Welcome to Quester's Picture Gallery. If you are looking for a knight in shining armor with a Holy Grail on his mind, you may or may not be wholly wrong. Grails come in various shades and configurations. For years my quest had been for something around 34x29x36 with shapely buns attached. That was always an interesting thread weaving through many of Quester's dreams. It wasn't until the middle of the 80s that my quest got completed.
As Quester, if I created an entirely different world within another reality, that dream-chase would still be present, as God's gift to the human experience. Why not! I've always been good to myself, for that is where the bounty I may be able to bestow upon my environment will begin. We are always the Source for what we give back to our world. That is the Great Mystery buried within us. He/She/It(God) is really our dream-maker, but it is a symbiotic relationship. We are the Creator's eyes, ears, nose, and fingers giving happiness through our experiencing our dreams for Him/Her/It. The question do I believe in God is obvious. We are all part and parcel of the GodStuff in the universe, and we are all expanding! Magic? Mystery? Sacred? Holy? We are all that and even more. We are all sons and daughters of God as Christ was. To bad this is not reflected more in our behavior!
As a Quester, I have found myself the happiest when creating something from nothing. That also makes me responsible for my own condition, and from there I know that my well-being comes from within as well, as from my perceptions of my effect upon others. How true that no one is an island, yet it often appears that way when our relationships go sour.
This is ol' Claude, my parrot who always offers me some of my best advice.Click on picture for another artwork drawing of Claude. He channels people from the past occasionally.
CLICK HERE for the Chinese tale of a young girl with a problem of shyness and how it can be overcome. The book is called When Chinese Dragons Cry
Then there is a short funny response to:
I have finally published two new books that are now available on the net. They are being offered to several movie studios in an open auction for the screenplay rights. Hey, a guy can dream can't he? Oh yes!
Click on these links and leave this site for 1stbooks.com and a chance to obtain these two very unique adventurous, romantic, martial arts, and action filled novels. Go there now! They are also coming out soon in hardcover so your favorite library could order them if you asked and you could read them free. Couldn't make me happier!
Links to other Quester sites on the Web. Now you know why you bookmarked this site. So that you can come back and visit these other sites that have something to offer for your entertainment. Do come back and click on these.
CLICK HERE for a trip into Quester's Territory: Gateway To Atlantis... and you will find A Novel Approach To Atlantis.
Quester's Gift From The GodsThis is the rather novel approach to a cowboy and Muse love story with a lively time in Atlantis thrown in for spicy seasoning.
A site of one fabulous tale of a South Sea Island female! Good story-line too. Or you could try your personality with Western Astrology here. Click here for a whole page of free stuff. Click here for an experience with yachts (sailboats actually). Quester had a 39' steel cutter he would like you to see. You might even want to own one like it for yourself! Lots of pictures of it. Click here for a Quester's Art Gallery. See how an artist grows, changes, and matures as he finds his style. The quest is the thing. These are canvas works of art that Quester did himself. Quester's Chinese TerritoriesFree key to your character via Chinese astrology Quester's Territories: Joke Gallery and humor galore. Quester's Territories: Was Marilyn Monroe's famous red covered diary discovered by Quester? Was it true she collected dumb blonde jokes? Find out for yourself. Click here to go forward to great reading. This is the beginning of a book by Siang Ying (Quester's Significant Other) describing her childhood growing up on the island of Borneo. Sarawak used to be independent but now is a part of Malaysia.
Quester's Beach House This is where YOU can experience living on the beach along the Gulf of Mexico. Available daily, weekly, or monthly. Nicely furnished and ready for your vacation. Pets welcome.
©Copyright 2006 Quester Mail to: beimers@hotmail.com This Quester Site last updated on November 12, 2006. CLICK HERE