This page is a resource enabling 1999 graduates of the Electroacoustics and Audiotechnology courses at the University of Salford, and their friends, to remain in contact with one another.
I'm still in a band, playing cheesy covers, and we're about to start gigging again soon, so email me if you're interested in coming down for a listen if you're in the Manchester area!
Glad to hear that everyone's getting on well!
All the best,
Hope to hear from people soon, and hope you're all enjoying yourselves!"
Best wishes to you all
Nice to see that everybody is in employment and living 'normal' lives at last... a far cry from those days as a student (I should talk!!). I'm still living in the sleepy village of Newhey (near Rochdale), and I think it's the longest I've ever lived anywhere for the best part of 10 years.
My weekends are no longer filled with PA work as I have finally found something constructive to do with my life, I've been learning to scuba dive. Its great, and I don't know why I never tried it before. If any of you get the chance to try it out... DO IT!!! If all goes to plan I should be going
to the Red Sea to swim with Hammerhead and Reef sharks at Easter and later in the year to South Africa to go diving with Great White sharks - whey-hey!! I realise there's a common denominator here - yes sharks, they're so cute!! Check out the links:
If that's not enough, I'm also training to become a gliding instructor which takes up quite a lot of my time.. oh yes, how could I forget... and there's my PhD. That's nearing the end with a mere nine months to go and the research is going well. The ultimate diffuse array is just around
the corner... oh yeah!! I will be presenting a paper at the AES Munich conference so hope to see some of you there.
As I have such a busy social life I'm still single, and for the foreseeable future.... who knows!!!
Hope to see you all soon,
I'm one of the guys who joined you in the final year after your year in industry. I'm working as research engineer for Goodmans Loudspeakers Limited (GLL) down there in Havant near Portsmouth. Having a whale of a time messing around with fragments of speakers and playing with PAFEC all day. Feel free to drop me a line anytime on either: or"
More importantly I can get mail routed directly at
New address I think
Did I ever tell people that I was moving up here? My memory is screwy
at the moment.
New stuff on the EngineAnt front.
I've got myself a couple of club nights up here, where I run the tech stuff, eg. I make sure that ISDN lines are correct for the night and that the mix is cool for the radio. I get to work friday nights and saturday nights (oh joy - I'm sure I don't get paid enough for it) I run some very shady deals
on computer parts, digicams, and pretty much, you name it and I can get it sort of thing (so if you are short a couple of Christmas presents....)
I have moved into my new house (many months ago now) with Jude, and we share a tense arrangement as couples usually do, that washing up gets done and things like that.
Just an added note - If any is looking for a job, there are usually radio gigs going up here, whether it be at Emap/Capitol or the rest. Give us a shout and I can put you in the right direction.
North -- its the place to be.
"I have recently added forums to my website
Potter along and place your messages. I will be administrating throughout the day, and will see messages pretty much as they appear. Plus you can use the board to chat if using the phone is too much trouble.
If anyone is geeky enough own a webcam I will be sorting out a camportal, that anyone who wants to can join in. Laugh at the terrible jokes we can perform, cry at how ugly we look. (As you can see I do own a webcam and I do use it! Oh do I!)
Antony Hill
Station Engineer
TFM & Magic 1170"
I've now moved out of Huntingdon to Sawtry, a village north of Huntingdon, just off the A1. I have much more space now, and it's a lot quieter than my old flat in Huntingdon.
Outside work I seem to spend every spare moment working on the robot – make sure you keep watching, because we've been doing quite well..." or
My old mobile number has also been resurrected
Please update your address and phone books accordingly.
All the best, Rupert"
Just to let you all know that I have just handed my notice in at work pending starting a new job in Birmingham on the 5th of June!! My last day working here will be the 22nd of May. Then I'll have a couple of weeks to try and move house. If anyone knows of anyone with an empty room in Brum then shout up!
My new job is with WSP Group, an environmental consultancy and I'll be working within their acoustics department performing many an acoustical survey and write up including new stadiums, roads, shopping centres and housing developments etc. They even did the survey for the new LCFC Stadium!!!!!
Ta – Jim"
Yes, things have changed again ever since, and it's again time to update the info page (sorry
So I have taken a new job 9 months ago, developing new hearing aids for Phonak in their Electroacoustics departement (you'll find us at and as well sometimes doing some modelling of the human hearing and its components. It's been a big change and quite a massive challenge, so I'm spending hours and hours at the office... But then Pris as well has started a new career as a Business Information Analyst at DOW Chemical, she as well is very happy and challenged, so we're both busy working at the moment.
Now, it's about time to see you all again, so get the barbecue organised and let us know when
it takes place ! We're both missing England and would love to jump over for some drinks !
So take care of yourselves !
Pris & Tom"
Click here to see Andrews Simpson and Marchant thrashing their cars down a dragstrip...
"Hi Andy
I am still at Arvin doing vehicle NVH, and still enjoying it.
I think I can hear a cup of coffee calling... better go
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