(Revised 10/15/00)



1.                  The purpose of the club shall be to meet and enjoy friendship, arrange meetings, trips, outings and activities with persons who are residents of The Villages, Florida, and it is a “not for profit” organization.

2.                  Any person living in The Villages is eligible to become a member if they or their spouse were born between 1946-1964.

3.                  Meetings will be held the   3rd Wednesday of every month, with a regular staring time of 7:00 pm.  Currently meetings will be held in the Carmen Miranda   room of the La Hacienda community center within The Villages.

4.                  The club shall be guided by the president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer,  and assistant secretary who are elected by the membership present at the  June meeting each year.  These officers also make up the “executive board”.

5.                  The tenure for each officer shall be for one year, beginning with the   June meeting and ending with the June meeting of the following year.  The number of years of office held shall be limited to two years for each office.

6.           Candidates for the offices shall be selected by a nominating committee appointed by the president, and shall be presented to the membership for their consideration at the May meeting and voted on by the membership at the meeting.  All nominees must give their consent prior to being accepted.

7.                    Membership dues of the baby boomers club shall be $5.00 per person, per year, payable in January of each year.     Members are also required to purchase a club nametag and are asked to wear nametags to all club meetings and functions. 

8.                    Expenditures of the club for each year shall be of such amount that no more that ($100.00) one hundred dollars shall be retained in the club treasury at the end of each calendar year. (This paragraph voted on and approved by general membership at Nov. 20, 2002 meeting to be removed from bylaws.)

9.                    The executive board will have the authority to approve outright expenditures of club funds.  The president, vice-president, treasurer, secretary and assistant secretary/treasurer shall have their names on the bank signature card.   Disbursement under $100.00 must have the approval of any two (2) members of the executive board.  Expenditures over $100.00 must have the approval of any three (3) members of the executive board.  In the absence of the treasurer one of the other officers with signatory power may sign disbursements.

10.                 Committees shall be formed in and take office at the meeting.  To direct different activities the chairperson of each committee will be appointed by the president.  Appointment of the following committees is recommended:  refreshments,  parade, dances, nominating, membership, meetings, social events, golf, sports, travel, daytrips, 50/50, and rules (additional committees may be formed by the president as deemed necessary).

Revised (10/15/00)