3) What's your opinion on America?
4) How did you find my site? No comment Yahoo Other Search Engine GeoGuide Got it bookmarked Link from another page Word of mouth Random surfing
6) What should I put here?
7) What's the best place you ever made Love?
8) More important on a date: good looks or intelligence? No comment. Good looks, DUH!!! Intelligence of course. My dates have BOTH, Dear! I prefer a sexy body with good looks and a brain. If its human, well then ok. I don't date. What a shallow question! Cows, pigs, sheep, dogs, whatever.
9) Can God (the almighty) create a stone he can not lift? No comment He can He can't Which God? This is making my brain hurt! Stupid question, next. Who's care. There is no God.
10) COMMENTS BOX: Any other random comments?
11) Favorate part of my hompage? No comment The bio The personal pictures The Poetry The Music playing The religion paper The guestbook The survey The links The whole thing None of it...it all sucked
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