Typing Speed in Words per Minute?
Amount of time you have been connected to the net?
Amount of time that you have been on #gay_Halifax?
Eye Color?
Hair Color?
Anything else you would like to add regarding your overall apperance.
Sexual Orientation?
Current status?
Field of work or field of study
Pet Peeves?
Favorite Books?
Favorite Movies?
Favorite Authors?
Favorite TV Programs?
Favorite Actors?
Type of Music you listen to?
Favorite Bands, or Musical Artists?
Favorite Foods?
Favorite IRC personalities?
Favorite IRC channels?
Favorite non-internet computer programs?
Favorite computer games?
Description of what a date with you would be like?
Qualities you dislike in a partner?
Qualities you like in a partner?
Age in which you lost your virginity?
Breat fed or bottle fed?
Dick size? If your bold enough
Astrology Sign?
Favorite Web pages, include addresses?
50 on a good day, depending on what else I'm doing, my mood, etc.
11 months
3 years 5 months - Official dino status
since Feb. 13, 1997
5'10" (aprox. I haven't measured since I was 17)
contact lenses,very neat facial hair
Single ... if you listen to the channel, you will just how single!
reading,movies,video games,music
Annoying people
Anything by Anne Rice,Something Happened by Joseph Heller
EVITA!!!,Four Wedding and a Funeral
Anne Rice
Chicago Hope,Babylon 5
Sean Connery,Christopher Walkin
Brit Pop (Oasis, Blur),Oldies
Blur,Garth Brooks,Seal,Elton John
Anything Italian,French Onion Soup,steak - mooing to rare
JONAS (the weeplee jonas),MAGIC36,Tucker2,Catcher2,Brucker
#gay_halifax, obviously
Corel WordPerfect suite 7
Privateer - part of the Wing Commander series
A fine meal (maybe homecooked),good movie,Dancing at a good club,A long walker afterwards,If you are worthy, cuddling up my a fire (maybe on the beach if the weather is good) to listen to nice music or watch the night sky.
MUST HAVE a fascinating mind,good conversationalist,must enjoy having a good time