Prairie City SVRA 1/10/99

Here are some pictures from my latest trip to Prairie City. I was a bit more daring this time out and learned a few things:
1. It is wise to roll up your windows before hitting a mud puddle at 30 MPH.
2. It is unwise to attemp the Mini-Rubicon(the new one if your familiar with the park)
in a unlocked truck with no rocker panel protection, after a Jeep with an ARB and body armor
has a tough time. But still a lot of fun.
3. Pathfinders can fly!

Click for larger version
YEEEEHAAWWW! Damn thats alot of fun. I saw a couple of other trucks doing this otherwise I never would have tried. The landings were suprisingly soft. Well not soft, but easier than I expected. The Pathfinders good weight distribution let it stay almost level in the air.
The photos came out a bit blurred, but not bad for a box camera trying to get action shots. I know I hit the jump at more than 45 MPH and maybe as fast as 55
Another shot from the back
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