1969 Corvette Restoration Page??
These are the early racecars! The first is one we used to race in G Production in the Midwest Council a branch of SCCA. We are racing the car which is an Austin Healy "Spridget" (the yellow one) at Milwaukee State Fair Park. The second pic is a car I drove for a friend of mine in the "Bomber" class in the dirt.
The first pic is when we finally got the car done and we're getting ready to head to the track for the first time. The other pics show the construction of the car underneath the body panels. Very good gage construction and 10 gal fuel cell in the rear of the car.
Getting ready to head out for a night of racing at the local track. The second pic is of the car in it's most recent version except for the new "nerf" bar style. The car is a 77 Olds Cutlass full frame with a Camaro front end, 9 inch Ford rear end and a jumbles of other parts to many to list. The engine is a 358 cu. in. which is mandated by our limit of 360 cu. in. including wear. The displacement was obtained by using Childs & Albert lightweight 6 inch rods on a steel crank with Keith Black Silvolite pistons. I'm not going to go into anymore depth on the engine in case some of my competition ever reads this page! We installed wedge bolts on all four coil spring corners to give us the ability to adjust the "weight" of the car easily at the track. Most cars in the class are Camaro's due to the availability of parts and the reduced weight of the Camaro's but they have to have leaf springs which reduces their adjustability. It is thought that our car is to heavy to run but it was put on a "flame wrench" diet to reduce weight. The car with a full tank of fuel and me with a full belly still have trouble coming in at the minimum weight of 3300 lbs. The car is a crowd favorite due to it being a non-Camaro and usually gets great response from the crowd! Plus the car is an all arond "kick in the pants" to drive.
Yep, we've won a few races along the way! The other pics are of the car in action in a older version, you can tell by the blue and yellow Cutlass steel bumpers as opposed to the black Camaro aluminum bumpers we run now. Just another way to get a weight reduction! I told ya the car has all the tricks!
Action pics of the car! The first two are kinda a before and after shot.The number 25 Camaro and us were dicing it out the whole race for the lead. On any givin lap the lead would change between us. On the final straight on the final lap, we were coming up to the finish line in second place. We cut down to try and make a last ditch pass when the 25 car cut down on us to block us from passing. His front bumper got locked with our front bumper and we went across the finish line locked like this. He truly beat us by just a "nose"! Once we crossed the line he remained on the gas and drove the both of us to the inside concrete retaining wall, I was on the inside and ended up on the wall! I got the worse end of that deal. Quite a bit of damage was done to our car and to say I didn't have kind words with the other driver is a major understatement. The crowd really liked the ending of the race due to how close it was and they were all on their feet. Now that I look back on it, it was one heck of a race. The third pic is what happens when one car spins in traffic and what insues. We locked up our car as did several others to avoid hitting the spun car. Luckly, we got out of this one un-scathed. Look at the direction of everyones head in the cars looking to see what will happen next. This is not a stopped picture and was taken the instant everything went wild. Note the movement in the 37 Camaro.
First pic is with Morgan Shepard, who we were his guests for this race (Charlotte '97 UAW - GM 500). The pic is in front of his motorhome and that's his '59 red Caddy off to the right. The second pic is when we walked out of Morgan's motorhome and there sat Cale Yarborough and Richard Petty drinking coffee at Cale's motorhome all by themselves. It was unreal seeing them sit there with no one around just like anybody else. The third pic is at Mike Skinner's motorhome. The fourth is my son Chase in Dale Earnhardt's pits.
The first pic is of Morgan's pits, second is on the infield with Chase before the start of the race, the third and fourth are me driving a "Super Truck" at the Concord Speedway, that was a great trip and one Chase nor I will ever forget!