Fastball Fantasy Baseball is BACK!
Check out the above links for all the information you need. There are currently league openings. Email me at RashRiver6@aol.com for all info and to be placed on a waiting list.
Even if you aren't looking to join a league, feel free to use our resources like the TOP 100 or PLAYER COMPARISON for your own team or league.
2003 Winner - The Split Sack
2002 Winner - The Lady Bugs
2001 Winner - The Wolf Pack
2000 Winner - The Lumber Kings
1999 Winner - The Wolf Pack
Various other Stuff:
MP3s, Real Audio, VCD, XBOX, PS2, Paris Hilton Get it all...and more!
So far have been to this page.
Real Audio Music
If you check anything out, check this out.
Nothing to do with baseball, but good for some laughs.
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