He did say you can convert it to a digital like the small dishes, and it would near 1,000 stations. But he said the small dishes are better, because the small ones need little maintenance, are free, and programming is cheaper. He also said we would have to get a new didital converter for the disch, runs about $500. In addition, he said the big dish was in bad shape, and probably would be a waste of money trying to convert it. Well, Direct TV was already installed, so now we have to get someone to cut it down, hopefully for less money. We were going to try to take it apart ourselves, but all the bolts and fittings are completely rusted, and will not move. Dad told me Greg was going to come over and cut it down.

On the insdie, we just need to finish the trim, and then do something with the basement bathroom. Of course the carpet in the basement and their room needs replaced, but that will be the last thing. Then the house will be practically brand new. Hopefully we will have it done this year.

More to come, stay tuned!


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