Fourth Floor MOTHA #$#@'IN REC
(in no particular order) These are Da Boyz of Floor #4:
Darin- aka. Team Dope aka. D aka. Bich- A kick ass guy coming straight outta Concord California. A few of D's favorite things are trains and the study of history. big war movie buff. He was a ROTC man so he knows a little about what the military life is like. Don't think though, since he is a Cali native that he doesn't like MN. He is a big sports fan like most of us in 4th floor rec. and Darin supports all the MN teams Wolves, Vikes, Twins, with vigor! And if you are from Wisconsin especially if you are a Cheeshead Packer fan watch out! He doesn't like you. I give him a lot of props for that feeling, because I agree completley.
TK- aka. Thomas aka. T Kake aka. Cake Boy- what can you say about TK. Coming straight out of "Cake High" Totino Grace highschool TK was an academic exceller. Everyone gives him a little crap about Totino because it is a little bit of a preppy school. Salutatorian in his class. That will not be believable to you if you are ever around him at a party! jk TK. anyways. a little more info about TK he now works at 3M which will earn him millions in the future so if you ever meet him be nice. TK also endorses the movie Titanic and grooves to Snoop Dogg but most of his music is hard/rock and alternative. I love to quote Tk's saying "I'm all about that." Also some of TK's hand motions have been made very famous, we won't get into that. TK!!!!!
Scotty- aka. Weis-the-juice-brod aka. SA aka. Beam me up Scotty- Baseball sensation from Monticello High. Also a pretty damn good basketball player. Likes for Scotty include Baseball, chicks (one chick right now), and also a big baseball fan!! Does a lot of studying as do much of 4thflrc. except for me. He is a IT student so you kind of have to when you are in that college. MO props to Scotty's choice of music: rock and roll. Scotty just got raped by his pysics final. finals suck. Scott's got a nice lookin' woman too.
ICE-aka. Cradick. This NEBRASKA native has excellent taste in music. He has got some Master P, Snoop Dogg, Warren G. Favorite for the Ice man would be 311 though. Sometimes I worry about the guy with the obsession with 311 but its all good!! The 4thflrec Barber and my new barber is also an IT student so he is an excellent student. Always setting that above important things like chillin. But he has got his priorities. Also a big Seinfeld fan. 5:55 every night Ice Man would start getting nervous that he was gonna miss it so he would be out of the cafeteria. I would also have to give Ice Mo Props for his good lookin honey Connie!
Goose- Big Shot out to my LP/GE homie!! This Grey Eagle MN native is a kick ass video game player. He is also a big Korn fan and he got me hooked on em. It was kinda f*&(ed up that 2 of the 3 lp/ge graduates ended up on the same floor of the same dorm at the U of M. pretty cool stuff. I don't like playing Madden against goose though because once I beat him and I thought he was gonna Kill me!! lol. But Goose is a very important leader in the treck downstairs to supper every night at 5:30 and a guy who always has good taste in a good lookin women, i give lotsa props to Goose.
Tommy- aka. Shotmaker aka. Harkman- Tommy is the shitt. Excellent taste in music including Master P(got me hooked), Notorious, and some more Master P. I agree with Tommy on mostly everything except for his cheering for the Utah Jazz which I can't understand. But mo props to the Tommy's baskeball commentary. Tommy is also a Monticello Magic native and plays golf and is money on threes playing basketball. He was a member of my three on three intramural team along with Ice. We should not have lost. I called Tommy Steve Kerr because he also has a smooth shooting stroke. He is single, like me ladies so watch out!
Coach Clark(not a fourth foor member but deserves a mention)- aka. MC- Coach Clark is one of the guys I would have to give the bottom line to on a lot of subjects as well. You can also call him VP Clark as he is the Vice President of the Minnesota Student Association. Is always looking out for other people and how can you not give props to that. Also he is a pretty kick ass Trombone Player in the Marching Band.
Me- what can I say?? I'm a Ho you know i'm a ho. Peace out.
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