(Pages made for everybody to see and to be enlightened. DaBoMb network is dedicated to the aSiaN culture and society. Much love & props to other aSiaNs out there thats making a difference in society for equal ethnical rights!)
-Since you clicked in here, won't you please care to read about me and my pages?-
My pages were first published to the web on July 23rd, 1996. At that time, DaBoMb network was just another personal web page that did not serve any purposes. I was 14 years old at that time. The first pages were actually made to compete with other friends of mine to whom finished fastest and the best at the end. Later in the year, the pages changed into a HK Star Web Page which brought info. and graphics of Asian stars like Jacky Cheung, Tarcy Su, Andy Lau, and many others. As updating pages for so many stars were very frustrating, the pages soon became un-managed and obsolete due to the new developers that made surfing even more fun to viewers. The HK Star pages was then closed on February 97. The old run down pages are still up in a way, but it would not be wise to tell you where it lies. =)
DaBoMb network later in September 96 helped raise a little internet campaign page to help President Bill Clinton win the election. Beacuase the page was made so late during the Clinton Campaign which started in early 96, the "Vote for Bill Clinton" page lasted a mere month or two.
DaBoMb network "98" are the pages you are now reading. All of the old crappy pages have been dumped out and completely written over again with the newest developing techniques. Our pages now have a whole new focus to viewers like you. It is to enlighten you with the art of motorsports. Although there may be actually other things on my pages like a China HK Link, most of the data on these pages lies in the cars section which shows 100% beautimobile graphics. As a catch to all this, my motto of aSiaN Equality is written all over behind my pages. It may be funny to you, but i certainly do not think it as so. aSiaN Equality does not mean that aSiaNs are better than any other race but equal to all of them. There are so many aSiaNs in this world getting picked on. This can only be stopped with love. I believe with love and quality, all races will know they are no better then any other in all ways. I'm not just aSiaN pRiDe, but I believe in Human Pride also.
-peace, brothers and sisters
Well, This is the latest picture of me that i have taken, not a good sight, but.. O wells!
Pages Made in Chinatown San Francisco, California, USA
©1997-98 DaBoMb network, All rights Reserved