on Politics, Religion, and "Right and Wrong"

Welcome, welcome, welcome, intellectuals and thinkers! This is the part of my site that delves deep into my passions, pet peeves, and MY opinions, and none of yours! (Unless you agree with me!). If anything is spelled wrong, sorry, but when I am passionate about something such as this, then I am more worried about getting my thoughts together rather than getting it spelled right.

March 2005. The Iraq war is going well, Democracy is spreading. Look at what has been happening. I know that certain news outlets and congressmen do not like to talk about it, but President Bush was right. Again. Our troops have liberated Afganistan, and they are taking off into Democracy and Freedom. This is a country where just 4 years ago, they would take a woman into the stadium in Kabul, and blow her brains out in front of everyone because she did not allow a man to cross in front of her, or she lifted her burka to take a drink and someone saw her face, or similar stupidity. Recently, Afganistan's first elected Prime Minister appointed a female Governor of a major province. Amazing.

This was a great start, but most doubted President Bush and his policies that Democracy could work. Then Iraq. Democrats and news media predicted huge American losses in the first few days of the Iraq war. Didn't happen. They warned us the Iraqi people did not want to be liberated (they said invaded), and they would fight to the death next to the Republican Guard to defeat the Americans. They predicted this would be the worst loss by American Troops ever. They forgot one thing. They said the same thing about Afganistan. Our troops went through Iraq with few casualties, and was the fastest offensive ever. They captured Bagdad before some of the Generals had a chance to pack up their treasures and run, as they were telling their own citizens they were winning. Does anybody else remember the astonishment on the Iraqi people's faces as our troops were driving around Bagdad Square? They were told just a few hours before that the Americans were being pushed back out of Iraq, and that Saddam would prevail.

Now Iraq has had it's first free elections in 40 years. Even through the threats by TERRORISTS (notice I did not say insurgents), most of which are foreigners, NOT IRAQI'S, that they would kill whoever tried to vote. They had over a 60% turnout, higher than anyone expected. There were lines hours long. They were out in the open, exposed to any attack, and they knew it. Did they hide, did they look scarred? NO! They brought their children. They KNEW how important this was. This was the first step in true freedom. They would not need us anymore after they took control. They could control their own destiny. Have the freedom that we take for granted. They could protest in the streets. They showed the terrorists they did not want them there blowing up weddings, funerals, and schools. Which by the way some accuse our brave troops of doing. Remember the Fallujah offensive? We evacuated the city before we moved in. Why didn't we just level the place, instead of sacrificing a large amount of our troops blood? Because our troops thought there may still be innocent people in there, and they also did not want to just arbitraily level people's houses. They knew that their homes was all some of those captives had.

Why do you think the terrorists did not want them to vote? Think about it. They want control. It is not good for them if the people control themselves, because then they will not want the terrorists around. They do not want you to have choice. The democrats scoffed when President Bush stated that we needed to allow them freedom, then trust they will step up to the challange. As democrats are becoming well known for thinking, they do not trust people. Why do you think they do not want people to control their own helth care? Retirement? Or your own money? They want the control, and do not think people can handle it. Germany, WW II. It took years to defeat Hitler, and it took a decade to get Gremany back on its feet. WE ARE STILL THERE!!! Why do Democrats want an exit date from Iraq? Because they KNOW Bush cannot set a date! Then the terrorists would sit and wait, then take over after we left. WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME A PRESIDENT SET A DATE TO LEAVE A WAR? They know the war effort is working, and they are panicking. IN one year, it will be a different Iraq, and they know it.

Look at what is happening in the region. Libya announced it had nukes (America already knew by the way), and it would disarm, and wanted to speak with the U.S. to start normal relations. Egypt has announced they will start holding free elections monitored by the U.N. Syria was FORCED to start a pullout of troops from Lebanon, a country they have occupied for years and applied their government. The people of Lebanon rose up and stood up for themselves, bolstered by the recent freedom movement sweeping acroos the middle east, AND THEY WON THEIR FREEDOM!!! The Syrian troops are moving out, the entire Lebaneese government (which was Syrian placed) just QUIT! Under pressure of Freedom they relinquished their grip and are running for their lives. Freedom is a powerful weapon.

There are a lot of people that do not realize what is going on. They are listening to the grandstanding democrats, or the biased news media. They do not see that President Bush was right, and we would not need to invade the entire middle east. All we had to do was show that freedom was possible to win your own democracy, and that we would be behind the people if they would just take a stand, so then we would not HAVE to invade their country. They would not have our troops marching down their streets. President Bush knows this. Believe me, I know that he realizes the best way for us to win the war on terror is to not even use our troops, but instead endorse freedom, and trust the will of the majority. The fewer countries we have to go into, the fewer troops we lose. Bush was right, and the democrats see it, so they are panicking. They want us to pull out now, because they know that if we did pull out right now the new democracy would probably fail, and then they could blame the republicans. Don't think for a second they would not sacrifice others for their own personal gain. They did it before, they will do it again.

Does anybody remember Somailia? Blackhawk Down? They went there because they thought it would be a pushover, tried to show the world how good and caring we are for humanitarian reasons. The government told our generals what to do, and they tried to control the effort, and did not give our troops the support they needed. We got our asses kicked, and what did they do? Screw the people we were there to help! They pulled our troops out less than a month later, and left those people there in worse shape than when we got there. I know some of you do not remember our special forces had 2 brave men killed, and brutally dragged through the streets of Mogidishu, and displayed in their town sqare. Then they ripped their bodies apart and celbrated their victory. I remember, my dad made me watch it, and told me that was war. Clinton tucked tail and ran, because it did not go like he thought. If you do not consider the past, you are doomed to repeat it.

Most of America does not realize what we are seeing in Iraq. We are seeing the birth of a country. Not the same, but similar to the birth of our own country. We did not have an evil dictator killing our families, we had a king 3,000 miles away taxing us to death. Literally. We fought for our freedom, with help form another country, and we won our freedom. They will have control of their own destiny, and have freedom. And we are watching the birth of a new country. In a few decades they will be talking about when these countries were reborn, with the help of American and Ally blood, not words. Blood sacrificed for them, so they could be free.

I have heard a lot lately about Hillary Clinton running for President, and some actually think she could win. Ask yourself one thing, would she stand up better to terrorists than her husband? Remember, he was the one in office when the World Trade Center was blown up the first time. They had 8 years to work, and did nothing. The U.S.S. Cole, did nothing. The embassy bombings in Africa, did nothing. Somolia, did nothing. Saddam rebuilding his weapons programs, contantly violating U.N. rules, and firing on our fighter planes patrolling the no-fly zone. They fired on our planes EVERY DAY! We did nothing. But, you can't totally blame Clinton for that. He had the help of the U.N. to do nothing.

And to make one final point, there were weapons of mass destruction. He used them, there is no doubt. No one can say he never had them. When he had them, we had a war. After that war, until the recent one, they never got all the weapons and destroyed them. He kept the inspectors at bay for 12 years, and never produced the weapons, or any records of him destroying them like he said he did. He had plenty of documentation of his troops murdering innocent people, but he didn't keep records of him destroying the weapons? WAKE UP! Of course he had them, why would he destroy them? There was a recent report that came out in the New York Times that admits he DID have the weapons, and he was able to move them out of the country to Syria and Iran while we were fighting with the U.N. to do what they had been threatining to do for 12 years. All that time the U.N. was distracting us, he snuck all the weapons out of the country. But Why? Think about it. He was evil and arrogant. No way did he think we would actually invade deep into Iraq, and he probably thought the U.N. would stop us or make us stop just short of capturing Bagdad, so he could remain in power. After all, he was in control, and the U.N. recognized him as the leader of Iraq. He expected to wait out the Americans, then go and get his weapons back, and he would be back in business. Am I the only one that sees this? And the New York Times is by no way a sympathatic publication to the republican party, so no one can say it is not true. It is my belief that the weapons will eventually be discovered, but I believe they just do not know where to look. It will be discovered, and probably on accident, like the MIG fighters that our troops found buried in the desert that Saddam said he destroyed. Oh, you didn't know about those either? Funny the news media would't report that.




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