I was born in Geneva Switzerland the morning of the 19 september 1962 at 05:11 .
When I was born I had 3.050 KG of weight.
I leaved the maternity with a weight of 2.940 KG
the september 26 I had 2.940 KG of weight
the september 27 I had 2.960 KG of weight
the september 30 I had 2.980 KG of weight
the october 1 I had 3.000 KG of weight
the october 3 I had 3.010 KG of weight
the october 5 I had 3.030 KG of weight
the october 6 I had 3.070 KG of weight
the october 8 I had 3.120 KG of weight
the october 11 I had 3.180 KG of weight
the october 18 I had 3.240 KG of weight
the october 19 I had 3.270 KG of weight
the october 23 I had 3.338 KG of weight
the october 25 I had 3.410 KG of weight
I was batisate (in italian: batessimo) the 14 october 1962 at the 'Capella Italiana di Ginevra'
is B RH+
Sight (vue, vista)
Right(droite, destra) eye: sph: -8.5 Cyl: -1.0 Axis: 180 d.
Left (gauche, sinistra) eye: sph: -5.75 Cyl: -2.0 Axis: 170 d-
Chickenpox (in french: Varicelle)
German measles (in french: Rubeolle)
My brother Gian-Piero Cecchi
He was born the morning of the 8 september 1962 in Geneva at 05:20 .
When he was born he had 2.890 KG of weight and was tall 50 centimers.