Other nicks used?
Typing Speed in Words per Minute?
Amount of time you have been connected to the net?
Amount of time that you have been on #gay_Halifax?
Eye Color?
Hair Color?
Anything else you would like to add regarding your overall apperance.
Sexual Orientation?
Current status?
Field of work or field of study
Pet Peeves?
Favorite Books?
Favorite Movies?
Favorite Authors?
Favorite TV Programs?
Favorite Actors?
Type of Music you listen to?
Favorite Bands, or Musical Artists?
Favorite Foods?
Favorite IRC personalities?
Favorite IRC channels?
Favorite non-internet computer programs?
Favorite computer games?
Description of what a date with you would be like?
Qualities you dislike in a partner?
Qualities you like in a partner?
Age in which you lost your virginity?
Breat fed or bottle fed?
Dick size? If your bold enough
Astrology Sign?
Favorite Web pages, include addresses?
Best times to catch you on IRC?
730 to 1200 but occaionally in aft
11 months
6 mo
a couple of months
215 and rising
green i think
a cute middleaged man
attached previously married with four kids
tax consultant
hererosexis,extremists, registry of motor vehicles,
Atlas shrugged, All of Nero Wolfe
Philadelhia, Geffrey, Priscilla ET
Stephen King,Michael Crichton
Seinfeld, Friends
Too numerous to name
Anything but Streisand one of my favs
Sweets,Anything my partner's mother makes,Most any Asian
Too new to tell
Gay Halifax,Gay Dads for sons,Gaygifs
loderunner?pacman Puzzle type games like most
Would depend on who date was with I'm very flexible
Early risers, Intolerance, bad listeners
Sense of humour, Intelligence, Sexually stimulating, Sensitivity, Competitiveness
Oral sex 16, Vaginal sex 20 Anal sex 41
when flacid very small- erect i managed 6" in my younger years
but this is now rare typically about 5.50 now. I am perversely
proud that ive not yet had sex with
a guy that expanded more than me on a relative
size basis