I love all types of sports. I love to play basketball. I also love to watch baseball, hockey, basketball, and football.
I love to watchg television, but I do not get the chace to this as much as I like to. The shows I love to watch are E.R.,The Simpsons, and many more. I will put them on here after I find some more links.
I love to play sports as well as I like to watch them. Some of the sports I like to play are basketball. I am learning how to play tennis at the time. I would love to get that game down. The game I would love to learn how to play is ice hockey.
I love to listen to many different types of music. I have divided the types of music into two areas and listed the artist I like to listed to.
I love going to the movies. After I get alittle farther in the production of my page I will have movie reviews. So you can see how a movie really rates on a scale of 1 to 10. No more take my word for it.