Welcome to Fly N' Hi's
     Picture Page #2
Pull on over and take a break, it will do you good!
Here is Dave and Janes other toy,
waiting to
be the new Trail Runner, in the beginning of mods!
Darryl, in the "Little Engine that Could" tries to
top Eric, by making it up in record time!
Here we have the Scott and Staci Ericksons purple jeep
playing in the Wisconsin Winter.
Of course, we could have used more snow!
Here we have Dave in his Ranger, playing around.
                He sure has fun.
                Let's hope the axle's remain intact!
Man, dem ruts are deep!!!  Think I shoulda removed the plow frame?
Scott Schoenherr, our resident "WildChild"
just playing around in the snow a bit
February Salk City Run
Todd, on the left, and Scott on the right look like they are
in a race to make it to the top, before the other one gets
there!  The hill doesn't look very steep here, but believe
me, it was pretty tough!
Two of our remembered vehicles, The Big Red Boys,
parked proudly together, after an afternoon of playing
in the sand pit.  "Ah, yes, we remember them well!"

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Hey!  Get these weeds outta my way!
Here he goes again!!!!!